freedom of the press oor Katalaans

freedom of the press

The right of citizens or the media of the United States to print, or otherwise disseminate, speech, ideas and opinions without fear or harm of prosecution.

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freedom of communication and expression through mediums including various electronic media and published materials

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Restrictions on freedom of the press, lifted in 1868.
Ha fallat l' autenticació. Comproveu el vostre nom d' usuari i contrasenyaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Or that you don’t care about freedom of the press because you don’t like to read.
Tots els camps de dalt, excepte numero_ de_ casa, són de tipus text. Canvieu el tipus de camp de numero_ de_ casa a número sencer. Per a fer-ho, cliqueu en una cel· la de la columna Tipus de dada, fila numero_ de_ casa i llavors cliqueu el botó de llista desplegable (també podeu teclejar F# o Alt; Baix. Apareixerà la llista de tipus de dada. Seleccioneu el tipus número sencerLiterature Literature
’ ‘ “Freedom of the press”,’ Dolan said sarcastically.
print:/manager o print: managerLiterature Literature
The Constitution guaranteed basic civil liberties such as freedom of the press and freedom of association again.
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He was trying to subvert the freedom of the Press!
Que no et faré malLiterature Literature
'The law on freedom of the press is quite clear.
l ' ocupació dels béns i els drets esmentats .Literature Literature
Its objective was to protect and promote freedom of speech and freedom of the press.
Kilink, amorWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Freedom of the press is quasi-absent and many journalists are thought to practice self-censorship.
TAN(radiansWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Im sorry, Pirenne, but the City Charter guarantees a certain minor matter known as freedom of the press.
& FTP; és el File Transfer Protocol (protocol de transferència de fitxers); aquest és un protocol d' Internet que us permet rebre fitxers des dels servidors d' FTP;. Si voleu descarregar & koffice; des de la Internet, probablement haureu d' usar & FTPLiterature Literature
He also said that he would ensure freedom of the press in the country.
Reescriptura i ampliacióWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He was a defender of the freedom of the press.
--3 Comunicar-ho a l ' Ajuntament d ' Igualada .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tails has also received funding from the Debian Project, Mozilla, and the Freedom of the Press Foundation.
Es trobará la roba i es dirigirà a la llibertat...... seguit a distància pels seus homes controlat per la ràdio del cotxe, Càmeres de televisió, llocs de control de trànsitWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Despite the sentences' possible impact on freedom of the press, Reporters Without Borders welcomed the outcome of the trial.
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It also performs well in several national performance metrics, including freedom of the press, economic freedom and civil liberties.
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Journalists also practice self-censorship for fear of government retaliation, dealing a severe blow to Rwanda's freedom of the press.
No ens hem vist maiWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As for the newspapers, the Jewish plan envisages a sham freedom of the press that ensures greater control over opinions.
Estàndards implementatsLiterature Literature
In a constitutional referendum in 2009, term limits for the presidency were abolished and freedom of the press was restricted.
Cadena d' escapadaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In 2007, he received in Beirut the Samir Kassir Award for Freedom of the Press, granted by the European Union.
Una instantània amb la configuració del recurs en fitxer remot de & korganizerWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The military police were replaced by a civilian force, and freedom of the press was permitted to a limited extent.
El seu mòbilWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
That the freedom of the press is one of the great bulwarks of liberty, and can never be restrained but by despotic governments.
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George, Williams and Johnson, the three Nigerian council members, all objected on the grounds that the ordinance would inhibit freedom of the press.
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The courts opined that freedom of the press and public interest in areas concerned with the formation of public opinion favoured Wallraff's actions.
Les senyals actualment disponibles sónWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It guaranteed freedom of religion, freedom of the press, and freedom of labour, but forbade armed assemblies and even public meetings of political societies.
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Despite the official government statement that allowed for freedom of the press, this was the first trial of whether Dubček was serious about reforms.
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A new constitution emerged, separating the powers and granting the franchise to all adult males, as well as freedom of the press, religion, and association.
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114 sinne gevind in 46 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.