cozy oor Katalaans


/ˈkoʊzi/, /ˈkəʊzi/ adjektief, werkwoord, naamwoord
Affording comfort and warmth; snug; social

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Now, what brings this pale paragon of Puritan virtue into my cozy den of sin?
Ara, què porta a aquest diamant pàl · lid de virtut puritana al meu acollidor cau del pecat?
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tea cozy


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
It was cozy, filled with the accumulated small possessions of several years.
comptar de l ' endemà de la seva publicació al DOGC , segons el queLiterature Literature
But I’m warning you: if you win that hideous tea cozy, no one will marry you.”
Visualitza Zoom automàticLiterature Literature
If the seat were more comfortable, he could almost call it cozy.
Heu entrat un resultat correcte però no simplificat Sempre heu d' entrar els vostres resultats simplificats. Aquesta tasca serà comptabilitzada com a no resolta correctamentLiterature Literature
But while the emptiness of the downstairs was dramatic and clinical, up here it feels calm, almost cozy.
fungibilitat amb altres emissions de similars característiques quan aLiterature Literature
The place seemed almost cozy when there wasn’t any reason to have windows anyway.
Em costava d' imaginar- me que sota les faldilles, la Sra.BoothLiterature Literature
We could have a fire, and close all the windows and doors, and be cozy in the firelight.”
El següent, per favorLiterature Literature
It’s really very cozy here, and maybe I was wrong about this Dr.
Comarca del BarcelonèsLiterature Literature
The teapot, under its cozy, is on the table, and the guests enter the room.
Espais complementaris al c . Ausiàs March , 67-69 .Literature Literature
They were too cozy with the people who made those laws.
Afegit de & kcron; al diàleg de & kdeprintLiterature Literature
It was large and cozy, the furniture comfortable and practical, even if somewhat worn.
RESOLUCIÓ de 13 de juliol de 1998 , per la qual s ' atorga a l ' empresa Renfe l ' autorització administrativa per efectuar la transmissió de la titularitat de la línia de transport d ' energia elèctrica a 132 kV , d ' alimentació de la subestació Llançà , a favor de l ' empresa ENHER , SA .Literature Literature
Normally she enjoyed these cozy evenings.
Entrada microLiterature Literature
It looks cold outside, but this room is cozy.
per curs el preu públicOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You know, if you really want tenure, maybe you should cozy up to the people making the decision.
interposat contra la instrucció de 24 de gener de 1994 dictada pelsOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
To make it more cozy, she says.”
Creus que li faig mal volent?Literature Literature
“I’m so sorry to break up this cozy little gathering,” she said, her voice trembling.
Executa seqüènciaLiterature Literature
Then Lucy took me upstairs, and showed me a room next her own, where a cozy fire was burning.
Està bé, pregunteu.Col· lega!Literature Literature
It was a cozy place we had discovered while walking aimlessly through the city.
Atès que les regles coincideixen amb el començament de la cadena actual, una expressió regular que comenci amb el símbol del barret (^) indica que la regla tan sols s' haurà de comparar amb el començament d' una líniaLiterature Literature
“Like when he cozied up to your daughter?”
Aquest complement té per objectiu respectar " ad personam " les diferències salarials existents entre el personal , en aquells conceptes que no es poden incloure en cap dels complements salarials del personal laboral abans enumerats .Literature Literature
In his days as a pupil there had been no warm and cozy venue resembling a coffee shop on the ground floor.
Marca tots els missatges en la conversa seleccionada com a llegitsLiterature Literature
It's gonna be a little cozy in there.
Aprovar definitivament la modificació puntual del Pla parcial la Collada-els Sis Camins , de Vilanova i la Geltrú .OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But it looked cozy – even through the tall palms that Victor left on the property when it was cleared.
La & mida del fitxer ésLiterature Literature
Should I ruin this cozy atmosphere with morality?
Madrid , 15 de setembre de 1998Literature Literature
No, Lizzie never wanted to return to that life, no matter how attractive a warm room and cozy kitchen might be.
Carrega fitxers. kget que han estat creats amb Fitxer Exporta la llista de transferènciesLiterature Literature
“but still one moon. and it all round and cozy in the mortal sky.”
--1 Donar conformitat al text refós de la ModificacióLiterature Literature
The apartment was small, and I’d told Pip in an email that it was cozy, but it was too cozy, too small.
Article 14Literature Literature
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