despite the fact that oor Katalaans

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A reasonable conclusion despite the fact that it was dead wrong.
Mostra el menú d' operacionsLiterature Literature
Despite the fact that it is prone to shattering, it is very strong structurally.
Seleccioneu el punt central de l' escalatWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Despite the fact that I have left my old faction behind, I don’t want to criticize it yet.
Número majorLiterature Literature
I loved my father very much, despite the fact that I made him very unhappy.
Pareix que l' únic que no està ací encara És l' home del momentLiterature Literature
The landing at Bückeburg went smoothly, despite the fact that it was dark and the lighting dim.
Màxim nombre de connexions simultàniesLiterature Literature
The man’s reaction had been very quick despite the fact that he was no longer young.
major liquiditat les emissions en cir culació o possibilitarLiterature Literature
Despite the fact that the title provoked such understanding, it led to the simplification in interpreting the poem.
Ha fallat l' inici de la transaccióWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Gwyneira supervised the exercises, despite the fact that it displeased Lucas.
Convertint, un moment si us plauLiterature Literature
He was staying at the Villmarkssenter, despite the fact that the new hotels were more luxurious.
Insereix una columna de taulaLiterature Literature
They brushed their teeth, despite the fact that the other dogs didn’t need to.
Sembla un missatge, provinent de l' espai!Literature Literature
“It smells like sex in here,” she whispers, despite the fact that the maintenance worker can’t hear her.
Podeu trobar el filtre al menú Filtre Altres. Mireu la secció sobre el diàleg Correcció de Lents per a més informació sobre els seus arranjamentsLiterature Literature
He felt blameless and free, despite the fact that he consciously controlled every move he made.
RedimensionaLiterature Literature
She drove far too quickly, despite the fact that that she was not really in a hurry.
Cliqueu a la vora del format i seleccioneu la comanda del menú Format Trenca el formatLiterature Literature
The young lieutenant opened his mouth and then swallowed, despite the fact that he hadn’t been eating anything.
Ajudant per desarSeleccioneu un format d' imatge per desar la imatge escanejadaLiterature Literature
You sound calm despite the fact that you're frightened.
Cada imatge que editeu en el & krita; capes. Quan creeu una nova imatge, la caixa de capes (mostrada normalment com a la part inferior dreta de la vostra pantalla, mireu aquesta secció) tindrà una capa. El dibuix i l' edició que feu s' aplica a aquella capa. Un cop afegiu més capes, podeu escollir en quina part de la imatge voleu treballar, seleccionant la capa respectiva. Tot dibuix més endavant s' aplica llavors a aquella capa, fins que en vulgueu seleccionar una altraLiterature Literature
Anna-Maria couldn’t help smiling, despite the fact that she was so disappointed.
Gràcies estimadaLiterature Literature
Despite the fact that he already had so much.
Organització de la feina i funcionsLiterature Literature
He’d also taken warm clothes, despite the fact that it was a warm afternoon.
Hem de discutir- hoLiterature Literature
This was despite the fact that the Soviet Union had invested enormously to agriculture.
Encara ho han de confirmarWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
So there was a good deal of confusion, despite the fact that no one was running around anymore.
Tranquil, Aureli.Conec aquest homeLiterature Literature
Petter had been with them too, despite the fact that he usually stayed indoors.
& traductor. Antoni. BellaLiterature Literature
And despite the fact that she couldn’t reply to a single preliminary question, she felt the pinpricks.
I que el vaig veure a la casa de Marta poc abans de mitjanitLiterature Literature
Bryophytes retain sexual reproduction despite the fact that the haploid stage does not benefit from heterosis.
Ernest m’ acaba de parlar del seu pobre amic invàlid, el Sr.BumburyWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“Done,” I say, and he smiles despite the fact that his mouth is swollen as well.
Vol dir, que aquesta aigua, aquí... ve diectament d' un món que ningú ha vist maiLiterature Literature
I will stay here, despite the fact that I yearn very desperately to leave.
pròpies de la urbanització del sector i mprescindibles pelLiterature Literature
300 sinne gevind in 35 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.