car mirror oor Katalaans

car mirror

a mirror that the driver of a car can use

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mirall de l'automòbil

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For all this distance, the silhouette of the bodyguard’s head has continued to rotate between the car’s mirrors.
Durant tot el trajecte, la silueta del cap del guardaespatlles ha continuat girant entre els retrovisors.Literature Literature
Carol smiled to herself, winked at her reflection in the car’s rearview mirror.
Carol somrigué per a ella mateixa, féu l’ullet al seu reflex que apareixia al retrovisor del cotxe.Literature Literature
They are just outside of Newbury when Rachel sees the state police car in her rearview mirror.
Són tot just als afores de Newbury quan la Rachel veu un cotxe de la policia de l’estat pel retrovisor.Literature Literature
As Gallo shot off like a rocket, he looked in the mirror: Fazio’s car was right behind, practically stuck to his bumper.
Mentre en Gallo feia xerricar les rodes, va mirar pel retrovisor: el cotxe d'en Fazio els seguia pràcticament enganxat.Literature Literature
Twenty minutes later, Wallander saw the lights from Nyberg’s car appear in the rearview mirror.
Vint minuts més tard Wallander ja veia els fars del cotxe de Nyberg al seu mirall retrovisor.Literature Literature
The sun was making the mirrors of the cars sparkle.
El sol feia llampegar els retrovisors dels cotxes.Literature Literature
He started to snap the side-view mirrors off parked cars, one after the other.
Ell va començar a trencar d’un cop els miralls laterals dels cotxes aparcats, l’un rere l’altre.Literature Literature
I catch a glimpse of myself in the rearview mirror of a car and my cheeks still sparkle gold.
Veig un moment el meu reflex al retrovisor d’un cotxe i les galtes encara em brillen amb un toc daurat.Literature Literature
The low October sun is reflected in the wing mirror of a car driving away in the rush hour.
El sol baix d’octubre es reflecteix en el retrovisor d’un cotxe que passa en hora punta.Literature Literature
The low October sun is reflected in the wing mirror of a car driving away in the rush hour.
El sol baix d'octubre es reflecteix en el retrovisor d'un cotxe que passa en hora punta.Literature Literature
(This little rectangular mirror inside the car, Mr Jiabao – has no one ever noticed before how embarrassing it is?
(Senyor Jiabao, aquest mirallet rectangular dins el cotxe..., que ningú no s’ha adonat de com n’és, d’empipador?Literature Literature
Passing cars can easily clip protruding wing mirrors; the folding capability helps protect them from harm.
Passant els cotxes poden fàcilment clip protruding miralls d'ala; les ajudes de capacitat plegables els protegeixen de mal.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Then I noticed that the Smart car was missing its left wing mirror.
Després em vaig adonar que a l’Smart li faltava el retrovisor esquerre.Literature Literature
I could rip off the rear-view mirror and smash the car window.
Hauria pogut arrencar el mirall retrovisor i fer-lo servir per trencar el vidre de la finestreta.Literature Literature
In the rental car, she adjusted the seat and mirrors, which he'd moved the night before.
Dins del cotxe llogat, ella va ajustar el seient i els miralls que ell havia mogut la nit anterior.Literature Literature
“Was the license plate of the big car you saw in the rearview mirror by any chance GI 866 CP?”
—La matrícula del cotxe gros que vas veure pel retrovisor no devia ser, per casualitat, GI866CP?Literature Literature
He had seen a cross dangling from the rearview mirror of a car full of whites come to insult the little girls of Ruby.
Havia vist una creu que ballava pel retrovisor d’un cotxe ple de blancs que havien vingut a insultar les nenes de Ruby.Literature Literature
Only the driver can see really accurately in the rear-view mirror; but there was a car behind us.
Només el conductor hi veu bé pel retrovisor, però darrera nostre hi havia un cotxe.Literature Literature
As I drove, I kept one eye on the mirror, but as yet no car seemed to be following me.
Mentre conduïa tenia un ull en el retrovisor, però de moment no semblava que em seguís cap cotxe.Literature Literature
You could see, in your rearview mirror, that the driver of the car was alone.
Pel retrovisor, vas poder veure que el conductor anava sol.Literature Literature
rearview mirror and, sure enough, the dark car I saw earlier is still behind us.
Clavo una ullada ràpida al retrovisor i vet aquí que veig el cotxe fosc d’abans encara a darrere nostre.Literature Literature
He glanced quickly into the mirror before getting out of the car.
Es va mirar fugaçment al mirall abans de sortir del cotxe.Literature Literature
Although almost all modern cars mount their side mirrors on the doors—normally at the A-pillar—rather than the wings (the portion of the body above the wheel well), the term "wing mirror" is still frequently used.
Tot i que gairebé tots els cotxes moderns munten els seus miralls de costat en les portes, normalment a l'Un-pilar, més que les ales (porció – de guardafocs de cos per sobre de la roda bé), el "terme de mirall" de l'ala és encara freqüentment va utilitzar.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In his rear-view mirror he noticed that the car behind him had also stopped, and he knew that he ought to get going.
Va mirar pel retrovisor i va veure que el cotxe que feia una estona que anava darrere seu també s’havia aturat.Literature Literature
In his rear-view mirror he noticed that the car behind him had also stopped, and he knew that he ought to get going.
Va mirar pel retrovisor i va veure que el cotxe que feia una estona que anava darrere seu també s'havia aturat.Literature Literature
38 sinne gevind in 15 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.