eyebrow oor Katalaans


/ˈaɪˌbɹaʊ/ naamwoord
(construction) A dormer, usually of small size, whose roof line over the upright face is typically an arched curve, turning into a reverse curve to meet the horizontal line at either end.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans


hair that grows over the bone ridge above the eye socket
Like that time you let Koothrappali wax your eyebrows.
Com aquella vegada que vas deixar que Koothrappali et depilés les celles.

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A village in Saskatchewan, Canada.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans

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eyebrow pencil
llapis de les celles


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Vidal, who had been reading over my shoulder, raised his eyebrows, intrigued.
El Vidal, que també ho havia llegit per damunt de les meves espatlles, va arquejar les celles, tot intrigat.Literature Literature
Dr Perrier raised his black eyebrows at Jonathan’s scribbled notes, and said, ‘But this is incomplete.’
El metge alçà les negres celles en llegir els gargots de Jonathan, tot dient: —Però això és incomplet.Literature Literature
I raised my eyebrows, just as I’d seen him do.
Vaig aixecar les celles, exactament com li havia vist fer a ell.Literature Literature
He had heavy eyebrows above decently spaced eyes that looked at me directly.
Tenia unes celles abundoses sobre uns ulls força separats que em miraven directament.Literature Literature
Nancy raised her eyebrows and I could only shake my head.
La Nancy va alçar les celles i jo només vaig poder fer que no amb el cap.Literature Literature
Maddy’s eyebrows rose as Max and Cyndi continued to stare.
La Maddy va alçar les celles quan es va adonar que en Max i la Cyndi seguien mirant-la fixament.Literature Literature
"Snape raised his eyebrows and his tone was sardonic as he asked, ""Are you intending to let him kill you?"""
L'Snape va alçar les celles i va preguntar amb to sardònic: —Té la intenció de deixar-se matar per ell?Literature Literature
He was looking at the side of the white washstand, on which she had drawn the sign with an eyebrow pencil.
Observava l’entornpeu blanc del moble del lavabo, on ella havia fet aquella inscripció amb un llapis d’ulls.Literature Literature
Brunetti raised his eyebrows in an expression that could have meant just about anything.
En Brunetti va alçar les celles amb una expressió que hauria pogut significar gairebé qualsevol cosa.Literature Literature
He has gone off the prepared script with this last bit, and Detective Rasbach’s right eyebrow rises slightly.
S’ha apartat del text preparat amb aquesta última frase, i al detectiu Rasbach se li aixeca una mica la cella dreta.Literature Literature
Their last dance had been so tight it might have caused eyebrows to rise.
El seu últim ball havia estat tan arrambat que potser havien provocat mirades d'estupefacció.Literature Literature
That’s what’s so frustrating about all that technology, Eyebrows thinks.
Ve’t aquí el que és frustrant de tanta tecnologia, pensa en Celles.Literature Literature
Mr Marin is looking at me from a distance with one eyebrow raised, his hands on his desk.
De lluny el professor Marin m’observa, una cella aixecada, les mans damunt la taula.Literature Literature
And what kind of microscopic germs will grip onto those hairs, his eyebrows, the inside of his ears?
I quins organismes microscòpics se li estan enganxant als cabells, a les celles, a les orelles?Literature Literature
Her eyebrows, knit together, bore down on her blue eyes, whose gaze was contemplating a glorious and harsh future.
Les seves celles, juntes, oprimien els seus ulls blaus, la mirada dels quals contemplava un esdevenidor gloriós i sever.Literature Literature
Bjørn Holm raised an eyebrow, looked around and began to nod slowly.
En Bjørn Holm va alçar una cella, va mirar al voltant i va començar a assentir amb el cap, lentament.Literature Literature
His face was black, and he hadn’t any eyebrows, but in other respects appeared reasonably bobbish.
Tenia la cara negra i li havien desaparegut les celles, però en els altres aspectes semblava raonablement il·lès.Literature Literature
Rob said nothing, and his silence raised the monk’s eyebrows.
En Rob no va dir res, i el seu silenci va fer arrufar les celles al monjo.Literature Literature
He was a short, bulky guy with big ears and bushy eyebrows, even though he tried to keep them trimmed.
Era baix i rabassut, i tenia les orelles grosses i les celles espesses, encara que intentés retallar-se-les.Literature Literature
“The ski hat was hiding his hair and his eyebrows,” I added.
—La gorra d’esquiador li tapava els cabells i les celles —vaig afegir.Literature Literature
And when he raises his eyebrow at me, I continue: “Nothing, I am just surprised to hear you say that.”
—Quan em mira alçant la cella, continuo—: Res, que em sorprèn que diguis això.Literature Literature
Lohm raises his eyebrows and, when there’s no reaction, he casually pulls the bowl towards him.
En Lohm se’l mira, interrogador, i com que no hi ha cap reacció, arrossega el bol cap a ell.Literature Literature
I had lines in my face now, permanent incisions dug between my eyebrows, from crying and from worry.
M’havien sortit arrugues a la cara, incisions permanents entre les celles, de plorar i d’amoïnar-me.Literature Literature
he asked, staring impressively from beneath his bushy eyebrows.
—va preguntar, fent una mirada impressionant des de sota de les seves celles espesses.Literature Literature
“This much is well known to historians and, it appears”—he raises an eyebrow—“to bookstore clerks.
—Tot això ho coneixen prou bé els historiadors i, pel que sembla —aixeca una cella—, els dependents de llibreria.Literature Literature
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