dog days oor Katalaans

dog days

The days between early July and early September when Sirius (the Dog Star) rises and sets with the Sun.

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The dog days are dying too; every year when the dog days die, something dies within us.
I la promesa feta a la meva mare a donar- li això a la dona de la meva vidaLiterature Literature
In the center of the diagram is a dog's head, meaning it is a 'dog day'.
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Reading: The ninth day of the first lunar month, a dog day, will be a fire day.
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Dog days in Maycomb meant at least one revival, and one was in progress that week.
També podeu dividir una finestra en dues visualitzacions. Com una nova finestra, ona visualització d' una finestra dividida té els seus propis arranjaments per a pinzells, nivells d' apropament/allunyament i d' altres, però ambdues visualitzacions es mostren a la mateixa finestra. Per a dividir la vostra finestra, escolliu Visualitza Divideix la visualització. L' àrea de visualització de la finestra del & krita; es dividirà en dues meitats. Podeu canviar entre divisió horitzontal i vertical amb el menú Visualització Orientació de la divisió, i tornar enrera a una visualització amb Visualitza Elimina la visualitzacióLiterature Literature
Like the strong winter cold, the Dog Days also last 40 days, from 12 yulyuz (25 July) to 20 ghusht (2 September).
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The ancient Greeks observed that the appearance of Sirius heralded the hot and dry dog days of summer, and feared that it caused plants to wilt, men to weaken, and women to become aroused..
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Your father always named his dogs after days of the week.”
d ' educació secundària obligatòria , dels ensenyaments deLiterature Literature
Both of them, the miller and his wife, had alternately been holding the dog’s leash day and night.
Per què ha triat aquest tema?Literature Literature
She walks past with her dog every day and has a chat.
Hi ha alguna cosa que no funcionaLiterature Literature
She was only some girl who ran with a dog by day, and dreamed of wolves by night.
Treballar amb el gestor de la impressióLiterature Literature
No town- bred dandy will compare with a country- bred one -- I mean a downright bumpkin dandy -- a fellow that, in the dog - days, will mow his two acres in buckskin gloves for fear of tanning his hands.
EDICTE de 4 d ' agost de 1998 , pel qual es fan públics acords del Govern de la Generalitat de Catalunya referents als municipis de Masllorenç i Guissona .QED QED
He might work like a dog one day and then refuse to hit a lick the next, no matter how much Pearl threatened him.
diagrama de componentsLiterature Literature
He appeared in the primetime television movies The Satan Murders (1974) and Thursday's Game before obtaining the role of Al Pacino's transgender wife in Dog Day Afternoon (1975), a performance which earned him nominations for Best New Male Star of the Year at the Golden Globes and the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor.
Per què fugia?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He recognized it, for it had been dogging all his days.
El desament automàtic ha fallatLiterature Literature
Normally Gloria made allowances for the dog, but that day, all she wanted was to get away, as fast as possible.
La marca d' expressió regular * es pot usar en l' aplicació i en els arguments objecteLiterature Literature
He was so tormented by the other houseboys that he dogged her footsteps all day long.
Està el xiquet a casa?Literature Literature
“I wouldn’t wish a dog out on a day like this,” she said, “but I got to go.
Habilitar aquesta opció significa que les galetes de sessió sempre seran acceptades, fins i tot si no les accepteu d' un altre tipus i si heu decidit rebutjar les galetes des d' un lloc en particular, les galetes de sessió seran acceptadesLiterature Literature
Not a good day for dogs all round, is it?
Es fan públics l ' establiment o institució beneficiari i laLiterature Literature
“We brought in three dogs by helicopter the day after we found him, but they didn’t find a single scent.”
No vaig poder veure si necessitaven qualque cosaLiterature Literature
Spring tafsut (Ar. er-rbiʿ) – Begins on 15 furar (28 February) Summer anebdu (Ar. es-sif) – Begins on 17 mayu (30 May) Autumn amwal / aməwan ( (Ar. le-xrif) – Begins on 17 ghusht (30 August) Winter tagrest (Ar. esh-shita') - Begins on 16 numbír (29 November) An interesting element is the existing opposition between two 40-day terms, one representing the allegedly coldest part of winter ("The nights", llyali) and one the hottest period of summer ("The Dog Days", ssmaym, awussu).
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They might possibly play golf-croquet, but I have always understood that they wind wool and wash dogs most of the day.""
Mostra missatgeLiterature Literature
That was the time of day when dog owners walked their pets along the riverbank, or got their servants to walk them.
Envia la selecció per correuLiterature Literature
Days like lost dogs.
Tots els elementsOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
His mother was working the two dogs to be placed that day, Singer and Indigo.
Imprimeix l' informeLiterature Literature
When Naoko had said there were no dogs back in the old days, this is what she meant.
El paquet & knetworkconf; ha estat desenvolupat per a permetre als usuaris gestionar les preferències de les xarxes TCP/IP de la mateixamanera que les altres configuracions de & centrecontrol;. & knetworkconf; proveeix als usuaris una interfície simple des de la que realitzar les següents tasquesLiterature Literature
106 sinne gevind in 23 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.