eyelash oor Katalaans


One of the hairs which grow along the edge of eyelids.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans


hair growing on the edge of an eyelid
Oh, the drapes... are the eyelashes.
Ah, les cortines... són les pestanyes.

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
The movie revealed that a fossilized Mew eyelash, found in the Guyana jungle by a team of scientists, was used to create Mewtwo, a genetically enhanced Mew clone.
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Without blinking an eyelash, he covers the chunk of ice with a rag so that Corvo doesn’t see it’s covered in blood.
fonaments que s ' hi exposen , aquesta Comissió acorda :Literature Literature
And I don't even wear false eyelashes.
No s' ha trobat el fitxerLiterature Literature
No more confidences and tears on eyelashes.
Revoca aquest certificatLiterature Literature
That's an eyelash under a trillion dollars.
& Llista de reproduccióted2019 ted2019
The rockhopper penguin has distinctive feathers around the eyes, giving the appearance of elaborate eyelashes.
Escolliu l' estatus de l' assistent (Es necessita una acció, Acceptat, Declinat, Tentativa, Delegat, Completat, En progrés). L' estatus, el qual es mostra en la finestra de la llista de detalls us dona un ràpid resum del que s' ha de fer per a que l' esdeveniment tingui èxit. Es pot usar per a ordenar (veure a sobre). Si useu la planificació groupware i demaneu respostes dels vostres assistents, quan aneu rebent les confirmacions s' anirà actualitzant l' estatus de l' assistent. Si no demaneu confirmacions, haureu d' actualitzar l' estatus manualmentWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She was too near for his old eyes to make out the individual hairs of the eyelashes and eyebrows.
Ressaltat per a LaTeXLiterature Literature
The effect is particularly clear in reduplicated words: kopikophi 'eyelash'; piriphiri 'pepper' (cf. Swahili 'piripiri'); okukuttha 'to wipe'.
RESOLUCIÓ de 4 de maig de 1998 , per la qual es dóna publicitat a l ' Acord del Govern de 31 d ' octubre de 1997 , d ' acceptació de la cessió gratuïta de domini d ' un terreny de l ' Ajuntament de Lloret de Mar , amb destinació a instal · lacions de la policia de la Generalitat-mossos d ' esquadra ( oficina de denúncies ) .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He had thick glossy hair, large brown eyes, eyelashes like black palm trees.
No m' agrada perdre viatgesLiterature Literature
“Then let’s go with the sea urchin,” Livia consented, batting her eyelashes like Minnie Mouse to Mickey.
Modificació de Normes subsidiàries al carrer Nou i carrerLiterature Literature
He has stubby eyelashes and he stares me triumphantly in the face.
El tipus d' etiqueta retorna ' void ' (nulLiterature Literature
And meanwhile, while all that was going on, he, Marcus Garvey, swept the ground with elephant eyelashes.
Canvia la mida de les files seleccionades per tal que tinguin la mateixa midaLiterature Literature
I'd like you to imagine, just for a moment, that your eyelashes grew inwards instead of outwards, so that every time you blinked, they would scrape the front of your eyeballs, damaging the corneas, so that slowly and painfully, you went blind.
Negrecolorted2019 ted2019
From her slight smile I could tell she had understood me perfectly even though she didn’t bat an eyelash.
Afegeix caixaLiterature Literature
It was way too short for me, the couch, but I really could’ve slept standing up without batting an eyelash.
Obres Públiques en el termin i d ' un mes a comptar de la data deLiterature Literature
A combination of schist, shells and lapis lazuli was used to depict the eyelashes and eyelids, cornea and iris, respectively.
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With dark eyes and eyelashes she would have been a beauty.
Smyslov, però... realment no puc discutir sobre aixòLiterature Literature
The cabby was a Negro who didn't bat an eyelash when I told him to take me to 123rd and Lenox.
L ' estructura de premis per cada 1.250 llibrets ( 1 bloc ) és la següent :Literature Literature
But neither the father nor the son batted an eyelash.
Si no es produeix l ’ esmentada denúncia , s ’ entendrà que el conveni es prorroga automàticament per anys naturals .Literature Literature
I read her hair, her eyelashes, the scallops of her handkerchief, the rounded line of one visible breast as feminine.
Usuaris & administradorsLiterature Literature
He cracks his fingers—a bad habit of his—and then looks up at me again from beneath those dark eyelashes of his.
Segueix subjectant- liLiterature Literature
The few times that I went out on the street, if I closed my eyes more than ten seconds, the cold froze my eyelashes.
El filtre Arrodoniment de cantonadesLiterature Literature
When I greeted her, she fluttered her eyelashes at me in astonishment, as if she’d not seen me for ages.
Nom d' usuariLiterature Literature
His eyelashes are trimmed with powder, and before he leans in, he brushes the sugar from my lips so he can taste me.
a ) Complement de productivitat , destinat a retribuir l ’ especial rendiment , l ’ activitat extraordinàriai l ’ interès i l ’ iniciativa amb que el treballador desenvolupa el seu treball .Literature Literature
In chapter 36, a work by the skald Eyvindr skáldaspillir is cited that references Fulla's golden headgear ("the falling sun of the plain of Fulla's eyelashes shone on ").
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