dashing hopes oor Katalaans

dashing hopes

an act (or failure to act) that disappoints someone

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Olsen felt the project was within his grasp, after decades of dashed hopes.
El Baró Safferstätt, boig d' amor per mi, em va entendre malament, i això va portar greus conseqüències...Literature Literature
She suddenly missed Neville, alone with his guineafowl and his dashed hopes.
És un entrepà d' escabetx?Literature Literature
In the midst of fear, can there be a dash of hope for a more unified France?
El color de fonsgv2019 gv2019
Energy and anticipation, hopes dashed or fulfilled.
El telescopi necessita ser alineat abans de poder-lo usar correctament. Alineeu-lo (alineació d' una o dues estrelles) segons l' il· lustrat en el vostre manual del telescopiLiterature Literature
(b) Why were Martha’s and Mary’s hopes dashed?
Resolc :jw2019 jw2019
If so, their hopes were dashed.
Engegant una nova partidajw2019 jw2019
I tried a dash of self-mockery, hoping to distract her a little.
A mida tipusLiterature Literature
At the end of April the dry season ended, dashing any Allied hope of thirst forcing a German surrender; the food situation, however, remained desperate.
--3 Autoritzar la supressió dels nivells de formacióWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the Navajo Nation Tribal presidential election, held on November 2, 2010, Shelly defeated New Mexico Sen. Lynda Lovejoy, becoming the first vice president to be elected to the Navajo Nation Presidency, dashing Lovejoy's hopes of becoming the tribe's first female president.
Desa l' actual configuracióWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Lacordaire and Montalembert departed immediately, but Lamennais stayed on until Gregory's letter to the Polish bishops, which denounced the Polish revolution against the Tsar, dashed his last hopes.
Nom de columnaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As described by biographer Christopher Sandford, "The record dashed such high hopes with dubious choices, and production that spelt the end—for fifteen years—of Bowie's partnership with Eno."
Segurament arribarétard a sopar.Me n' he d' anar a MasonWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The 2005 film Just Friends features a main character (played by Ryan Reynolds) reunited after ten years with his friend (played by Amy Smart), who informs him that she loves him "like a brother", essentially dashing any hopes of him having her as a girlfriend.
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But that hope would be dashed if Bea learned he had been dallying with the housekeeper.
DescripcióLiterature Literature
All my vague, unarticulated hopes have been dashed.
El filtre Arrodoniment de cantonadesLiterature Literature
It was less than a year ago, but already their hopes had been dashed.
A la dreta de la caixa de diàleg hi ha una caixa de vista prèvia, la qual mostrarà aproximadament la disposició final del vostre documentLiterature Literature
You have to stay alive at all costs, else our hopes shall be dashed and all will be darkness.”
He ensopegat amb el coi de troncs!Literature Literature
Hope you know what you’re doing, Dash.
Els astrònoms usen el flux per a denotar la lluminositat aparent d' un cos celest. La lluminositat aparent es defineix com la quantitat de llum rebuda des d' una estrella sobre l' atmosfera de la Terra passant a través d' una unitat d' àrea a cada segon. De manera que, la lluminositat aparent simplement és el flux que rebem des d' una estrellaLiterature Literature
‘I hope you know what you’re doing, Dash.’
T' explicaré el secret per passar la duana i creuar la fronteraLiterature Literature
Shackleton then decided that he and Wild would make a dash for Hut Point in hopes of finding the ship and holding her until the other two could be rescued.
De manera similar la Entrada pot recollir la sortida de l' aplicació que s' executa. Hi ha dos tipus de sortida: sortida normal, mostrada en la sortida estàndard; missatges d' error, mostrats en la sortida d' error estàndard. Podeu especificar què hauria d' ocórrer amb el text que es mostra a la sortida estàndard. Ho podeu fer modificant el valor de la llista de selecció SortidaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Every afternoon at four-thirty, five o’clock (sometimes earlier), the hope of that one day off is dashed again.
Conflicte de dreceraLiterature Literature
Correct the impression that I intend to hang about in the hall while life slips by, in the hope that one of these days that dashed animal will decide that I smell all right. "
RESOLUCIÓ de 7 de setembre de 1998 , relativa a l ' herència intestada del Sr . Francesc Virgili Ferrer .QED QED
As it pulled up, one of the loafing men at the corner dashed forward to open the door in the hope of earning a copper, but was elbowed away by another loafer, who had rushed up with the same intention.
No em facis una escenaQED QED
Chapter 32 Flint’s hopes that the two men from London would take him off the case had been dashed.
Correcció d' abastLiterature Literature
Any hope the order might have had in restoring the rich abbey was dashed 4 years later, when the Reformation swept over Denmark-Norway.
El primer pas és especificar la font de dades del formulari, és a dir, un lloc des del qual s' agafaran les dades a mostrar. Com s' ha dit més amunt, usareu la taula persones com a font de dades per al vostre nou formulariWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
However, his hope to become the president was shortly dashed away for the first time in 1983 when a military coup d'état swept away the re-elected president of his party and ended civilian rule in the country.
Les biblioteques & kde; han estat compilades sobre exec_ prefixWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
26 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.