flirt oor Katalaans


/flɜː(ɹ)t/, /flɝt/ adjektief, werkwoord, naamwoord
A sudden jerk; a quick throw or cast; a darting motion; hence, a jeer.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans


to play at courtship
You don't know that you're flirting with other women and showing them you want to bed them?
No saps que flirteges amb altres dones i els mostres que et vols anar al llit amb elles?
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to play at courtship
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Yeah, when you see us, you just flirt a little bit more with me.
Sí, quan ens veus tu coqueteges un mica més amb mi.
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Konstantin was flirting with a beautiful woman whom Samuel remembered having seen at other parties.
Allà hi havia en Konstantín fent la cort a una dona preciosa, que en Samuel recordava d’altres festes.Literature Literature
Which means that someone has his eye on me and I’ve flirted with him a couple of times.
Això vol dir que algú s’ha fixat en mi i hi he flirtejat un parell de vegades.Literature Literature
We were—and he must have recognized the signs long before I did—flirting.
Estàvem —i ell va haver de reconeixer els senyals molt abans que jo— lligant.Literature Literature
“Trevor wasn’t flirting; he was just being nice.”
—En Trevor no flirtejava, només era amable.Literature Literature
They do so love to flirt with other men.
Els agrada tant flirtejar amb altres homes.Literature Literature
Avoiding flirting has also helped him to avoid immorality.
Deixar de flirtejar el va ajudar a evitar la immoralitat.jw2019 jw2019
He was glad neither of them was any good at flirting: it was a kind of deception.
S'alegrava que cap dels dos tingués gaire traça per lligar: tot plegat era una comèdia, si fa no fa.Literature Literature
Please, don't start flirting.
Per favor, no comenceu a flirtejar.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She’ll probably flirt all her life, no matter whom she’s with.”
Probablement flirtejarà durant tota la resta de la seva vida, sigui quina sigui la persona amb qui pugui estar unida.Literature Literature
We flirted, probably, a little, but with no objective in mind.
Hem flirtejat, segurament, una mica, però sense cap objectiu clar.Literature Literature
His red waistcoat was as glossy as satin and he flirted his wings and tail and tilted his head and hopped about with all sorts of lively graces.
La seva armilla vermella era tan brillant com el setí i va flirtejar les seves ales i la cua i Inclinar el cap i va saltar sobre tota mena de gràcies viva.QED QED
Is this really beautiful girl flirting with me?
De debò aquesta noia tan bonica flirteja amb mi?Literature Literature
Brian said, ‘Young people flirt with all kinds of shock imagery, it doesn’t make her Eva Braun.
—Els joves flirtegen amb tota mena d’imatgeria xocant; això no la converteix en l’Eva Braun.Literature Literature
– Your father, said the little old man to Stephen, was the boldest flirt in the City of Cork in his day.
—El teu pare —digué a Stephen el vellet— era el flirtejador més agosarat de la ciutat de Cork, als seus temps.Literature Literature
Nuala flirted with anything male.
La Nuala flirtejava amb tot el que fos mascle.Literature Literature
Does she write as well as she flirts?
Escriu tan bé com flirteja?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
How typical of Erik to flirt by saying that he never read books.
Era típic de l’Erik anar pregonant que no llegia llibres.Literature Literature
If someone comes to flirt with me, I will flirt back, but only up to a point.
Si algú ve a flirtejar amb mi també hi flirtejaré, però només fins a cert punt.Literature Literature
All right, no flirting, and no fighting.
D'acord, hi ha flirteig, i sense baralles.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
We had a great time at the cinema and in the bar yesterday, we laughed, drank and flirted.
Ens ho vam passar molt bé al cinema i al bar ahir, vam riure, vam beure i vam flirtejar.Literature Literature
Pepita, however, has eyes only for Don Pedro's son, Don Luis, a handsome young seminarian who flirts with her shamelessly.
Tanmateix, Pepita només té ulls per al fill de Don Pedro, Don Luis, un jove i ben plantat seminarista que flirteja amb ella desvergonyidament.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Do you feel like I was flirting with you, Terry the Marine?
Et sembla que estigués flirtejant amb tu, Terry el Marine?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
At first he flirted with the idea of touchscreens, but he found himself frustrated.
Al principi, va temptejar la idea de les pantalles tàctils, pero es va desanimar.Literature Literature
Watching him flirt with her didn’t hurt nearly as bad as hearing him tell me that he didn’t love me.
Veure’l flirtejar amb ella no m’ha fet tant de mal com sentir-li dir que no m’estima.Literature Literature
One of the gentlemen, Pish-Tush, explains that when the Mikado decreed that flirting was a capital crime, the Titipu authorities frustrated the decree by appointing Ko-Ko, a prisoner condemned to death for flirting, to the post of Lord High Executioner ("Our great Mikado, virtuous man").
Un dels cavallers, Pish-Tush, li explica que quan el Mikado decretà que el flirteig era un crim capital, les autoritats de Titipú, frustraren el decret nomenant Ko-Ko, un presoner condemnat a mort per flirtejar, nomenant-lo al càrrec d'Honorable Senyor Botxí ("Our great Mikado, virtuous man").WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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