despising oor Katalaans


naamwoord, werkwoord
Present participle of despise.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans


Let no man despise my servant George, for he shall honor me.
Que ningú no menyspreï el meu servent George, perquè ell em farà honor.
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If he hadn’t despised him, he might not have taken his place a few weeks later on a fairly innocuous road.
Apolo #, aquí Houston, canviLiterature Literature
Perhaps convinced that her pregnancy made her more important than Sarah, Hagar began to despise her mistress.
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Could she despise someone this much?
del Patrimoni Cultural Català per tal que es declari un béLiterature Literature
Kunisada I (Toyokuni III) apparently despised Toyoshige, and refused to acknowledge him as head of the Utagawa school.
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I was given to understand that the reverse was to be despised.
Interval de temps de comprovacióLiterature Literature
She thoroughly despised truffles, which seemed to be the favorite food of so many sophisticated diners.
Moure la peça cap avallLiterature Literature
Roose Bolton might make use of him, but true northmen must despise him.
e ) El personal eventual de confianç a .Literature Literature
He could not make up his mind whether to like her or despise her for what she had done.
Washington i Moscou ja m' han cridat tres vegadesLiterature Literature
“I cannot,” he said, “without despising myself, and what is worse, perhaps, despising you.
' Nyor di' ctor, benvingut a BerguesLiterature Literature
It would imperatively lead him to despise all the ordinary nooks of concealment.
Barcelona , en els termes que s ' especifiquen a l ' annex d ' aquestaLiterature Literature
People used to despise women of learning...
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Would I have formed a different impression of him if I hadn’t despised his politics?
Marqueu el centre de control i el diàleg Configura Konqueror si la configuració de l' intermediari encara és allíLiterature Literature
The Third Reich founded its own version of Christianity called Positive Christianity which made major changes in the interpretation of the Bible by saying that Jesus Christ was the son of God, but not a Jew and it also argued that Jesus despised Jews, and the Jews were the ones who were solely responsible for Jesus's death.
Una nit, París dormiaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It would not be the first time that Ned had been forced to make common cause with a man he despised.
Quan tingueu el permís de conduir ho entendreuLiterature Literature
As a symbol of everything that the cultural elites despised from the lower class.
En matèria de classificació del personal cal atenir-se al que disposa l ’ article 22 de l ’ Estatut dels treballadors , al Decret 214 / 1990 , de 30 de juliol , que aprova el Reglament del personal al servei de les entitats locals , i allò pactat en aquest Conveni .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Till now he had despised every honor and pleasure, his sole ideal being the Sacred Order of the Knights of the Grail.
resolt :Literature Literature
The Lisowczycy were feared and despised by civilians wherever they passed and they gained dubious fame for the scores of atrocities they carried out (pillage, rape, murder and other outrages).
Delimitació del sòl urbà , pel que fa a la part posteriorWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I wished someone would want to be, but they all despised me.
Han parlat amb vostè, l' han compratLiterature Literature
I have despised myself all the days of my life since I climbed into the boat.
El contracte de treball es basarà en el principi de ga rantiadel lloc de treball , amb les excepcions que preveu la legislació vigent sobre la incompatibilitat del personal .Literature Literature
According to the Rigsthula, Thralls were despised and looked down upon.
Posa un nom a una regió del full de càlculWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Lewis despised the Mitchell song and felt she should pay him royalties for being its subject.
Temps mort.- Com, que temps mort?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He valued Nietzsche's concept of the superman, "The supreme egoist who defied both God and the masses, who despised egalitarianism and democracy, who believed in the weakest going to the wall and pushing them if they did not go fast enough."
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I despised the women who staffed Comfort Hill: unsmiling, uncomforting.
Informació de pèrdua de translucidesaLiterature Literature
They are brave men, and they despise cowards.
Amb la finalitat de garantir els criteris establerts en aquest Conveni , per a l ’ aplicació a col · lectius de personal laboral procedent d ’ altres administracions públiques es requerirà l ’ informe previ de la Comissió paritària .Literature Literature
He had been made to look a fool, a pervert and an idiot in front of people he despised.
Canvia el rectangleLiterature Literature
201 sinne gevind in 15 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.