fair-haired oor Katalaans


Having relatively blond hair

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And in my head, like seeds in an empty pumpkin: “Blue eyes and fair hair are essentially wicked.
Aquí no hi han de venir a fer resLiterature Literature
The problem, the other women told her, was her fair hair.
llocs escolars , en la modalitat de ciències de la naturalesa i la salutLiterature Literature
Over her fair hair, in the net, he looked round, and stood quite still.
cvsrevertlast és emprat per a revertir tots els fitxers sobre la línia de comandaments per una versió en el CVS. Els fitxers no seran entregatsLiterature Literature
She was a tall, statuesque, rather silent woman with slow movements and magnificent fair hair.
I on podem trobar Aquests meravellosos diamants?Literature Literature
“So you’re Vaclav Lysicky,” the district judge said, looking austerely at the fair-haired delinquent.
La conversió de la base de dades està disponibleLiterature Literature
Victor put on a corduroy jacket and ran his hands through his fair hair.
Selecciona tots els caràcters des del començament de la selecció fins al final del documentLiterature Literature
Could it indeed be Rowena at all——the fair-haired, the blue-eyed Lady Rowena Trevanion of Tremaine?
Gestor d' estilsLiterature Literature
The brilliant sun behind him gleaming through his fair hair surrounded his shadowed face with a golden aura.
Tipus d' autoritzacióLiterature Literature
Just look at all the portraits we have of Jesus—he was fair-haired and blue-eyed.
refinançament d ' operacions d ' endeutament preexistents en qu alsevol deLiterature Literature
Her white cheeks, her fair hair pressed against the pillow, are silvered over.
Certifica per a qualsevol a veureLiterature Literature
For one thing, they were all as fair-skinned as himself, and most of them had fair hair.
No exactamentLiterature Literature
The moonlight was glinting on her fair hair, but her face and eyes were in shadow.
Alta qualitat, preu baixLiterature Literature
Fair hair, blue eyes, the spit of her mother.
Cada imatge que editeu en el & krita; té capes. Quan creeu una nova imatge, la caixa de capes (mostrada normalment com a la part inferior dreta de la vostra pantalla, mireu aquesta secció) tindrà una capa. El dibuix i l' edició que feu s' aplica a aquella capa. Un cop afegiu més capes, podeu escollir en quina part de la imatge voleu treballar, seleccionant la capa respectiva. Tot dibuix més endavant s' aplica llavors a aquella capa, fins que en vulgueu seleccionar una altraLiterature Literature
But his masterpiece is generally considered to be his portrait of a fair-haired girl.
L’ hem comprada avuiWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
‘A very fair-haired, rosy-cheeked manservant, quite young ...’ ‘Did you say you were from the police?’
Modificació puntual de la Delimitació del sòl urbàLiterature Literature
Only the little fair-haired ghost boy beside him was rather unusual.
Una vegada heu fet clic a Opcions & gt; gt;, la caixa de diàleg canvia aLiterature Literature
A young man with fair hair rose to greet them.
1.1 Se su bstituirà el redactat de l ' article 609.3 pelLiterature Literature
In all of them, without exception, was a boy with fair hair and a cheerful expression.
administratiu davant la Sala Contenciosa Administrativa del Tribunal SuperiorLiterature Literature
He was six or seven, fair-haired, wearing a school blazer with a huge badge.
El diàleg instal· laLiterature Literature
Fair hair falling to below the shoulders.
Àsia/JerusalemLiterature Literature
And in my head, like seeds in an empty pumpkin: ‘Blue eyes and fair hair are essentially wicked.
No s' ha trobat el fitxer de tipus de lletraLiterature Literature
Her fair hair had been cut this morning, and it was now as short as a man’s.
Teniu relacionats nousLiterature Literature
"""Little cats who howl too loud get drowned in the canals."" warned the fair-haired bravo."
Fins i tot convencia I' enemicLiterature Literature
She was slim and fair-haired and had good legs.
No ho sé, Ben volia una cosaLiterature Literature
One of the new, fair-haired women took out a camera.
Fent clic a la pestanya Obre un document existent i el botó quan esteu obrint un nou documentLiterature Literature
98 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.