hoof(hufo) oor Katalaans


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horse hoof
hoof-and-mouth disease
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cloven hoof
peu forcat
hoofed mammal
Black Hoof
Black Hoof
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The hunter told him that this was, without a doubt, the hoof print of a Pixiu, being different from the hoof-print of any other beast that was alive.
Segur que te' n sortiràs.Si no em sé resWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Even on his crutches he is faster than his men, as they stumble in the muddy hoof tracks we have torn up behind us.
Generalitat de Catalunya ;Literature Literature
We tread upon them with a too-human hoof, with too many feelings.
--6 El valor del / s premi / s serà respectivament l ' indicat sota cadascuna de les flors corresponents a les cinc caselles rascades que hagin coincidit amb la flor que apareix sota la casella amb la menció " La seva flor / Su flor "Literature Literature
Then wheels were heard from in front, turning: then nearer: then horses’ hoofs.
promoguda i tramesa per l ' Ajuntament .Literature Literature
The object fell to the ground directly in front of Cangjie, and he saw it to be an impression of a hoof-print.
Compartint els nostres somnisWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After his hoof had healed up, Boxer worked harder than ever.
Hi ha algunes opcions per a configurar l' aplicació d' ortografia a usar. Per a més detalls, si us plau, mireu la secció titulada Configurar l' ortografiaLiterature Literature
The traditional hypothesis of cetacean evolution, first proposed by Van Valen in 1966, was that whales were related to the mesonychids, an extinct order of carnivorous ungulates (hoofed animals) that resembled wolves with hooves and were a sister group of the artiodactyls (even-toed ungulates).
16 / 1997 , de pressupostos de la Generalitat per al 1998 , i que seran denominadesWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Uintatheres belong to the order Dinocerata, one of several extinct orders of primitive hoofed mammals that are sometimes united in the Condylarthra.
Nombre de premis per bloc : 30.000 .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The species produces very large polypore fruit bodies which are shaped like a horse's hoof and vary in colour from a silvery grey to almost black, though they are normally brown.
S ’ estableixen els grups professionals següents , segons el nivell de titulació , coneixements i experiència exigits per al seu ingrés :WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Under his chin he has one dark spur of hair growing, such as one sometimes sees upon the hoof of a sculptured Pan.
L ' Ajuntament d ' Igualada ( Anoia ) ha tramitat un expedient per aLiterature Literature
This land is flat as a hoof, open as a baby's mouth.
Ni rastre, inspectorLiterature Literature
As the blisters dried and hardened, a sort of hoof began to form.
b ) Contracte de préstec o certificat de l ' entitat financera que el concedeix i l ' oportuna certificació de la Comissió de Seguiment que preveu l ' Ordre ministerial d ' 1 de juliol de 1992 ( BOE núm . 9 ) , corresponent al contracte homologat .Literature Literature
Already the hoofs of the Russian cavalry are sending shivers through a Germany that faces an unspeakable horror.
I llavors es va manifestar mon poder, i van vindre els meus somnisLiterature Literature
Horses and ponies require routine hoof care by a professional farrier on average every six to eight weeks, depending on the animal, the work it performs and, in some areas, climate conditions.
La pestanya anomenada Format general determina com es situa el text en la línia. En altres aplicacions, es poden haver referit a això com a Alineació o JustificacióWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Then with a great echo of hoofs, they rode out of the main gateway into the street.
L ’ horari de treball del personal és de dilluns a divendres , de 9 a 14 hores i de 16 a 18 ’ 30 hores .Literature Literature
Soon the horse-hoofs were falling on pebbles and stones instead of sand.
--1 Aprovar definitivament el Pla especial de l ' eixample deLiterature Literature
The distinctive conks can be large, as much as two feet long, hoof-shaped or columnar.
de 3 d ' agost , pel qual s ' aprova l ' Estatut que regula les societatsWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
‘Never underestimate the strength of a sheep’s hoof, Retancourt.
El sistema que escolliu haurà d' estar instal· lat abans de realitzar la selecció. La recomanació de l' autor és & CUPSLiterature Literature
She found them in the stable behind the house, looking at a horse with an infected hoof.
pessetes .Literature Literature
Iris can hear the snort and whinny of the horse, the pawed clip of its hoof on the cobbles.
M' agrada trobar- lo de nouLiterature Literature
There was a sound of hoofs in the lane, some way behind, but coming slow and clear down the wind.
Tant de gustLiterature Literature
A couple of them looked at his wounded knee the same way a blacksmith might examine a horse’s hoof.
representatives dins el sector ; d ' acord amb el que preveuen la LleiLiterature Literature
In Norse mythology, Gná is a goddess who runs errands in other worlds for the goddess Frigg and rides the flying, sea-treading horse Hófvarpnir (Old Norse "he who throws his hoofs about", "hoof-thrower" or "hoof kicker").
Pla especial Hort d ' en Mayor , de Castelló d ' EmpúriesWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But about three o'clock George's ear caught the hasty and decided click of a horse's hoof coming behind them at some distance and jogged Phineas by the elbow.
Sisplau, porti' m a la meva cel. laQED QED
I removed it myself from the hoof of the dead horse.
El & kpresenter; començarà pel principi del document i aplicarà totes les opcions d' autocorrecció seleccionades a tot el documentLiterature Literature
83 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.