grassroots oor Katalaans


Of, or relating to people or society at the local level; of the grass roots

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Apart from "NGO", there are alternative or overlapping terms in use, including: third-sector organization (TSO), non-profit organization (NPO), voluntary organization (VO), civil society organization (CSO), grassroots organization (GO), social movement organization (SMO), private voluntary organization (PVO), self-help organization (SHO) and non-state actors (NSAs).
Quan el papa Francesc va pronunciar ahir al matí, d avant una plaça de Sant Pere atapeïda de fidels i pelegrins, la fórmula llatina de canonització que inscrivia Joan XXIII i Joan Pau II "ac Sanctorum Catalogo" de l'Esgl ésia catòlica, el seu predecessor, Benet XVI, seguia amb placidesa la cerimònia des de l sector dels cardenals, a l'esquerra de l'altar si es mira desde la plaça.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Once the charges were dropped, Tymoshenko reassumed her place among the leaders of the grassroots campaign against President Kuchma for his alleged role in the murder of the journalist Georgiy Gongadze.
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Hands Across the Mideast Support Alliance (HAMSA): In 2008, Abdulhamid co-founded Hands Across the Mideast Support Alliance (HAMSA), an initiative to mobilize international grassroots support for democracy activists in the Arab world.
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This close call prompted some Oklahoma Choctaw to spearhead a grassroots movement to change the direction of the tribal government.
contenciós administratiu núm . 773 /94 , interposat pel lletratWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Or will we take proactive steps and learn from the homegrown resource of grassroots activists that have been born of desperation in communities like mine?
Ja no hi estem acostumats, oi?ted2019 ted2019
Gibson and Horn stood by their original denunciation of Popovic, pointing out that Popovic gave information about grassroots activists to Stratfor without their consent, and served as a liaison between Stratfor and Muneer Satter, a prominent investment banker who worked at the time for Goldman Sachs CANVAS has been listed as a terrorist organization by the United Arab Emirates.
d ' Ultramort va acordar sol · licitar l ' exempció de l ' obligacióWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They sought a local grassroots solution to reclaim their cultural identity and sovereignty as a nation.
Si ha sortit al bosc, ja te' n pots oblidarWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
These gatherings demonstrate that innovative work is taking place on a grassroots level, but there is still need for technical, linguistic, and community support.
Número de còpiesgv2019 gv2019
Grassroots efforts have led to wireless community networks.
Veus la carn d' Eva que l' home ha profanat des d' AdánWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
His reliance on grassroots activism and African-American media and organizations was influenced by his childhood.
El treballador té dret a una llicència de 15 dies .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Protests continued at the Place de la Nation demanding civilian control of a new government instead of a military subversion of what was seen as a grassroots uprising.
Mira, per què no anem al cinema, en lloc del jardí de flors?No savia cap altra manera d' alliberar- lo, Sr SpockWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The anarchists in Palestine at the beginning of the century, nearly all coming from Eastern Europe, did not have connections with the powerful Yiddish anarchist movement and had adopted the Hebrew language, which was unpopular among the European Jewish anarchists, many of whom opposed all forms of Zionism and supported the grassroots Yiddish culture of the Ashkenazi Jewry.
Aprovar definitivament la modificació puntual del Pla parcial la Collada-els Sis Camins , de Vilanova i la Geltrú .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The grassroots movement quickly developed cohesive leadership, who, in preparation for the Diada, have organized [ca] what they hope to be a massive #novullpagar [ca], because, “these highways finance Spain's infrastructure projects and the pockets of our politicians.”
Edificació aïllada .gv2019 gv2019
Our project combines content aggregation from social media and information collected and shared by grassroots activists with original content created by our team.
b ) Gratificacions extraordinàries , destinades a retribuir serveis extraordinaris per tasques específiques realitzades fora de la jornada normal de treball .gv2019 gv2019
Richard A. Horsely goes further and presents Jesus as a more radical reformer who initiated a grassroots movement.
23.7.1997 ) es va convocar concurs per a la concessió de beques per aWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Stanislaus Paysama advised Deng not to form a new party but to join with the Southern Front in reviving the Liberal Party, which still had widespread grassroots support.
La Comissió d ' Urbanisme de Tarragona , en la sessió d ' 11 deWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Our project combines content aggregation from social media and information collected and shared by grassroots activists with original content created by our team.
M' agradaria que al fer clic amb el & BER; en qualsevol lloc de l' escriptori aparegui el menú Kglobalvoices globalvoices
From Tang times until the closing days of the Qing Dynasty in 1911, scholar officials functioned often as intermediaries between the grassroots level and the government.
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Café philosophique (or café-philo) is a grassroots forum for philosophical discussion, founded by philosopher Marc Sautet in Paris, France, on December 13, 1992.
La paral· laxi és el canvi aparentde la posició d' un objecte observat produïda per una variació en la posició de l' observador. Com a exemple, poseu la vostra mà al davant vostre amb el braç estès i observeu un objecte que es trobi al costat de l' habitació i que quedi al darrere de la vostra mà. Ara moveu el cap a la vostra espatlla dreta, i ara la vostra mà apareixerà a l' esquerra de l' objecte distant. Porteu el vostre cap cal a l' espatlla esquerra per a comprovar que en aquesta ocasió la mà apareixerà a la dreta de l' objecte distantWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The remaining 32% will be "grassroots" party members who hold jobs outside of the party apparatus.
sistema educatiu a Catalunya .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Established international NGOs play an important role in disseminating information on the resolution to grassroots organizations and training local actors on the resolution and how to use it.
Els ajuntaments de Verges i Ultramort van adoptar , amb el quòrum legalWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Dialectic of Spontaneity and Organisation was the central feature of Luxemburg's political philosophy, wherein "spontaneity" is a grassroots approach to organising a party-oriented class struggle.
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The Nawat Language Recovery Initiative is a grassroots association currently engaged in several activities including an ongoing language documentation project, and has also produced a range of printed materials.
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He then returned to Oubangui-Chari to form a grassroots movement in opposition of French colonialism.
No, no és cap crimWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
However, its registration was rejected two months later based on insufficient grassroots support.
Inicia en el mateix directori que la pestanya actualWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
90 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.