doorframe oor Katalaans


The frame into which a door is fitted.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans

marc de la porta

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While we were standing there, our backs against the doorframe, drinks in hand, we couldn't stop laughing.
Mentre ens estàvem allà, recolzats al marc de la porta, amb els gots a la mà, no podíem deixar de riure.Literature Literature
My mom’s got a couple of unopened blank canvases leaning against their doorframe.
La mare té un parell de llenços en blanc repenjats contra el marc de la porta, encara precintats.Literature Literature
I knock on Mark’s doorframe and step into his room again.
Pico a la porta d’en Mark i torno a entrar a l’habitació.Literature Literature
As I say his name, he places his hand against the doorframe and leans forward enough to let Mom see him.
Quan dic el seu nom, posa la mà al marc de la porta i s’aboca prou perquè la mama el vegi.Literature Literature
It looks like there’s been a fire here recently; long black streaks rise up around the doorframe.
Sembla que hi hagi hagut un incendi recentment; llargues taques negres pugen al voltant del marc de la porta.Literature Literature
I lean my shoulder against the doorframe and watch as my father’s expression transforms from sullen to relieved.
—Repenjo l’espatlla a la porta i veig com l’expressió del meu pare es transforma de taciturna en alleujada.Literature Literature
With his hand on the Rolls doorframe, Gibson stared over at his friend.
Amb la mà a la porta del Rolls, Gibson es va quedar mirant el seu amic.Literature Literature
I rested my hand on the doorframe to the hallway that led to our bedroom.
—Vaig repenjar la mà al marc de la porta del passadís que conduïa a la nostra habitació.Literature Literature
Thanks for bringing it over,” he said, taking the box and leaning against the doorframe.
Gràcies per portar-ho —va dir agafant la capsa i repenjant-se al marc de la porta.Literature Literature
Beside himself, AGLOVALE sticks his sword through the opening, wedging the point between the posts of the doorframe.
Desconcertat, AGLOVAL posa l’espasa a través de l’obertura tot apuntalant-la a les frontisses.Literature Literature
The boy stopped in the doorframe.
El noi es va aturar a l’entrada.Literature Literature
While we were standing there, our backs against the doorframe, drinks in hand, we couldn’t stop laughing.
Mentre ens estàvem allà, recolzats al marc de la porta, amb els gots a la mà, no podíem deixar de riure.Literature Literature
Leaning back against the doorframe, Bea watched him coolly as he grappled with it.
Repenjant-se contra el marc de la porta, la Bea el va observar amb fredor mentre ell agafava el gerro.Literature Literature
Now when I peered around the doorframe, I saw three people.
Ara, tot espiant a través del marc de la porta, vaig veure tres persones.Literature Literature
The foyer was cramped, the walls were white, and the doors and doorframes were of varnished wood.
El rebedor era estret; les parets, blanques, i els sòcols i les portes, de fusta envernissada.Literature Literature
(1Co 5:7) Just as the lamb’s blood on the doorframes saved lives, Jesus’ blood saves lives.
Per exemple, l’apòstol Pau va anomenar a Jesús «el nostre corder de la Pasqua» (1Co 5:7).jw2019 jw2019
And then I noticed the doorframe behind you, leading into the kitchen.
Llavors em vaig fixar en el marc de la porta que quedava darrere teu, a l’entrada de la cuina.Literature Literature
‘Me neither,’ said Paula, drumming her fingers on the doorframe.
—I jo tampoc —va dir la Paula mentre tamborinejava amb els dits al muntant de la porta.Literature Literature
Emmeline glanced over her shoulder and I pressed myself against the doorframe.
L'Emmeline va donar una ullada per damunt d'una espatlla i jo vaig comprimir-me contra el marc de la porta.Literature Literature
Paris had one hand on the doorframe.
En Paris tenia una mà al marc de la porta.Literature Literature
20 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.