check-up oor Katalaans


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I’ve checked up on that mysterious code.
Pla de característiquesLiterature Literature
Old Dr Sigrid Nygren, an inveterate theatre enthusiast, had conducted a general medical check-up on me.
la guerra ha matat l' amor, Sydney... i els qui confessen a l' Angka desapareixen... i ningú no demana on han anatLiterature Literature
Mom is going to see him this afternoon and check up on him.
Imprimint el crontabLiterature Literature
I was just checking up on you.
Molt bé, Olivia, perdona un segonOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Check up all entrances and exits.
& Afegeix màquinaLiterature Literature
As Molotov once said, "One should listen to them, but it is necessary to check up on them.
Esclar que sí!WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
You’d better have frequent check-ups, and it’s best if you don’t do any heavy work.’
la mexicana més esvelta del món aprèn la primera frase... i la fa servir per veure com m' emboteixo en aquestaLiterature Literature
‘There’s no rush,’ he added, ‘but I would like to give you a thorough check-up.’
Públiques i de conformitat amb la Comissió JurídicaLiterature Literature
He got the report from Toronto by radio and was asked to check up.”
Llei orgànica 8 / 1985 , de 3 de juliol , reguladora del dret aLiterature Literature
“We can check up on that later if it’s important.”
Normes subsidiàries de planejament per ampliar el sector industrialLiterature Literature
Perhaps these encounters had become a comfortable way for him to check up on me.
Treu- te les sabatesLiterature Literature
Someone has to check up on what Jan Hagman and Kristian Nordstrom were doing during the Midsummer holiday.
Sé perfectament què vullLiterature Literature
In Salt Lake City the pimps checked up on their girls and we drove on.
al Registre de la propietat de la totalitat dels terrenys que ,d ' acord amb elsLiterature Literature
He called every afternoon, but I knew he was also calling Fish-Breath, to check up on me.
Decidit, doncsLiterature Literature
Checking up on that, I found damned few women in proportion to the men.
A les notícies de lesLiterature Literature
I invite you to check up on everyone I know and ask them.""
Configura el selector de parladorLiterature Literature
I got this lead I wanted to check up on.
a Lleida el dia 26 de setembre de 1995 ,OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
If he’s going to lie, then I’m going to check up on him.
Els espais de color implementa la classe purament virtual KisColorSpace. Hi ha dos tipus d' espais de color: aquells que usen lcms per a transformacions entre espais de color, i aquells que són massa estranys per a que els gestioni lcms. Exemples dels primers són are cmyk, rgb, yuv. Un exemple de l' últim és l' aquarel· la o wet & sticky. Els espais de color que usen lcms poden ser derivat de KisAbstractColorSpace, o d' una de les classes base especialitzades per a un cert número de bits per canalLiterature Literature
I'm not after a fucking check-up!
L' atribut String identifica la llista de paraules clau pel seu nom. Haurà d' existir una llista amb aquest nomOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Why was he checking up on him like this?
Se' n faria creus, de la mala propaganda que fan dels campsLiterature Literature
Checking up on me and on my car.
Quan comptin enrere fins a zero els tres astronautes s' enlairaran amb I' Apolo # des d' AmèricaLiterature Literature
Anyway, it might be worth checking up on his findings so far.
Tractar als pacients és el que amarga als metgesLiterature Literature
'You ought to have a more complete check-up if you are really thinking of going abroad.'
Vinga va, com passarà això?Literature Literature
Thanks for checking up on me.
Quin és el meu lloc entre els homes?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
If people, certain people, were checking up on me, they might wonder why the change in routine.
Director general d ’ Administració LocalLiterature Literature
377 sinne gevind in 41 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.