electric potential oor Katalaans

electric potential

the potential energy per unit charge at a point in a static electric field; voltage

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans


The amount of electrostatic potential between two points in space. Unit: volt

diferència de potencial

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potencial elèctric

integral of the electric field

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A scalar function called the electric potential can help.
Article 1WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The electric potential also varies with temperature, concentration and pressure.
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Electricity is generated due to electric potential difference between two electrodes.
publicació al DOGC , de conformitat amb el que preveuen l ' article 110.3WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
An electrometer is an electrical instrument for measuring electric charge or electrical potential difference.
Inferior (safataWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This generates potential energy in the form of a pH gradient and an electrical potential across this membrane.
Localització Desa el marc comWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The third category uses electric potentials measured with electrodes placed around the eyes.
Tipus de paraulaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
An electromyograph detects the electric potential generated by muscle cells when these cells are electrically or neurologically activated.
cicle amb capacitat per a 120 llocs escolars i 4 unitats de segon cicle ambWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Potentiostatic coulometry involves holding the electric potential constant during the reaction using a potentiostat.
administratiu comú , i l ' article 58 de la Llei de la jurisdiccióWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
An electrical potential will exist between the two points.
Sí, ho sé, pel que vaig poder parlar amb ell?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Since plasmas are very good electrical conductors, electric potentials play an important role.
I el vell Ripper no ens donaria el Pla R a menys que els russos... haguessin atacat Washington i altres ciutats en un atac sorpresa..Sí, SrWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The sum of the electrical potentials of the antennae to a given odour can be measured using an electroantennogram.
El model de color GrisWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the second dimension, an electric potential is again applied, but at a 90 degree angle from the first field.
Troben una pista i ja no veuen res mésWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In this case the electric potential between a cloud and ground, or between two clouds, is typically hundreds of millions of volts.
Document Krita (. kraWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Copper and iron form an electrochemical couple, so that in the presence of any electrolyte, an electric potential (voltage) will be produced.
inicialment la relació de béns i drets afectats .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At a given temperature, each material has an electrical conductivity that determines the value of electric current when an electric potential is applied.
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This change in the orientation of the dipole and consequently the electric potential field results in a change in the measured EOG signal.
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The electrical potential of the island can be tuned by a third electrode, known as the gate, which is capacitively coupled to the island.
16 / 1997 , de pressupostos de la Generalitat per al 1998 , i que seran denominadesWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
An electrical potential will develop between the large area of the passive film (cathode) and the small area of the exposed active metal (anode).
És la que més m' agradaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The eyes are the origin of a steady electric potential field which can also be detected in total darkness and if the eyes are closed.
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Open-circuit voltage (abbreviated as OCV or VOC ) is the difference of electrical potential between two terminals of a device when disconnected from any circuit.
la ubicació de la deixalleria , de GranollersWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Electrode potential Absolute electrode potential Electrical potential Galvani potential Potential difference (voltage) Band bending Volt Volta effect IUPAC Gold Book, definition of contact (Volta) potential difference.
RESOLUCIÓ de 10 de juny de 1998 , relativa a l ' herència intestada del Sr . Jaime Balart Miró .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
An object may have electric potential energy by virtue of two key elements: its own electric charge and its relative position to other electrically charged objects.
Col · lectiu de treball del personal laboral del Consell Comarcal del Solsonès .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This pumping generates a proton motive force that is the net effect of a pH gradient and an electric potential gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane.
Correu electrònicWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It has two components: a difference in proton concentration (a H+ gradient, ΔpH) and a difference in electric potential, with the N-side having a negative charge.
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Thereby, a gradient of pH is applied to a gel and an electric potential is applied across the gel, making one end more positive than the other.
les administracions públiques i del procediment administratiuWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
77 sinne gevind in 20 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.