grassy oor Katalaans


/'græsɪ/ adjektief
Covered with grass.

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covered with grass


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It is a diurnal animal, living in colonies of individual burrows in pastures or grassy embankments.
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The trail I followed seemed to be leading to a lone tree standing in the grassy field.
El teu oncle Conrad i la teva tia Ginny, eren milionaris?Literature Literature
And now the sounds: the thump of distant antelope feet on grassy sod, the papery rustling of vultures.
declarar no conforme a dret i anul · lar les resolucions impugnades .Literature Literature
His door was open, and not far off, on a grassy embankment, he lay face down.
Està bé, pregunteu.Col· lega!Literature Literature
Two lakes, Lago Cameia and Lago Dilolo (the largest lake in Angola) lie outside the park boundaries and both have extensive reedbeds and grassy swamps that are rich in aquatic birds.
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In The Crossing (also exhibited as The Dead Woman), Rubinstein appears to be in a coma, stretched out on a white bed or bier against a black void variously interpreted as death or floating in spent sexual satisfaction on Brooks' symbolic wing; in Spring, she is depicted as a pagan Madonna strewing flowers on the ground in a grassy meadow.
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The grassy plain in front of the house was immense, both dangerous and alluring like the sea.
Modificació del Pla parcial del sector industrial núm . 2 , de lesLiterature Literature
‘Aren’t you waiting for Boldini and Grassi?’
contingut següent :Literature Literature
Nyagatare lies in an area of grassy plains, and low hills, with excellent views in all directions, including the mountains of southern Uganda and, on a very clear day, the Virunga volcano range.
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They chose a table at the back, near the little grassy strip.
Segment a transportarLiterature Literature
Grassi, and even Boldini, also chipped in every now and then.
Dispositiu de visualitzacióLiterature Literature
The tang of soy, smoke in someone’s hair, the grassy hills turning blond in June.
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Our shelter is high above the confluence of two rivers, with wide grassy valleys.
Copia elementsLiterature Literature
And now just a few lumps of rubble on a grassy slope, and a sheep or two— and me!
Fora d' aquí, imbècil inoportú!Literature Literature
It consisted of a large, impressive terminal built of wood, a couple of hangars, a balloon mast, a hydroplane landing stage and a few grassy meadows that could be used as runways.
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West of the Pamir Knot is the Little Pamir, a broad U-shaped grassy valley 100 km long and 10 km wide, which contains Chaqmaqtin Lake, the headwaters of the Aksu or Murghab River.
Les seccions disponibles a PreferènciesWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“I wondered if Boldini and Grassi had already arrived.”
de la relació dels béns i els drets afectats i laLiterature Literature
It is a 0.3-1.3 m tall perennial herbaceous plant, native to fens and damp grassy meadows in Siberia, Central and Eastern Europe.
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Lower and closer, beyond a grassy plain broken up by pine woods, another massif rose.
Semblava que algú procurés presentar- lo com un criminal perillósLiterature Literature
And she was gentler here than in the grassy-margined streets of the settlement, or in her mother's cottage.
Opcions de compatibilitat groupware i tradicionalsLiterature Literature
To the east and west were high undulating grassy fells with limestone outcrops and scattered woodlands.
la seva publicació al DOGC , d ' acord amb el que disposen els articlesLiterature Literature
‘Thanks a lot ... But, sorry, don’t you do your homework with Boldini and Grassi?’
Contra aquesta Resol ució les persones interessades poden interposarLiterature Literature
The grassy plain had obliterated it all, in the hot afternoon wind.
dimensions per la zona industrial de les Adoberies .Literature Literature
In each of the grassy areas he entered, there were several marble grave markers, flush with the ground.
Feu clic sobre el botó BéLiterature Literature
It is a broad band of treeless, grassy plains, interrupted by mountain ranges, extending from Hungary across Ukraine, southern Russia, and Kazakhstan before ending in Manchuria.
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