feeling of movement oor Katalaans

feeling of movement

the perception of body position and movement and muscular tensions etc

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The leaping flames behind the screen gave the animals painted on it a feeling of movement.
Vaig pensar que calia dir- los que deixessin d' escampar el rumorLiterature Literature
Each one of us feels the movements of his or her body in the world as “mine.”
estigui configurada per les finalitats exposades a la presentLiterature Literature
When he felt her lips at the base of his penis, he could feel the movement of her throat.
Els ocellets mengen fins i tot cebes en conservaLiterature Literature
I could feel every movement of your body when we rode out together on Whinney.
I després, senyors, va prendre la seva espasa I ho va posar de genollsLiterature Literature
The total absence of sound, movement, or any feeling of contact on her skin.
aquest termini es van presentar set al · legacions , les quals van serLiterature Literature
He walked easily, with a joy of movement and with a feeling of walking in sunlight.
Secretari accidental de la Com issió d ' UrbanismeLiterature Literature
Through the taut rope I can feel the vibration of their movements in the branches.
Kilink no depèn de la sort, però sí, del seu cervellLiterature Literature
As we go up, so smoothly there’s no sense of movement, I feel the man’s eyes traveling over me.
Tarragona , 4 de desembre de 1998Literature Literature
I feel completely in control of my movements and enjoy myself as I have not done for some time.
Morts a l' albaLiterature Literature
It was all strange: the feeling of one's body was unprecedented, every other movement ended in a surprise.
Ja et vaig dir que li encantariaLiterature Literature
Wished he had greater freedom of movement so that he could feel her.
L' actual versió d' aquesta eina demostra un model molt simplificat del sistema solar; estem planejant diverses millores en futures versions. Per exemple, les òrbites seran mostrades com a el· lipses, cercles no perfectes. També farem possible recentrar la vista a qualsevol localització (actualment, el centre està fixat en el Sol) i permetrem canviar la data, incloguen la capacitat d' animar la vista amb una variable de pas temporal. Finalment, també voldríem afegir els cometes i asteroidesLiterature Literature
Anapanasati means to feel the sensations caused by the movements of the breath in the body, as is practiced in the context of mindfulness.
Probablement el salmó del rei, Donada la temporadaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Gaelic revival and Irish nationalism frequently overlapped in places such as An Stad, a tobacconist on North Frederick Street owned by the writer Cathal McGarvey and frequented by literary figures such as James Joyce (although Joyce was thoroughly contemptuous of the movement, feeling it betrayed the realities of urban Ireland) and Yeats, along with leaders of the Nationalist movement such as Douglas Hyde, Arthur Griffith and Michael Collins.
sentit de diferenciar en el catàleg esmentat com a finques independentsWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The second movement has a melodic feeling of adagio, which was the tempo written down by Mozart at first, but then crossed out and marked Andante.
elèctrica , la qual cosa s ' ha de comunicar als ti tulars de les finquesWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I feel queasy, and that prevents me from making the simplest of movements without expending a huge mental effort.
Heu de seleccionar un dorsalLiterature Literature
Described by Goodwin as “virtually an ‘operatic’ ensemble of passionate feeling and sensuous warmth”, the third movement, marked Adagio, is in E flat major.
Els ítems en el menú Paquets sónWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Eva Badura-Skoda writes that it contains "...some charming passages and even traits of genuine Schubert here and there in this movement; but altogether one can still feel Schubert's lack of experience."
Per eliminar una entrada, seleccioneu-la en la caixa en llista de la dreta fent clic amb el & BER;. Després, feu clic a EliminaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Not even feeling the baby’s movements in her belly could awaken the sense of well-being it had always given him before.
Per què m' han segrestat?Literature Literature
A double movement of the globe he inhabited, and of which he could feel nothing, appeared to him perfectly impossible.
Normes subsidiàries en el tram del carrer Nou i carrer SantiagoLiterature Literature
Women who enjoy or prefer tribadism report finding pleasure from its allowance of whole-body contact, the experience of timing hip movement and feeling their partner's motions without manual stimulation, which is considered exciting, erotic and a much easier way to achieve orgasm due to ample clitoral stimulation.
Hauran de comptar amb el vist-i-plau del cap del departament del que depengui el treballador i s ’ intentaran adequar a les necessitats del servei .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The movement uplifted the black community as a whole by cultivating feelings of racial solidarity and positive self-identity, often in opposition to the world of white Americans, a world that had physically and psychologically oppressed Blacks for generations.
Preselecciona a l' usuari especificat en la caixa desplegable de a sota. Useu això si aquest ordinador es usat predominantment per un usuari determinatWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Night terror, also known as sleep terror, is a sleep disorder, causing feelings of terror or dread, and typically occurs during the first hours of stage 3–4 non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep.
Atès que en data 30 de juliol de 1998 el Govern de la Generalitat vaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
What I mean by "strange loop" is — here goes a first stab, anyway — not a physical circuit but an abstract loop in which, in the series of stages that constitute the cycling-around, there is a shift from one level of abstraction (or structure) to another, which feels like an upwards movement in a hierarchy, and yet somehow the successive "upward" shifts turn out to give rise to a closed cycle.
Però va passar quelcom inesperatWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nevertheless, it can be argued that this second movement with its sparse texture and comfortless melodies, evokes a Russian feel by bringing to mind the vast, barren and desolate landscape of the Siberian tundra.
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The second movement is minuet-like; the main section does not resolve to a full cadence, but ends on an E-major chord that feels like the dominant of A minor.
l ' esmentada Llei 30 / 1992 , de 26 de novembre , sens perjudici que es puguiWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
29 sinne gevind in 17 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.