gullibility oor Katalaans


The quality of readily believing information, truthful or otherwise, usually to an absurd extent.

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quality of being easily deceived
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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
As a result, some people become disturbed, gullibly believing such lies.
La meua altra marejw2019 jw2019
Of course, Christian love is by no means gullible.
Si voleu que tan sols estiguin protegides algunes cel· les, aquesta protecció per omissió es pot activar o desactivar per a totes les demés cel· les. Per exemple, podrieu voler que la majoria de les cel· les acceptin l' entrada de l' usuari de manera que haurà d' estar sense marcar Protegida per aquesta i escollir mantenir protegides les cel· les que hagin de romandre sense canvis (com ara els títols). Us caldran # passes per a tan sols protegir algunes cel· les: Desprotegir totes les cel· les, seleccionar les cel· les que s' han de protegir i després protegir tot el fulljw2019 jw2019
I was, by turns, disbelieving, shocked, angry, tricked-feeling, humiliated, gullible and stupid.
Vegem- ho, vegem- hoLiterature Literature
This was very wicked of him; he should have known how gullible the Count is.
Ahir va demanar galetes saladesLiterature Literature
Gavin was a lawyer, untrained in the art of investigation, and he did not wish to appear gullible.
Les comandes Talla, Copia i Enganxa fan possible moure o copia estris entre formularis, fins i tot entre projectes de bases de dades separatsLiterature Literature
What about greedy corporations that pollute the environment, deplete natural resources, and exploit the gullibility of consumers in order to bring untold wealth to a few while millions struggle in poverty?
Aquestes despeses es liquidaran , com a més tard , amb la nòmina del mes següent a la seva presentació .jw2019 jw2019
He is gullible like Sarvam and is devoted to him.
ORDRE de 18 de desembre de 1998 , per la qual es deixa sense efecte l ' article 7 de l ' Ordre de 7 d ' octubre de 1997 , de convocatòria per a l ' atorgament d ' ajuts de la Iniciativa PIME de desenvolupament empresarial .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ana's closest companion is Isabel, who loves her but cannot resist playing on her little sister's gullibility.
II . La transmissió sol · licitada respon a la necessitat deWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
To abandon his subjects to an evil that he was too gullible to recognize?
Mostra la graellaOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But in this world, the most experienced and skeptical of men can also be the most gullible.
Sí, hi pensaré.Mira què veusLiterature Literature
Everybody makes mistakes, like you said, but you shouldn’t rely on my gullibility again.”
Atès que INDI és un component intern independent, podeu engegar un servidor INDI en un client sense KStars. INDI es pot compilar per separat per a funcionar sobre les màquines remotes. A demés, els controladors de dispositius registren missatges a stderr (eixida d' error estàndard) i això pot ser d' ajuda en una situació de depuració. La sintaxis per al servidor INDI és la següentLiterature Literature
Society people are more gullible than we think.’
Reajusta el text citat automàticamentLiterature Literature
Hannah nods, and apologises again, reminds Teddy that Emmeline is young and naïve and gullible.
efectes a partir de la fi del curs 1996-97 .Literature Literature
She played the role of the gullible and wronged wife, just for the pleasure of seeing him suffer.
Toquem fustaLiterature Literature
I was being punished for being so frivolous and then so gullible.
caixaStencilsLiterature Literature
“Thank God you’re as gullible as they are,” Kote said sharply as soon as they were out of sight.
Crida una ambulànciaLiterature Literature
Leonard, what did we say about being a gullible weenie?
Pla de característiquesOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“If I was tricking gullible townsfolk out of their money, I wouldn’t have to wear secondhand homespun.”
No menysprearem la tecnologia americanaLiterature Literature
An Arabic racketeer by the name of Ali-Gusa-No has sold a worthless piece of desert land to a group of ten gullible men for a hefty sum of money.
Decret 324 / 1996 , d ' 1 d ' octubre , pel qual s ' aprova el Reglament del RegistreWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I had been gullible, credulous, slow.
Aquesta és una instantània de & krdcLiterature Literature
And the gullible audience reacted as they were expected to.
Crea una llista nova de vinculacions de tecles basada en les vinculacions seleccionadesLiterature Literature
In his world, gullibility is an unforgivable sin.”
Avisa si no es pot escriure la configuracióLiterature Literature
The results were similar, suggesting that people anthropomorphize organizations and are gullible when interpreting their characters.
Tanca bé les finestres.Res de corrents d’ aireWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When we read sensational news items, remember that love is not unduly suspicious; nor is it naive or gullible.
No sorties a la guia!jw2019 jw2019
This, of course, does not mean that love is gullible or naive.
Barcelona , 11 de novembre de 1998jw2019 jw2019
37 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.