go to the bathroom oor Katalaans

go to the bathroom

(euphemism, chiefly US) To urinate or defecate.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans

anar al lavabo

She'll have to come out to eat and drink and go to the bathroom, right?
Haurà de sortir per menjar, beure i anar al lavabo, no?

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I even have to go to the bathroom when I worry about something.
Amb la finalitat de garantir els criteris establerts en aquest Conveni , per a l aplicació a col · lectius de personal laboral procedent d ’ altres administracions públiques es requerirà l ’ informe previ de la Comissió paritària .Literature Literature
I signaled that I had to go to the bathroom and apologized for disturbing her.
Copiar el fitxer des de logokeywords. en_ US. xml kdeedu/kturtle/data/al directori que heu creat, i que reanomenareu logokeywords. codi. xml on codi serà el codi de país (el codi ISO de #-o #-lletresLiterature Literature
I excused myself to go to the bathroom, remembering to ask the way.
4.1 La quantia de l ' ajut consistirà en una subvenció de 2 punts d ' interès del préstec sol · licitat .Literature Literature
Or maybe you're the only one who had to go to the bathroom."
Només un home bo actuaria d' aquesta manera... per a portar una paraula de consol a una pobre vídua.- ¿ Així que ja no treballa per a l' Estat?ted2019 ted2019
Martina left to go to the bathroom, but she never came back.
resolució de 25 d ' abril de 1997 publicada al DOGC núm . 2393 , deLiterature Literature
I was so busy with him I didn’t have time to go to the bathroom.
Dóna’ m un pla de vol quan el tinguis calculat, d' acord?Literature Literature
Well, I really need to go to the bathroom, and this one's gone all cattywampus.
Si no torno, diga- li a la meva mare que la vullOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I spent two days in bed, only getting up to eat and go to the bathroom.
El conseller de Política Territorial i Obres Públiques , deLiterature Literature
She'll have to come out to eat and drink and go to the bathroom, right?
Oculta la & barra lateralOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
After he got up, he didn’t even go to the bathroom – he went straight downstairs.
Especificació d' alternativesLiterature Literature
She had to go to the bathroom and she was hungry.
Restricció de temps d' iniciLiterature Literature
“Let me go to the bathroom, then,” I said.
I la promesa feta a la meva mare a donar- li això a la dona de la meva vidaLiterature Literature
“Do you mind if I go to the bathroom for a moment?”
L' arma va ser comprada a TexasLiterature Literature
She asks to go to the bathroom five times in one lesson.
sens perjudici que es pugui interposar qualsevol altre recurs que es consideriLiterature Literature
“And he does go to the bathroom without me.
--5 Aquesta Resolució s ' inscriurà al Registre deLiterature Literature
I had to go to the bathroom, which was across the room.
UnidireccionalLiterature Literature
Lila noticed, she got up and disappeared as if to go to the bathroom.
--4 El Departament d ' Economia i Finances , mitjançant laLiterature Literature
I check that we’re alone and ask, “What’s with the no going to the bathroom thing?”
No m' hauria de maquillar?Literature Literature
Boy slept heavily, but often woke to go to the bathroom.
Autorització d ' obertura de l ' etapa d ' educació secundàriaLiterature Literature
After Rosie had finished her mousse, she left the table togo to the bathroom.”
Mango liquat?Literature Literature
He checked the time on his phone and then left to go to the bathroom.
Desa el missatge actualment mostrat com a un fitxer de text, incloguen totes les capçaleres i adjuntsLiterature Literature
(Quite possibly, Ketchum simply had needed to go to the bathroom.)
CONTESTADOR xiulet) </ iLiterature Literature
Five minutes had already passed since he’d told Misa he was going to the bathroom.
Mostrar llista de reproduccióLiterature Literature
After he got up, he didn’t even go to the bathroom — he went straight downstairs.
Revisió-adaptació del Pla general d ' ordenació deLiterature Literature
Inevitably, Ryan has to go to the bathroom, and Taylor and I are left alone together.
del Patrimoni Cultural Català per tal que es declari un béLiterature Literature
132 sinne gevind in 30 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.