disease burden oor Katalaans

disease burden

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impact of a health problem as measured by financial cost, mortality, morbidity, or other indicators

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Given the disease burden of strokes, prevention is an important public health concern.
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They make up a hidden disease burden among the poorest of wealthy societies.
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Disease burden is the impact of a health problem as measured by financial cost, mortality, morbidity, or other indicators.
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Indians account for 60% of the world's heart disease burden, despite accounting for less than 20% of the world's population.
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These measures allow for comparison of disease burdens, and have also been used to forecast the possible impacts of health interventions.
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Disease burden is the impact of a health problem in an area measured by financial cost, mortality, morbidity, or other indicators.
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The World Health Organization (WHO) has provided a set of detailed guidelines for measuring disease burden at the local or national level.
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The quality-adjusted life year or quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) is a generic measure of disease burden, including both the quality and the quantity of life lived.
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One DALY can be thought of as one year of healthy life lost, and the overall disease burden can be thought of as a measure of the gap between current health status and the ideal health status (where the individual lives to old age free from disease and disability).
RESOLUCIÓ de 20 maig de 1998 , per la qual es fa públic l ' Acord del Govern de 12 de maig de 1998 , sobre declaració d ' urgent ocupació dels béns i els drets afectats pel projecte constructiu de col · lect or emissari en alta d ' aigües residuals de Gorguja , al terme municipal de Llívia .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
According to an article in The Lancet published in November 2014, disorders in those aged 60 years and older represent "23% of the total global burden of disease" and leading contributors to disease burden in this group in 2014 were "cardiovascular diseases (30.3%), malignant neoplasms (15.1%), chronic respiratory diseases (9.5%), musculoskeletal diseases (7.5%), and neurological and mental disorders (6.6%)."
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Psychological effects: there is a burden for an individual simply being labeled as "diseased" (e.g. the burden of being labeled a "cancer patient") and an associated increased sense of vulnerability.
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"Global Burden of Disease".
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The environmental burden of disease is defined as the number of DALYs that can be attributed to environmental factors.
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However, since high blood pressure is a risk factor for atherosclerosis and ischemic heart disease, death rates from hypertensive heart disease provide an incomplete measure of the burden of disease due to high blood pressure.
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There are several measures used to quantify the burden imposed by diseases on people.
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Now we are planning to load the burden of human disease on Multivac, too.""
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And we can make significant progress in two countries which have the highest burden of the disease, which is Ethiopia and Nigeria.
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In countries such as these, the burdens of neglected tropical diseases are often overshadowed by other public health issues.
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He stated his "profound grief" at the murder of the deformed, the insane, and those suffering from hereditary disease... as though they were a useless burden to Society", in condemnation of the ongoing Nazi euthanasia program.
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Economic burden: Not only the associated cost of treatment (from which the patient cannot benefit, because the disease posed no threat), but also - at least, in the current health care system in the United States - a potential increase in the cost of health insurance or even an inability to procure it (e.g. the diagnosis creates a pre-existing condition that affects health insurance).
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The cost of treatment of some of these diseases, however, such as Buruli ulcer, can amount to over twice the yearly income of an average household in the lowest income quartile, while for the highest income quartile, the burden is slightly less than the average household income.
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