fair oor Katalaans


/feə/, /fɛə/, /fɛɹ/ adjektief, werkwoord, naamwoord, bywoord
(literary or archaic) Beautiful, of a pleasing appearance, with a pure and fresh quality.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans


just, equitable
Don't be fair to the Daleks when they're firing me at a planet!
No sigueu justos amb els Dàleks quan em disparen cap a un planeta!


a gathering of people for a variety of entertainment or commercial activities
I can't let them go gallivanting off to every fair at the drop of a hat.
No els puc deixar anar a qualsevol fira que se'ls antulli.


pretty or attractive
Who is she that looketh forth as the morning, fair as the moon, clear as the sun?
Qui és aquesta que guaita com l'aurora, bella com la lluna, resplendent com el sol?

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equitatiu · basar · ros · mercat públic · mercat · correcte · amable · encisador · dolç · afable · raonable · formós · clar · bufó · mediocre · ordinari · pàl·lid · recte · regular · blanc · corrent · esblanqueït · honrat

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Soortgelyke frases

Fair Park
Circuit de Dallas
art fair
fira d'art
world's fair
exposició universal
Christmas fair
mercat de Nadal
book fair
fira del llibre
trade fair
basar · fira · fira de mostres · mercat públic
fair weather
by fair means or foul
per les bones o per les dolentes
payload fairing


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To obtain maximum publicity, Paul decides to build an atomic bomb and enter it into the New York Science Fair.
Per obtenir la màxima publicitat, Paul decideix construir una bomba nuclear i presentar-la a la Fira de la Ciència de Nova York.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Then, right away, she starts wondering what Marie Claude Bruinzeel will ask M at the book fair.
De seguida es pregunta què voldrà saber la Marie Claude Bruinzeel de l’M. a la Fira del Llibre.Literature Literature
"""Tirant was very happy with the reply of Fair Agnes."
"""Tirant fon molt content de la resposta de la bella Agnés."Literature Literature
He felt that to wreck so fair a life for the sake of a few months' pleasure would be a wrong thing to do.
Va sentir que destrossar una vida tan bella a canvi d’uns quants mesos de plaer seria mala cosa.Literature Literature
In this way the game will be fair.
D'aquesta manera la partida serà justa.Literature Literature
All real property is taxable annually; the tax is based on the property's fair market value at the time of purchase or new construction.
Tots els béns immobles es taxen anualment, l'impost es calcula sobre la base del valor just en el mercat de la propietat en el moment de la compra.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I’d like to be fair here, even to myself.
Aquí m’agradaria ser justa, també amb mi mateixa.Literature Literature
I saw Mrs Hughes in the village today, and she told me the servants have got up a party for the Thirsk fair.
Avui he vist la senyora Hughes al poble, i m'ha dit que els servents aniran en grup a la fira de Thrisk.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Any unwatched street door was fair game to the gangs of thieves who roamed the city.
Qualsevol porta de carrer sense vigilar era una bona presa per les bandes de lladres que rondaven la ciutat.Literature Literature
They never knew that he had in fact carried out a fair part of his assigned task: when the material Leibniz had written and collected for his history of the House of Brunswick was finally published in the 19th century, it filled three volumes.
Mai no van saber que Leibniz realment havia fet una bona part de la tasca que se li havia assignat: quan finalment al segle xix es va publicar el material que Leibniz havia escrit i compilat per a la seva història de la Casa del Brunsvic, ocupava tres volums.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I feel it's only fair that I tell you something now.
Penso que és just que et digui una cosa, ara.Literature Literature
‘That belongs to – well, perhaps it is hardly fair to tell the name until tomorrow morning.
Això pertany a..., bé, potser no sigui gaire just de no esmentar-ne el nom fins demà al matí.Literature Literature
The structure was built as the main exhibit pavilion for the 1882 Exhibition Trade Fair.
L'estructura va ser construïda com el principal pavelló de l'Exposició de Comerç de 1882.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
So I think I'm as concerned about fairness and justice as anybody.
Per tant, em sembla que la justícia i la igualtat em preocupen més que a ningú.Literature Literature
O.K., fair enough, I’ve been letting myself go a little.
, d’acord, darrerament m’he deixat anar una mica.Literature Literature
I believe the client’s wife thought his work had no style, class, or savoir faire.”
Em va semblar entendre que la dona del client va estimar que el seu treball no tenia estil, classe ni savoir faire.Literature Literature
Suffice to say I practiced it with fair regularity, sometimes more than once a day.
Només cal que digui que la practicava molt sovint, de vegades més d'un cop al dia.Literature Literature
All right: it was because he tripped; but I won fair and square.
D’acord: perquè va ensopegar; però el vaig guanyar legalment.Literature Literature
Of fair demesnes, youthful, and nobly train'd, Stuff'd, as they say, with honourable parts,
De demesnes just i juvenil, i train'd noblement, Stuff'd, com se sol dir, amb les peces honorables,QED QED
Undoubtedly because it sometimes had a fair amount of malice in it when it was directed at me.
Indiscutiblement perquè hi havia una gran quantitat de malícia quan es referien a mi.Literature Literature
It was not fair to bring Mary there with me.
No era just voler-hi dur la Mary, allà.Literature Literature
And in my head, like seeds in an empty pumpkin: “Blue eyes and fair hair are essentially wicked.
I en el meu cap, com llavors en una carbassa buida: «Els ulls blaus i els cabells rossos són essencialment malvats.Literature Literature
It's a fair offer.
És una oferta justa.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Nevertheless, this year's fair was better than expected after last year's cancellation.
Malgrat tot, la fira d’aquell any era molt esperada a causa de la cancel·lació de l’any anterior.Literature Literature
Lilith Fair tour brought together 2 million people over its three-year history and raised more than $7 million for charities.
El tour Lilith Fair, va congregar al voltant de 2 milions de persones (en total) en els seus tres anys d'història, i va recaptar al voltant de 7 milions de dòlars destinats a obres de caritat i donacions.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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