dog oor Katalaans


/dɒg/, /dɔɡ/, /dɑɡ/, /dɔːg/, /dɒɡ/ werkwoord, naamwoord
An animal, member of the genus Canis (probably descended from the common wolf) that has been domesticated for thousands of years; occurs in many breeds. Scientific name: Canis lupus familiaris.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans


I have one cat and one dog. The cat is black and the dog is white.
Tinc un gat i un gos. El gat és negre i el gos és blanc.




I had this dog when I was a kid.
Quan era petita tenia una gossa.

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A name given to a dog

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Soortgelyke frases

prairie dog
gosset de les praderies
truffle detection dog
anti-tank dog
Gos antitanc
Spanish Water Dog
gos d'aigües espanyol
Reservoir Dogs
Reservoir Dogs
mythological dog
ca mitològic
hot dog
dachshund · dackel · entrepà de salsitxa de frankfurt · frankfurt · gos salsitxa · salsitxa de Frankfurt · teckel
herding dog
gos pastor
lesser dog-like bat
ratpenat de sacs alars petit


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At first the dogs had thought they'd left home on a lark and would soon return.
De primer els gossos s’havien pensat que sortien per anar de gresca i que tornarien aviat a casa.Literature Literature
She came, crawling on hands and knees along the passage, like a dog, to Kossil’s skirts.
I ella hi anà, arrossegant-se amb mans i peus pel passadís, com un gos, a les faldilles de la Kòssil.Literature Literature
True lilies are much more toxic to cats and dogs.
La teobromina de la xocolata és molt més tòxica per a gossos i gats.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But the mention of dogs was interesting.
De tota manera, la menció dels gossos li va semblar interessant.Literature Literature
The other dogs were wary of getting too close to the furious Rottweiler.
Els altres gossos no s’acostaven gaire al furiós rottweiler.Literature Literature
Now there were only two dogs left.
Ara ja nomes quedaven dos gossos.Literature Literature
Anaru, Willings, Carter, and Beales, each of you take one of the young dogs.”
Anaru, Willings, Carter i Beales, emporteu-vos cada un un cadell.Literature Literature
“The big sleep, ‘Valley of the Dogs’ style.
—El somni etern a l’estil de «La Vall dels Gossos».Literature Literature
They were attacking each others’ private parts with jocular growls, like dogs.
Vaig veure que s’atacaven mútuament les parts sexuals entre tot de grinyols faceciosos, com una colla de gossos.Literature Literature
My dogs aren’t afraid of getting their feet wet, but their master isn’t as hardy as they are.”
Les meves gosses no tenen por de mullar-se les potes, però el seu amo no és tan dur com elles.Literature Literature
Tony knew what his son had meant by Barrett not appreciating the dog story.
En Tony sabia què havia volgut dir el seu fill amb allò que a la Barrett no li agradaria la història dels gossos.Literature Literature
Teo kissed the dog’s head and got into the car.
Teo va fer un petó al cap del gos i es va ficar al cotxe.Literature Literature
At least one major study alleges that the prevailing mind set among dog fighters is that, the more the dog suffers, the tougher he will become, and the better fighter he will therefore be.
Alguns estudis han tret en conclusió que com més sofreix el gos, més resistent arriba a ser, i per tant millor lluitador.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“Does a Sideblossom hang around a woman’s front door like a male dog in front of a bitch’s doghouse?
Un Sideblossom que ronda la porta d’una dona com un mascle la caseta d’una gossa en zel?Literature Literature
Behind the tree was a gray blob—it could have been anything from a lamppost to a large dog.
Hauria pogut ser qualsevol cosa, des d’un fanal fins a un gos gros.Literature Literature
Much of the villagers' traditional land, springs, gardens with olive and fig trees, near the Israeli settlement of Nachliel cannot be accessed, according to Amira Hass, because their way is barred by soldiers or settlers, often with dogs:- This has been going on for years.
En l'actualitat, no es pot accedir a la majoria de les terres tradicionals dels pobladors, fonts, jardins amb oliveres i figueres, prop de L'assentament israelià de Nahliel, perquè el seu camí està barrat pels soldats o colons israelians, sovint amb gossos.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At first look, the Hairless and Powderpuff varieties of Chinese crested dogs appear to be two different breeds, but hairlessness is an incomplete dominant trait within a single breed.
D'entrada, les varietats sense pèl i Powderpuff semblen ser dues races diferents, però la calvície és un gen dominant incomplet en una única raça.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Some shows are so large that they limit entries only to dogs who have already earned their Championships.
Algunes exposicions són tan grans que limiten la seva entrada a gossos que ja hagin guanyat algun campionat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Wanúŋwaktenula (Wah-nee-wack-ata-o-ne-lar, aka Waniwacteonila - 'Killed Accidentally') Šúŋka Yúte šni ('Eat No Dogs') Mnišála ('Red Water', a splinter group from the Sans Arc tiyošpaye, also called Mnišála- 'Red Water') Oíglapta ('Take All That Is Left') The Oóhe Nuŋpa or Two Kettles were first part of the Mnikȟáŋwožu thiyóšpaye called Waŋhíŋ Wéǧa ('Broken Arrow'), split off about 1840 and became a separate oyáte or tribe.
Wanuwaktenula (Wah-nee-wack-ata-o-ne-lar, o Waniwacteonila - ‘Morts accidentalment’) Sunka Yutesni (‘No mengen gossos’) Mniŝala (‘Aigua vermella’, un grup escindit dels tiyošpaye Sans Arc, també anomenats Mnisala- ‘Aigua vermella’) Oiglapta (‘Pren tot el que queda’) Els O'ohe Nuŋpa o Two Kettles d'antuvi eren part del tiyošpaye miniconjou anomenats Wanhin Wega (‘fletxa trencada’), escindida pel 1840 i que esdevingué un oyate o tribu separada.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is frequented by locals and dogs.
De vegades són consumides per éssers humans i gossos domèstics.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Afterward she poured her life into the few of them there—into Gar, into Almondine, into the dogs and their training.
Després es va abocar en cos i ànima als pocs que hi havia a casa: en Gar, l’Almondine i els gossos que ensinistraven.Literature Literature
No hint of who actually asked Special Branch to put its dogs on to Alec.
Ni una pista de qui va demanar a la Secció Especial que posés els gossos al corrent de l’Alec.Literature Literature
Come to CPM, work like a dog, and then get kicked to the curb!
Veniu a CPM i treballeu com desgraciats, que després us plantaran al carrer!Literature Literature
He heard dim yappings of savage dog packs prowling the fringes of the city.
Va sentir opacs lladrucs de canilles salvatges que rondaven pels afores de la ciutat.Literature Literature
And it would be harder to let the dogs out in the rain.
A més, seria molt més difícil fer sortir els gossos sota la pluja.Literature Literature
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