craftiness oor Katalaans


Skill in deception, slyness

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Let us reject his crafty efforts to lure us into sin!
naus es procedirà a la recuperació de la capa edàfica i aljw2019 jw2019
12 And also that God hath set his hand and seal to change the atimes and seasons, and to blind their bminds, that they may not understand his cmarvelous workings; that he may dprove them also and take them in their own craftiness;
Estàndards implementatsLDS LDS
But he’s so rich and crafty that he never gets caught.
N' hi ha dos nois nous a casa teva, oi?Literature Literature
We worked out increasingly crafty strategies for not getting caught.
Ja et vaig dir que li encantariaLiterature Literature
The last thing we see is the door opening and Wakefield going inside with a crafty smile on his face.
Usar el ratolíLiterature Literature
It’s difficult to steal a cow – you can’t slip it into your satchel – but he’ll have a crafty scheme.”
Tinc feina a fer en un altre llocLiterature Literature
You must be crafty.
--4 Autoritzar l ' obertura de l ' etapa d ' educacióOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He did not move, but I saw his crafty eyes glance over my shoulder.
La configuració del component d' edicióLiterature Literature
That’s just where I’m trying to be tricky,with every crafty ruse I know.”
Hores d' excepcióLiterature Literature
Now would he track down the crafty Sabor and slay her likewise.
– Que si m' agradaria? – Són # dòlars. # dòlars? – D' acord.Oblidi– ho. – Un moment. – Corro el risc de perdre la feina. – Són molts diners, però... – Au, afanyi’ sLiterature Literature
In this dramatised version of history, Chen Gong was credited with much undue moral righteousness and craftiness, perhaps to accentuate the unscrupulousness of Cao Cao and incompetence of Lü Bu.
imparteixen ensenyaments de règim general no universitaris i el DecretWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
‘Oh,’ said Georgie, cunning and crafty in his grin, ‘the old moloko-plus first, would you not say?
PersonalitzatLiterature Literature
Luck is crafty: you cannot see it, you cannot touch it, nor can you say for sure what it is.
Marqueu-lo si voleu incloure fitxers que estiguin en la ruta de la carpeta principal. Deixeu-lo sense marcar si esteu començant un projecte des de ceroLiterature Literature
"""Oh,"" said Georgie, cunning and crafty in his grin, ""the old moloko-plus first, would you not say?"
interposar , amb la comunicació prèvia al conseller deLiterature Literature
Billy was not the most clever, but he was crafty, and he liked to play the fool.
Potser en aquest cas el Reader' s Digest té raóLiterature Literature
So, if that was not where he spent the nights... where in God’s name did the crafty old villain sleep?
Em refereixo a la guerra que està a punt d' esclatarLiterature Literature
Dad had had the impudence to forgive me; he had even been so crafty as to act proud.
Selecciona tots els caràcters des del començament de la secció fins al començament de la líniaLiterature Literature
“You crafty old bastard, you’re offering a trade!
Tingueu molta cura amb el següent conjunt de directivesLiterature Literature
But the writing was crafty and very beautiful, the hand of an educated man.
Llívia ,Literature Literature
They’re crafty and careful, they never come until Lucette’s in bed.
Sí, com desorientadaLiterature Literature
And she’s just as crafty as the rest of them!”
Algun dia ella també ho faràLiterature Literature
He wanted her to offer the information, not to have to pull it from her by force of crafty questioning.
Et preocupa?Literature Literature
And he was crafty, well skilled to gain what he would by subtlety when force might not avail.
No sóc l' home que tu creus!Literature Literature
He never made any crafty telephone calls in any pub I was ever with him in.
La nostra millor arma contra aquestes bèsties satàniques és aquest home.És un predicadorLiterature Literature
The charter captain’s mustachioed brother-in-law owned the place—an extended family of crafty Greeks.
No s' ha pogut descodificar el suport d' origenLiterature Literature
81 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.