doomed oor Katalaans


adjektief, werkwoord, naamwoord
Certain to suffer death, failure, or a similarly negative outcome.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans


You had to know this Union scheme was doomed to fail.
Vostè sabia que que aquest projecte de la Unió estava condemnat al fracàs.
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condemnar · damnar · dia del judici final · fat
crack of doom
dia del judici final
condemnar · damnar · dia del judici final · fat


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While planning for the massacre, Harris said that the killing would be "like playing Doom", and "it'll be like the LA riots, the Oklahoma bombing, World War II, Vietnam, Duke Nukem and Doom all mixed together", and that his shotgun was "straight out of the game".
Si bé planificant la matança, Harris va dir que l'assassinat seria "com jugar al Doom", i "que serà com els disturbis de LA, l'atemptat d'Oklahoma, la II Guerra Mundial, el Vietnam, Duke Nukem i Doom tots barrejats", i que l'escopeta era "sortida del joc".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
in this celestial Sargasso, doomed soon to die when his air was exhausted.
en aquests Sargassos celestials, condemnat a morir aviat quan se li acabés l’aire.Literature Literature
But in reality any such cowardly precaution to avoid false judgments is doomed to failure; they are unavoidable.
Però en realitat, qualsevol esporuguida precaució per evitar els falsos judicis és inútil, perquè no es poden evitar.Literature Literature
He had to convince Don Ottavio that his search for the proofs was doomed to failure.
Havia de convèncer Don Ottavio que la caça a les demostracions estava destinada al fracàs en tots els casos.Literature Literature
Certainly the man who refused to carry his crumb would find assassins on his trail, and doom in every smile.
Certament, l’home que refusés de portar la seva engruna trobaria assassins en el seu camí i condemna en cada somriure.Literature Literature
Your doom is near.
El teu final és a prop.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Back in New York, the First Reader will threaten doom and disappointment for any more who disobey.
De nou a Nova York, el Primer Lector amenaçarà amb la condemna i la decepció per a qualsevol més que gosi desobeir.Literature Literature
Will is a wicked blacksmith who is given a second chance by Saint Peter at the gates of heaven, but leads such a bad life that he ends up being doomed to wander the earth.
En aquest cas Will és un ferrer malvat a qui Sant Pere li dóna una segona oportunitat a les portes del Cel, però li porta tan mala vida que acaba sent condemnat a vagar per la Terra.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
During the brief voyage Tom lived in a peculiar atmosphere of doom and of heroic, unselfish courage.
Durant aquell breu viatge, en Tom vivia en un ambient peculiar d’atzar i de coratge heroic, generós.Literature Literature
For you have doomed either your daughter, or yourself.
Perquè has condemnat o bé la teva filla o bé a tu.Literature Literature
The company writes its name with a lowercase id, which is pronounced as in "did" or "kid", and, according to the book Masters of Doom, the group identified itself as "Ideas from the Deep" in the early days of Softdisk but that, in the end, the name 'id' came from the phrase "in demand".
La companyia escriu el seu nom amb minúscules, id, que es pronuncia com en "did" o "kid" (de l'anglès), i en el llibre, Masters of Doom, es diu que el grup es va identificar com "ideas from the Deep" (idees de les profunditats) en els primers dies de Softdisk, però al final el nom 'id' ve de la frase, "in demand" (en demanda).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As we have seen, God came upon him in the whale, and swallowed him down to living gulfs of doom, and with swift slantings tore him along'into the midst of the seas,'where the eddying depths sucked him ten thousand fathoms down, and'the weeds were wrapped about his head,'and all the watery world of woe bowled over him.
Com hem vist, Déu va ell a la balena, i es va empassar baix a la vida golfs de la fatalitat, i amb slantings ràpida li va esquinçar al llarg de " enmig de la els mars ", on les profunditats s'arremolinaven li va xuclar 10. 000 braces, i ́L'alga es va enredar al voltant del seu cap, " i tots els món aquàtic de dolor va rodar sobre ell.QED QED
See you not now why your coming is to us as the coming of Doom?
Compreneu ara per què la vostra arribada per a nosaltres és com el llindar de la Fatalitat?Literature Literature
If this marriage was doomed, it had nothing to do with birds.
Si aquell casament estava condemnat pel fat, no tenia res a veure amb ocells.Literature Literature
When I saw that the greater world was only interested in my doom, I went home on the back of a train.
Quan vaig veure que el gran món només estava interessat en la meva mort, vaig tornar a casa en un vagó de mercaderies.Literature Literature
The psalmist says that the nations mutter an empty thing, meaning that their purpose is empty and doomed to failure
El salmista va dir que les nacions «comploten en va», és a dir, que tot el que planegen no serveix per a res i va encaminat al desastrejw2019 jw2019
But there were moments when Jan Kleyn was hit by the awful thought that the whole business was doomed.
Però hi havia moments en què Jan Kleyn era abordat pel terrible pensament que tot plegat estava condemnat a morir.Literature Literature
'It is the sign of our fall, and the shadow of doom, a Fell Rider of the air.'
És el senyal de la nostra caiguda i l’ombra del fat, un Genet Espectral de l’aire.Literature Literature
Delacorte dropped both paper cups—in a doomed effort to regain his balance, to try to stop himself from falling.
A en Delacorte li van caure els dos gots de les mans en un esforç inútil per recuperar l’equilibrí i no caure ell també.Literature Literature
It could be destroyed only by throwing it into the pit of the volcanic Mount Doom where it was originally forged.
Només es podia destruir llençant-lo als cràters volcànics del Mont del Fat on va ser forjat.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A fundamental premise of their argument was that the South was doomed because of the overwhelming advantage in manpower and industrial might possessed by the North.
Una premissa fonamental d'aquest punt de vista era que el Sud estava condemnat (a perdre) per causa de l'enorme avantatge en força de treball i industrial que podia posseir el Nord.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Some flaw or other in our design always spelled its doom.
Algun defecte o altre en el nostre disseny sempre acabava determinant el destí de l’aparell.Literature Literature
I am thy doom, thou Wanderer, and wherever thou dost wander through the fields of Life and Death I shall be at thy side.
—He passat el riu, de llosa en llosa, i allà on tocava terra, hi escampava fulles damunt... —I d’on véns?Literature Literature
The job he’d given to Harald was doomed to failure from the very start.
La feina que havia assignat a en Harald estava sentenciada al fracàs, ja de bon principi.Literature Literature
This particular larva was doomed to stay in its present form until it died of old age.
Aquella larva en concret estava condemnada a romandre en el seu estat present fins que es morís de vella.Literature Literature
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