dooring oor Katalaans


naamwoord, werkwoord
Present participle of door.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans


accident de trànsit en què un ciclista xoca amb una porta de cotxe que s'obre

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

sliding door
porta corredissa
accés · botó de seguretat · dispositiu de seguretat · entrada · porta · portal
aire lliure
out of doors
a l’aire lliure · defora · fora
car door
door mirror
mirall · retrovisor
behind closed doors
a porta tancada
outside door
porta exterior


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“I will not leave without seeing Aya,” and pushed open the door to the room where her friend was dying.
—No me n’aniré sense veure l’Aia —va dir la Marinna empenyent la porta de l’habitació on agonitzava la seva amiga.Literature Literature
When Lucy and I were at the door, Patty shook my hand warmly.
Quan la Lucy i jo ja érem a la porta, la Patty em va agafar les mans amb calidesa.Literature Literature
They walked toward the door together, and George rang the bell.
Es van acostar fins a la porta plegats, i en George va pitjar el timbre.Literature Literature
[ Breaking open the door of the monument. ]
[ Trencant la porta del monument. ]QED QED
Then he closed the door and walked back to the Impala.
En acabat, va tancar la porta i va tornar cap a l’Impala.Literature Literature
She tore open the door and felt the blast of wind in her face, yet she knew that the boy wanted her to follow him.
Va obrir la porta d’una estrebada, va sentir que el vent l’empenyia, però sabia que el nen volia que l’acompanyés.Literature Literature
At that time, the king of Gurjara-desha (Gurjara country) acted as his door-keeper (pratihara).
En aquell temps, el rei de Gurjaradesa (País Gurjara) va actuar com el seu uxier (pratihara).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I switched on the ceiling light and closed the door behind me.
Vaig connectar el llum del sostre i vaig tancar la porta darrere meu.Literature Literature
But they were already at their parental home, and Wendelin appeared at the coupé door.
Però ja havien arribat a la casa paterna, i Wendelin comparegué davant la portella.Literature Literature
"Just as I felt my sperm coming, I heard a voice from behind the door say: ""Are you already asleep, Master Roger?"
Just quan sentia venir l’esperma, una veu darrera la porta digué: —Ja dormiu, senyoret Roger?Literature Literature
The smallfolk were hiding themselves behind closed shutters and barred doors as if that would keep them safe.
El baix poble s'amagava darrere porticons tancats i portes barrades com si allò els hagués de protegir.Literature Literature
Somebody to help me get in, open the door from the outside once I’m in.
Algú que m’ajudi a entrar i que m’obri la porta des de fora quan hagi acabat.Literature Literature
The front door of the house was open when they got to it.
La porta principal de la casa estava oberta quan hi van arribar.Literature Literature
Once you’ve knocked, someone will open the door, and then you say to him: “Durruti lives”.’
Quan hi sigui, ha de trucar a la porta, i quan li demanin qui és ha de dir: «El Durruti encara és viu».Literature Literature
Apparently in the Middle Ages in France the door to our family manor house was painted ...” et cetera and so forth.
Es veu que a l’edat mitjana a França la porta de la nostra casa pairal era pintada...», etcètera, etcètera.Literature Literature
Felicite was waiting at the door.
Félicité l’esperava a la porta.Literature Literature
Harris stood with his back against the door.
Harris romangué d'esquena a la porta del pis.Literature Literature
He found a door and opened it.
Va trobar una porta i la va obrir.Literature Literature
When silence returned, the doctor closed the door and approached them.
Quan va tornar el silenci, el doctor va tancar la porta i es va acostar als policies.Literature Literature
The constable finally arrived in a Model T with a white star painted on the door.
L’agent va arribar a la fi en un Ford Model T amb una estrella blanca pintada a la porta.Literature Literature
Godalming is shutting the furnace door... 31 October. – Still hurrying along.
En Godalming tanca la porta de la caldera... 31 d'octubre Continuem avançant.Literature Literature
If he involved Annie he might spook the girl and the door she had opened might slam shut.
Si hi implicava l'Annie, la nena es podria espantar i tancar la porta que acabava d'obrir.Literature Literature
Alan was already running for the back door, so Ralph followed.
L’Alan ja corria cap a la porta posterior i en Ralph el va seguir.Literature Literature
Bicky followed him with his eye till the door closed.
Bicky el va seguir amb la mirada fins a la porta tancada.QED QED
Janet had opened the front door as if there were nothing untoward about the situation.
La Janet havia obert doncs la porta principal com si no hi hagués res d'inconvenient en la situació.Literature Literature
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