fit out oor Katalaans

fit out

(idiomatic) To provide a thing, a group, a person or oneself with requisites; to kit out.

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Inside, the cave was very carefully and intelligently fitted out.
La meva dona era allàLiterature Literature
During the fitting-out of The Hive, an electrician’s apprentice was found dead in a stairwell.
Al respondre emprar el codi de caràcters per omissióLiterature Literature
It was just what Daunt wanted, and needed only finishing and fitting out to meet his requirements.
Aquest complement té per objectiu respectar " ad personam " les diferències salarials existents entre el personal , en aquells conceptes que no es poden incloure en cap dels complements salarials del personal laboral abans enumerats .Literature Literature
We will presently fit out certain vessels, and thou shalt hold a visitation of thine ancient diocese.'
RESOLUCIÓ de 28 de maig de 1998 , per la qual s ' autoritza la modificació de l ' autorització d ' obertura del centre docent privat Mireia , de Barcelona .Literature Literature
It was a two-tone Nash Metropolitan that his father had fitted out with an MG engine.
Resolució de problemesLiterature Literature
She was towed from Portsmouth to London via Tilbury, where she was fitted out as a museum.
RESOLUCIÓ de 29 d ' abril de 1998 , per la qual es dóna publicitat a la concessió directa de subvencions durant el primer trimest re de l ' any 1998 .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Only half are fitted out, however, and none is fully crewed.
Ens ha mirat d' una manera estranYaLiterature Literature
Pia was fitted out with a camera and microphone inside her thin shirt, invisible under her jacket.
Per a més informació sobre estils, mireu la secció Estils d' aquesta documentacióLiterature Literature
To Franklin the little room was fitted out with everything anyone could wish for, including a telephone.
Des de fa tres diesLiterature Literature
They were used for defence, transportation, supply (food, water and oil) and repair (fitted out with workshops).
La classificació del personal té per objecte la determinació , ordenació i definició de les diferents categories professionals que puguin ser assignades als treballadors dacord amb les tasques i funcions que efectivament desenvolupin .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The poor lad was taken to a room that had been fitted out like a ship’s cabin.
específiques del seu alumnat .Literature Literature
By 1974, areas including the Admiral's bridge and forward boiler and engine rooms had been restored and fitted out.
Mango liquat?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The last room on the tour was the most impressive: a kitchen fitted out with all the latest gadgets.
Expliqueu- nos l' ús d' aquest dispositiuLiterature Literature
She was taken halfway up the Hudson in an excursion steamer fitted out in the archaism of the mad Twenties.
Modificació puntual del Pla especial de protecció del patrimoniLiterature Literature
“Let’s fit him out with fresh armor and fit ourselves out from the treasure chamber, and have a talk after that.”
Llavors va desaparèixerLiterature Literature
Lecapenus arranged a defense of Constantinople by having 15 retired ships fitted out with throwers of Greek fire fore and aft.
RESOLUCIÓ de 22 d ' abril de 1998 , per la qual es disposa el compliment de la Sentència del Tribunal Superior de Justícia de Catalunya de 14 de maig de 1997 , dictada en el recurs contenciós administratiu núm .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She was launched on 17 November, and after fitting-out, was commissioned on 1 May 1916 at a final cost of £2,468,269.
Valor superiorWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They were floating through the canals in a large canoe with a fitted-out generator for all of the community to enjoy.
La direcció del personal i l ’ organització del treball corresponen a la Corporació , a través dels seus òrgans de govern als quals la legislació atribueix aquestes funcions , sense perjudici de les facultats que tenen els esmentats òrgans de govern de descentralitzar , d ’ acord amb la normativa vigent , part d ’ aquestes funcions a través de caps de comandament en cadasc una de les àrees administratives en què està estructurada l ’ administració comarcal ; tot allò sense perjudici dels drets i de les facultats d ’ audiència i d ’ informació reconeguts als treballadors als articles 40 , 41 i 46 de l ’ Estatut dels Treballadors , i la resta de normativa vigent , en relació amb els seus representants legals , els quals tindran els drets i les obligacions següents :ted2019 ted2019
In addition to the various areas of the ship open to visitors, some compartments have been fitted out as dedicated exhibition space.
Quan eren petites, la germana desapareguéWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He therefore had six months to secure the financing, acquire and fit out a ship, buy all the equipment and supplies, and recruit the personnel.
Següent preguntaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The carrier spent a year fitting out, was handed over to her first commander, Captain Arthur Power, on 16 November 1938, and was commissioned on 16 December.
El seu vestit espacial s' ha trencat i es debilita cada segon.- Retorneu la maleta d' Olaf!- Calli, Simone!WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He also assisted in the equipping of the Argentinean corvette Uruguay, which was being fitted out for the relief of the stranded Swedish Antarctic Expedition under Nordenskiöld.
ExcepcionsWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 1527 Hernán Cortés fitted out a fleet to find new lands in the "South Sea" (Pacific Ocean), asking his cousin Álvaro de Saavedra Cerón to take charge.
Té una filla que viu a EuropaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In August 1945, Fluckey was ordered to Groton, Connecticut in September, to fit out the USS Dogfish (SS-350) and to be that submarine's Commanding Officer, upon her completion.
Tot el que us diguéssiu no és importantWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Finally, in August 2005, Freddy Lodomez bought the property and immediately embarked on comprehensive restoration work which continued for three years as the building was fitted out as a luxury hotel.
El dia comença a lesWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
137 sinne gevind in 41 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.