eyeful oor Katalaans


adjektief, naamwoord
a full or complete view; a good look

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
He raises a pair of binoculars to his eyes.
En la selecció del personal cal tenir en compte especialment l ’ adequació d el sistema selectiu al contingut dels llocs de treball a ocupar pel personal seleccionat , de forma que s ’ analitzin els mèrits i l ’ experiència dels aspirants i llur capacitat i idoneïtat per al desenvolupament de lesfuncions assignades al lloc de treball .Literature Literature
Only my mother would note the tightness along my jaw, the widening of my already wide eyes.
Què li has dit?Literature Literature
At what a cost did I raise my eyes?
Ha sentit alguna cosa?Literature Literature
He stared at them with a steely glint in his eyes, saying not a word and being unable to move his arms.
Tenim un munt de...Armes i... artefactesLiterature Literature
He was a bald, paunchy man with big white bulbs of flesh under his eyes, a loose pale mouth.
Ignora fitxers ocults i carpetesLiterature Literature
On opening my eyes , the summer night had grown a shade deeper .
Saps el que voldria?Literature Literature
I kept an eye out for Alex’s reaction.
Catalunya a l ' efecte de la seva executivitat immediata , tal com indicaLiterature Literature
The Prince and the children held up their heads again and opened their eyes.
Autor originalLiterature Literature
And my eye-it’s as though it’s been dropped in fire – and now I remember why.
I sense ingerir medicinesLiterature Literature
The Instructional Method of Signs is an educational method that emphasised using gestures or hand signs, based on the principle that "the education of deaf mutes must teach them through the eye of what other people acquire through the ear."
Fitxers RAWWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Maester Aemon's blind eyes were raised toward the light he could not see.
Siga honest?Literature Literature
When I glance up at her, she hands me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, her eyes twinkling.
Edita un guióLiterature Literature
She gazes at her mother with brilliant eyes.
Aquest quadre desplegable especifica quina codificació de caràcters s' emprarà per a passar el textLiterature Literature
His hair falls across one eye in a way that reminds me of Zachary’s.
Disposar el compliment de l ' esmentada Sentència en els seus termesLiterature Literature
"""I didn't tell you,"" Soraya said, dabbing at her eyes, ""but my father showed up with a gun that night."
Minimitza el nombre de passos en signar correus, usa els valors predeterminats, excepte que es detectin problemesLiterature Literature
In Skai’s eyes Ole and Tony carry the blame for the daughter’s problems.”
Límit inferiorLiterature Literature
Everything about her speaks of waste—her body, her life, the vacant look in her eyes.
Sortir de & klettresLiterature Literature
He took his time, closing his eyes and raising his face towards the water.
Amb el línia de comandament dcop de l' aplicació i una mica de Perl, crearem un simplescript que canviarà el color del fons de l' escriptori a través de l' espectre en cicles curtsLiterature Literature
Fellow conspirator, Nikolay Bestuzhev, would later write of Ryleyev: Physically his appearance was unattractive and he always spoke in a very simple way, but when he touched on his favourite theme--love of his country--his face lit up, his black glowing eyes shone with an unearthly light and his words flowed like a stream of lava.
Mentrestant, us he portat una mica de pa, com a bestretaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Bicky followed him with his eye till the door closed.
Rectificar , a instància de l ' Ajuntament de Saldes , l ' errada materialQED QED
Her strength had returned; it wasn’t only her eyes that were full of energy.
Vull dir, es va posar un mapa a la paret i llançar un dard?Literature Literature
The following video shows Othman, fondly known as the “eyes of Baba Amr,” telling the world about the suffering of the population of Baba Amr.
El menú Edita conté una varietat de comandaments, tots per a treballar amb el document actiugv2019 gv2019
She paused again, and for a moment she seemed to be inspecting us carefully through narrowed eyes.
Això el convenç que no estava equivocat?Literature Literature
I’d had the other boys by then, and I knew what kind of children they were by just looking at them with my ordinary eye.
Es quedarà el teu Ford encara que hagi de fer el sacrifici suprem!Literature Literature
Absence may or may not make the heart grow fonder, but it certainly freshens the eye.
distribució i adjudicació de l ' haverlíquid resultant deLiterature Literature
201 sinne gevind in 24 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.