flirtation oor Katalaans


/flɚˈteɪʃən/ naamwoord
Playing at courtship; coquetry.

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No one ever got hurt, or even involved beyond a bit of mild flirtation.’
General|Tasques actives|Tasques completadesLiterature Literature
With that face and those eyes and that mane of hair she was destined for flirtation.
vegetal del Servei de Protecció dels Vegetals amb el númeroLiterature Literature
Needless to say, the flirtation between Albert and the lady with the violets continued all day.
Port del & kwrite; a KPartsLiterature Literature
“Did you think I didn’t know about your—little flirtation?
Aquesta opció encara no està implementadaLiterature Literature
They were engaged in one of those floating Society flirtations that are all the more silly for being semi–intellectual.
l ' església de Sant Pere i la Santa Creu del Cementiri Vell , a MasquefaLiterature Literature
Turned out Jeremy admitted there'd been a flirtation and he'd been very attracted to this girl.
Un canvi interessantLiterature Literature
In any case, if I said it—but you’re wrong about that—what I was referring to was flirtations with young men.
Vinc de part d' en PierrotLiterature Literature
So he told her it had been just a little flirtation.
Propietats de grupLiterature Literature
She’d viewed it all as an innocent flirtation.
L' usuari no pot modificar res en aquesta pàginaLiterature Literature
Elizabeth Montagu was a very close friend, and Elizabeth co-operated with her in establishing a salon where repartee and intelligent discussion were more important than the usual drinking, card play, and sexual flirtation.
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—was too rusty to grasp the nuances, but the gist of their flirtation was clear.
Hi ha dues opcions més a considerar, Mida i EfectesLiterature Literature
She had admirers and she had flirtations, but there was certainly nothing the least bit suspect or clandestine about it!
--2 Quan es tracti de centres d ' educació especial , el preuLiterature Literature
"""There's no—flirtation, as you call it."
Contra aquesta Resolució , que posa fi a la via administrativa , les persones interessades poden interposar , amb la comunicació prèvia al conseller d ' Ensenyament , recurs contenciós administratiu davant la Sala Contenciosa Administrativa del Tribunal Superior de Justícia de Catalunya , en el termini de dos mesos a comptar de l ' endemà de la seva publicació al DOGC , de conformitat amb el que preveuen l ' article 110.3 de la Llei 30 / 1992 , de 26 de novembre , de règim jurídic de les administracions públiques i del procediment administratiu comú , i l ' article 58 de la Llei de la jurisdicció contenciosa administrativa de 27 de desembre de 1956 .Literature Literature
Nevertheless, she refrained from any flirtation or dalliance with the young men who filled her dance card.
Sistema d' impressió usat actualmentLiterature Literature
Even the happily married ones enjoy a little harmless flirtation now and then.”
El caràcter o caràcters que representen el símbol de la moneda estan basats en el país que se selecciona. El símbol decimal i el separador de mils funcionen com els números. La caixa de text etiquetada com a Dígits fraccionals us permet especificar el nombre de dígits fraccionaris a usar al mostrar els valors monetarisLiterature Literature
She acted towards Jasper as if she had completely forgotten about their flirtation in London.
Vosaltres dos estigueu- vos quietsLiterature Literature
He couldn’t get enough of those eyes that widened so dramatically at the slightest flirtation.
Contra aquesta Resolució , que no exhaureix la via administrativa , elsLiterature Literature
Close friendship between the latter and Mrs. van Daan, flirtations, kisses and friendly little smiles.
Àsia/TòquioLiterature Literature
Little harmless flirtations will occur, and one is often drawn on to give more encouragement than one wishes.
& Inicia una nova sessióLiterature Literature
Checchina or not, my brother had his flirtations without ever getting down from the trees.
Arranjament del salvapantallesLiterature Literature
Already the agreeable flirtation was slipping into German abstraction.
Cap descripció disponibleLiterature Literature
She would begin a mild flirtation.
O fent clic a sobre la barra d' einesLiterature Literature
I also discovered that along with many of his compatriots, Jacob regarded flirtation as an art.
La música travessa les paretsLiterature Literature
The new King had not entirely forgiven him his flirtations with Saint-Germain, and he had no intention of employing him in any but military capacities.
Vés- ti' n cap a casa, posa- ti a dormirWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Looks as if a little flirtation with her might end fatally, doesnt it?
les Normes subsidiàries de planejament de GandesaLiterature Literature
64 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.