dear oor Katalaans


/dɪə/, /diɹ/ adjektief, werkwoord, naamwoord, bywoord
Loved; lovable.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans


adjektief, naamwoordmanlike
a formal way to start (often after my) addressing somebody one likes or regards kindly
Happy birthday, dear friend!
Feliç aniversari, estimat amic!


formal way of addressing
I'm sorry, dear brother, to have tested your Patience.
Ho sento, benvolgut germà, per haver provat la teva paciència.


high in price; expensive
Your brother is a little off colour, isn' t he, dear Jack?
El teu germà fa mala cara, no, Jack?

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans

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Dear Catastrophe Waitress
Dear Catastrophe Waitress
Dear Madam
Benvolguda senyora
dear Sir/Madam
benvolgut/da senyor/a
for dear life
Dear Land of Guyana
Dear Land of Guyana
hold dear
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Dear Heather
Dear Heather


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"""All right, but before I begin, I wish to confess to you, my dear friends, the reason why I like telling stories."
Però abans de començar la història voldria confessar-vos, estimats amics meus, per què m'agrada explicar-la.Literature Literature
"""You forget the best, dear master, the heavenly appearance of love."
—I encara us oblideu de lo millor, mestre estimat: de la celestial aparició de l’amor.Literature Literature
"""Dear God, don't let her have killed the architect for the diary."
Déu meu, que no haja sigut ella qui va matar l'arquitecte a causa d'aqueixa agenda.Literature Literature
But once he was out in the world, this Racinian reflex had cost him dear.
Però quan va sortir al món exterior, aquest reflex racinià li va costar car.Literature Literature
"""Nothing, dear Tess,"" he replied."
—Cap altra, estimada Tess —replicà ell.Literature Literature
But I can see, my dears, you've come on a mission close to your hearts.
I això que m'adono, fills meus, que heu vingut per una causa que us és molt cara.Literature Literature
Therefore, dear elders, as you give training, be more than a teacher —be a friend. —Prov.
Per això, estimats ancians, quan capaciteu altres germans, no us limiteu a ser bons mestres; sigueu també bons amics (Prov.jw2019 jw2019
Naturally I used to go there often, dear boy, as Basin was in love with her at the time.
—Naturalment, jo hi anava sovint, pobre amic meu, com l’estimava Basin aleshores.Literature Literature
Why didn't I ask my dear mother?
Per què no ho vaig preguntar a la meva marona?Literature Literature
“Elementary”, as dear Doctor Watson would have said.’
Elemental, com l’estimat Watson hauria dit».Literature Literature
—Not for you, my dear,— I heard the Maer say clearly as they passed near us.
—No pas per a tu, estimada —vaig sentir que deia el màer mentre passaven a prop nostre—.Literature Literature
(He refuses to accept three shillings offered him by Joseph Hynes,journalist) My dear fellow, not at all !
(Refusa tres xílings que li oferia Joseph Hynes, periodista) De cap manera, estimat company.Literature Literature
Dear John Tydeman, It is some years since I wrote to you but you may remember me.
Benvolgut John Tydeman, Li vaig escriure fa anys, però potser no se’n recorda.Literature Literature
My dear Isabella, I am sure there must be Laurentina’s skeleton behind it.”
Isabella estimada, sé que rere el vel hi ha l’esquelet de la Laurentina.Literature Literature
“I am afraid, my dear Watson, that most of your conclusions were erroneous.
—Em sembla, estimat Watson, que la majoria de les seves conclusions eren errònies.Literature Literature
I panted. “ ‘My dear young lady!
—vaig dir, esbufegant. »—Estimada senyoreta!Literature Literature
“Can I not have a window ledge for my things, my dear?”
—¿No podria tenir jo l’ampit d’una finestra per deixar-hi les meves coses, estimada?Literature Literature
My dear aunt, how could you think of it ?
Estimada tia, com li ha pogut passar pel cap?Literature Literature
It was very kind of you, so far away, to have remembered our poor dear Italy.”
Heu tingut un gran detall, sent tan lluny, de recordar-vos de la nostra petita Itàlia.Literature Literature
Oh, you're exaggerating, my dear.
No exageris.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
"""Christminster cares nothing for you, poor dear!"""
Christminster no es preocupa gens per tu, pobre estimat!Literature Literature
I want to tell you all about dear old Bobbie Cardew.
Vull dir- los a tots sobre vell i estimat Cardew Bobbie.QED QED
You want to ring Agnès, I know, dear.
... Tu vols trucar a Agnès, ja ho sé, maca.Literature Literature
'You will find fires, my dear Caroline, in your own room, and dinner prepared in my apartment.
Estimada Caroline, trobareu la llar encesa de la vostra habitació i el sopar preparat a la meva cambra.Literature Literature
Believe me, I know a broken promise would cost me dear.
Cregui’m, sé molt bé què em costaria trencar una promesa.Literature Literature
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