from the inside oor Katalaans

from the inside

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans

des de dins

The glass on all these paintings has been broken from the inside.
El vidre en tots aquests quadres s'ha trencat des de dins.

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It was like she was shut out from the inside room.
X- ray- delta- u, aquí control de missió.Dos- zero- quatre- nouLiterature Literature
Barricading a window from the inside was no big deal to Peter.
¿ Em compraràs un gelat?Literature Literature
Only by re-establishing that relationship could he set himself free to rip them apart from the inside.
publicació d ' aquest Edicte .Literature Literature
They watched a bank employee lock the door from the inside.
Seleccioneu el segon polígon a intersecarLiterature Literature
‘A man like me gets used to recognizing himself from the inside.
YYYY-L' any, usant # dígitsLiterature Literature
It nowhere appears that he ever actually harpooned his fish, unless, indeed, from the inside.
Mostra els fitxers ocultsLiterature Literature
I rotted my lungs with crazy gases, and had to be rebuilt from the inside out.
Vistos el Decret legislatiu 1 / 1990 , de 12 de juliol , pel qual s ' aprova la refosa del texts legals vigents a Catalunya en matèria urbanística ( DOGC núm . 1317 , de 13.7.1990 ) , el Reglament de gestió urbanística i la Instrucció aprovada per l ' Ordre del Departament de Política Territorial i ObresPúbliques de 6 d ' agost de 1982 ( DOGC núm . 260 , de 17.9. 1982 ) ;Literature Literature
Door locked from the inside.
Dorsal d' arxivatOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
All of them had been properly fastened from the inside.
Jo vaig ser dèbilLiterature Literature
Doors led into each room and they could be locked from the inside to insure privacy.
Apareixerà la finestra de disseny de taula. Mirant a dalt de la finestra de disseny, veureu que el & kexi; us ha proposat un nom genèric com a plantilla per a la nova taula. El disseny de la taula no es desa encara perquè pogueu assignar-li un nom més addient després. Encara més, per la mateixa raó, el nom de la taula no és encara visible al Navegador de ProjectesLiterature Literature
We have to bring Macbeth down from the inside.”
Les entrades importats Makefile. am sónLiterature Literature
Loneliness will eat you up from the inside.
Desplaçament XLiterature Literature
I know that crowd from the inside and I know the spots to hit.”
Cada element és simbolitzat per una icona que representa el seu úsLiterature Literature
They’ve managed to get DNA from the inside of the collar.
Sol · licitud d ' autorització per a la revisió anticipada deLiterature Literature
I try to keep my voice calm, despite the cyclone ripping me apart from the inside out.
Et mantindran fora de perillLiterature Literature
“Ten years ago he went to Sothoros, and he has been rotting from the inside out ever since.
Els meus pares van fer el que van fer fa molt de temps,Es van enllitar i em van tindre a mi, I ara a la gent li importa el que porto. I on vaigLiterature Literature
Messini began, taking a pack of cigarettes from the inside pocket of his jacket.
Instal· la el registre d' arrencada a la unitat/particióLiterature Literature
I’ve never seen one from the inside.”
Au, vinga, anem per feinaLiterature Literature
It's perfume coming from the inside out.
PortuguèsNameQED QED
So she was talking from the inside.
És clar que noLiterature Literature
They plug the entrance of the hole with soil from the inside of the tunnel.
Si apliqueu canvis als filtres mitjançant Bé o Aplica, tan sols es copiaran els filtres vàlids al gestor intern de filtratWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Irene tried to open the back door, but it appeared to be locked from the inside.
Cancel· lació d' usuariLiterature Literature
He was speaking from the inside twin bed—the bed farther away from the porthole.
Catalunya a l ' efecte de la seva executivitat immediata , tal com indicaLiterature Literature
I knew it was someone from the inside waging war against your father and me.
Hiro està atrapat en el temps fa # anysOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
These measurements have never been done before from the inside of a spacecraft in interplanetary space.
Mana' m.- Ens podem foradar les orelles?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
876 sinne gevind in 83 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.