freedom of speech oor Katalaans

freedom of speech

/fɹiː.dəm.əv.spiːtʃ/ naamwoord
The right of citizens to speak, or otherwise communicate, without fear of harm or prosecution.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans

llibertat d'expressió

right to speak without fear of harm
The website defends their review feature citing freedom of speech.
El web s'escuda en la llibertat d'expressió per defensar aquesta ferramenta.

llibertat d’expressió

Some favorable court decisions have refined legal codes, thus protecting freedom of speech and of worship.
A més, algunes decisions favorables han modificat lleis que han protegit la llibertat d’expressió i de culte.

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
He added that freedom of speech does not include the right to incite on terrorism.
Organització de la feinaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The website defends their review feature citing freedom of speech.
Potser heu teclejat incorrectament la localitzaciógv2019 gv2019
The need for freedom of speech is also mentioned.
No puc tornar a estar tancat esperant a què algú altre es moriWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Because anarchists are protected; freedom of speech and all.
La il· luminació cau lentament en paracaigudes.I això està cremantLiterature Literature
He likes to make a big noise about freedom of speech, and what is freedom of speech?
No s' ha indicat cap nom d' opcióLiterature Literature
Dubček's relaxation of censorship ushered in a brief period of freedom of speech and the press.
Diria, amic meu, que us heu tornat boig!WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He moved quickly to release political prisoners and lift some controls on freedom of speech and association.
Desa els paràmetres d' escànerWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She had protected the private lives of her guests, and thus the entire issue of freedom of speech.
¿ Vas a comprar- lo, John?Literature Literature
On the other hand, many legal experts believe the bill is unconstitutional and threatens freedom of speech.
Perquè... m' has electrocutat,I he pogut sentir els pensaments, Cent vegades més fortes, veritat?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She had protected the private lives of her guests and thus the entire issue of freedom of speech.
Déu meu Senyor, EricLiterature Literature
Pell described this move as a "clumsy attempt to curb religious freedom and freedom of speech".
Qui serà el primer?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Freedom of speech and freedom of assembly are fundamental tenets of any truly democratic country.
Paper arrugatWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Glasnost resulted in greater freedom of speech and the press becoming far less controlled.
Edita la cel· la marcadaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“It says here: ‘Bear in mind that there is no freedom of speech in East Germany.’
Què penses fer?Literature Literature
However, the country received a much lower ranking for "freedom of speech" and "freedom of assembly".
Actua amb indiferènciaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A typewriter is freedom of speech.’
Memoritzeu la presentacióLiterature Literature
Karolin’s father had no political or religious ideas and cared nothing for freedom of speech.
¿ On està Ruby?Literature Literature
Malouma became nationally known and was a sought after performer until a 1991 song about freedom of speech.
Els astrònoms usen el flux per a denotar la lluminositat aparent d' un cos celest. La lluminositat aparent es defineixcom la quantitat de llum rebuda des d' una estrella sobre l' atmosfera de la Terra passant a través d' una unitat d' àrea a cada segon. De manera que, la lluminositat aparent simplement és el flux que rebem des d' una estrellaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is the soldier, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech.
Sintaxi vàlida per accedir a diferents carpetes virtuals i una curta explicació del que representenWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Others demand to have freedom of speech, of choice, and of self-determination.
A principis de l' edat mitjana va néixer la llegenda de la mandràgorajw2019 jw2019
And they’re a bit more particular about things like freedom of speech.
per a 120 llocs escolars ( en funcionament tots els cursos ) .Literature Literature
The constitution provides for freedom of speech and press "in conditions prescribed by the law."
Està relacionat amb el meu passat, i tu me l' has presWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
You were talking about democracy and freedom of speech.
El filtre AutocontrastLiterature Literature
Do they ever mention freedom of speech at that school of yours?
octubre de 1998 , adoptà , entre altres , l ' acord següent :Literature Literature
Its objective was to protect and promote freedom of speech and freedom of the press.
Aquests treballs extraordinaris es liquidaran econòmicament ( valoració de la tasca específica ) o bé per compensació en temps de descans ( còmput d hores de servei o extraordinàries ) , a elecció del treballador .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
117 sinne gevind in 14 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.