dare oor Katalaans


/deə(ɹ)/ werkwoord, naamwoord
(intransitive) To have enough courage (to do something).

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans


to have courage
How dare you come in here and make these accusations?
Com goses venir aquí i fer aquestes acusacions?





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tenir audàcia · desafiament · desafiar · atrevir-se

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans

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agosarat · atreviment · atrevit · audaç · audàcia · brau · coratge · coratjós · desafiament · excellent · gosadia · impertinent · intrèpid · magnífic · superior · valent · ànim


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To write the ‘impossible’ is to legitimize it, to dare to question whether it might exist.
Escriure l’«impossible» és atrevir-se a plantejar-se si existeix i autoritzar els intents de legitimar-lo.Literature Literature
‘Because no witness dares to appear against them.
—Perquè no hi ha ningú que gosi comparèixer com a testimoni contra ells.Literature Literature
But it was not a promise he dared keep.
Però no era una promesa que pensés complir.Literature Literature
‘Only someone who wants something would dare that sort of flattery.
Només algú que vol alguna cosa s’atreviria a fer aquesta mena d’afalacs.Literature Literature
Two Skies dared not refuse, though she was certain the old shaman meant to use her sexually.
Ella no va gosar negar-s’hi, tot i que sabia que el vell xaman tenia la intenció d’utilitzar-la sexualment.Literature Literature
Still, of course, I never dared to leave the room for an instant, for I was not sure when he might come, and the billet was such a good one, and suited me so well, that I would not risk the loss of it.
Tot i això, per descomptat, mai em vaig atrevir a sortir de l'habitació per un instant, perquè jo no estava segur de quan pot arribar, i el bitllet era tan bona, i em venia tan bé, que jo no correria el risc de la pèrdua d'aquesta.QED QED
I dare say it’s my fault, though I’ve really always tried to be decent.
Gairebé diria que la culpa és meva, per bé que he intentat al màxim tenir-hi una bona relació.Literature Literature
I’d like to, but I don’t dare.’
Bé saps com m’agradaria, però no m’atreveixo!Literature Literature
We dared not confess it, but we were deathly afraid.
No ho confessàvem, però ens moríem de por.Literature Literature
But I dared not interrupt her.
Però no m’atrevia a interrompre-la.Literature Literature
As to my aunt's letter, it simply amounted, poor soul, to this--that she dare not disobey her medical man.
Quant a la carta de la meva tia, simplement deia, pobra ànima, que no gosava desobeir el seu metge de confiança.Literature Literature
“How dare you say then that the ‘Via fora’ is none of the boy’s business?”
Doncs com goses dir que el «via fora» no és cosa d'ell?Literature Literature
No one dared be seen voting against the Pope.
Ningú s'ha atrevit a ser vist votant contra el papa.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
‘Or perhaps glued to the rock of his ancestors without daring to budge.
—O ben arrelat a la roca dels seus avantpassats i sense atrevir-se a allunyar-se’n.Literature Literature
She grabbed his arm and said, ‘I’m coming in with you and don’t you dare say you have a meeting.’
Va agafar-lo pel braç i li va dir: —Ara pujaré amb tu, i no t’atreveixis a dir-me que tens una reunió.Literature Literature
She always wanted him to be a little more daring, and take greater risks, than was his inclination.
Sempre volia que fos una mica més atrevit, que s’arrisqués més del que ell estava inclinat a fer.Literature Literature
There was no time to reassure old ladies and she was reasonably sure that she would not dare to come closer.
No hi havia temps per posar-se a calmar ancianes, i estava bastant segura que la dona no s’atreviria a acostar-se.Literature Literature
Before bidding farewell to the examining magistrate I dared ask him a few questions.
Abans d’acomiadar-me del jutge instructor em vaig aventurar a fer-li unes preguntes.Literature Literature
He wouldn't dare.
No s'hi atrevirà.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I could not fathom that such a fiend would dare promise a heavenly reward.
No m’entrava al cap que un ésser tan malèfic gosés prometre una recompensa celestial.Literature Literature
Why didn’t she dare defy any of those prejudices?”
Per què no es va atrevir a afrontar certs prejudicis?Literature Literature
Otherwise he could never have said it, he could never have dared say it to me: ‘I can’t live without her.’
Si no ell no ho hauria pogut dir mai, allò, no hauria gosat dir-me mai: «No puc viure sense ella».Literature Literature
From a man who is four foot eleven in his socks, it’s a term that might have raised a laugh, but no-one ever dared.
Venint d’un home de metre quaranta-cinc, aquest nom hauria pogut fer riure, però ningú s’hi havia atrevit mai.Literature Literature
How dare you!
Com van gosar?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Even though Paula could tell that she too was wide awake, she hadn’t dared say anything.
Tot i que la Paula sabia que la Johanna també estava desperta, no havia gosat parlar amb ella.Literature Literature
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