hope oor Katalaans


/həʊp/, /hɔʊp/ werkwoord, naamwoord
(uncountable) The belief or expectation that something wished for can or will happen.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans


person or thing that is a source of hope
As long as there is life, there is hope.
Mentre hi ha vida, hi ha esperança.


to want something to happen, with expectation that it might
Everyone hoped that she would win.
Tothom esperava que guanyés.


As long as there is life, there is hope.
Mentre hi ha vida, hi ha esperança.


We didn't get the haul we hoped for tonight, sir.
Avui no hem obtingut el botí desitjat, senyor.


As long as there is life, there is hope.
Mentre hi ha vida, hi ha esperança.
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eienaam, naamwoord
A female given name from the virtue, like Faith and Charity first used by Puritans.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans


Hope, Peace and Liberty
Esperança, Pau i Llibertat
As long as there is life, there is hope.
Mentre hi ha vida, hi ha esperança.


I recently read a book called "Love Leadership" by John Hope Bryant.
Fa poc he llegit un llibre que es diu "El Lideratge de l'Amor", per John Hope Bryant.

Bob Hope

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Soortgelyke frases

Cape of Good Hope General Service Medal
Medalla del Servei General al Cap de Bona Esperança
dashing hopes
decepció · desengany · desil·lusió
Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
Star Wars episodi IV: Una nova esperança
cape of good hope
cap de bona esperança
straw of hope
bri d'esperança
Convergence of Hope
Convergència de l’Esperança
hope for
aspirar · enyorar · sospirar
Leslie Townes Hope
Bob Hope


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Just do with me as you would with anyone you hope never to run into again.
Simplement tracta’m com tractaries a algú amb qui esperes no tornar a topar-te mai.Literature Literature
'Don't give up hope, my friend,' he would say.
—No ha de perdre l’esperança, amic meu —deia—.Literature Literature
They were alone in the perilous waste without hope of further help.
Es trobaven sols en aquell ermot perillós, sense esperança de rebre cap ajut.Literature Literature
George thought he would be loath to give up all hope of getting rid of Castro.
George pensava que no estaria disposat a perdre l’esperança de desfer-se de Castro.Literature Literature
Also read: Journalist Asteris Masouras Hopes Solidarity Will Save Greece
Llegeix també: Periodista Asteris Masouras apuesta por la solidaridad para rescatar a Greciagv2019 gv2019
The passengers of the ship Brooklyn left the United States with the hope of finding religious freedom.
Els passatgers del Brooklyn van partir dels Estats Units amb l'esperança de trobar llibertat de culte.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I hope that’s a sign I’m doing my job right!”
Espero que sigui un senyal que estic fent bé la feina!”gv2019 gv2019
Let’s hope it doesn’t rain on the day of my burial the way it’s raining today.
Esperem que no plogui com avui el dia del meu enterrament.Literature Literature
“I hope the boy had a damn good reason dragging me out of Chataya’s,” Bronn said as he seated himself.
Espero que el noi tingués un motiu bo de collons per treure'm de casa la Chataya —va dir en Bronn mentre seia.Literature Literature
But we’d be hoping to see it come down to a fifty or even lower, over time.”
Però ens agradaria veure-la baixar fins a cinquanta o menys, amb el temps.Literature Literature
This operation, called Operation Restore Hope, saw the U.S. assuming the unified command in accordance with Resolution 794.
Aquesta operació, anomenada Restaurar l'Esperança, van veure els Estats Units assumint el comandament unificat d'acord amb la Resolució 794 del Consell de Seguretat de les Nacions Unides.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But there was a time when I had hope.
Però hi va haver una època que tenia esperança.Literature Literature
I see hope.
Hi veig esperança.ted2019 ted2019
Sand, Chopin, and Sand's two children stayed in the charterhouse of Valldemossa for a few months, from the end of 1838 until February 1839, during which time they hoped that Chopin's tuberculosis would improve.
Sand i Chopin i els dos nens de Sand van romandre a la Cartoixa de Valldemossa uns mesos, des de finals de 1838 fins a febrer de 1839, temps en què pretenien que la salut de Chopin millorés, encara que a les Balears van confirmar que havia contret tuberculosi.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
‘“Listen, my child, I don’t give up hope of coming back here.
—va exclamar. »—Escolta, filla meva, no renuncio pas a tornar ací.Literature Literature
But so ends all hope of starting early, and slipping away quietly!
Però aquí s’acaba tota la nostra esperança de posar-nos en camí ben d’hora, i d’escapolir-nos silenciosament!Literature Literature
Nora hoped that they were approaching Nanny Town, but the road still dragged on endlessly.
La Nora esperava que Nanny Town fos a prop, però semblava que el camí es prolongava fins a l'infinit.Literature Literature
How do anointed Christians undergo “a new birth to a living hope,” and what is that hope?
Com són ‘engendrats de nou per a una esperança vivent’ els cristians ungits, i quina és aquesta esperança?jw2019 jw2019
A Japanese researcher says he taught a beluga to "talk" by using these sounds to identify three different objects, offering hope that humans may one day be able to communicate effectively with sea mammals.
Un estudi d'investigadors japonesos en el qual unes belugues foren capaces d'identificar tres objectes diferents utilitzant sons específics per cadascun d'ells dóna esperança als humans d'establir algun tipus de comunicació amb els mamífers marins.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
My only hope is that we can be strong enough to generate the opposite response to what these criminals intended.
La meva única esperança és que puguem ser prou forts com per donar la resposta contrària a la que esperaven aquests criminals.gv2019 gv2019
The piece temporarily switches to the major mode as the narrator experiences a feeling of hope that spring will swiftly come again, but this is quickly crushed by the image of the "late wild rose".
La peça canvia temporalment al mode major, ja que el narrador experimenta un sentiment d'esperança i que aviat retorni la primavera; però això ràpidament s'esvaeix.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
But when she hears word that Tito has sent Berenice, of whom she was jealous, back to Jerusalem, Vitellia tells Sesto to delay carrying out her wishes with the hope that Tito will choose her (Vitellia) as his empress.
Però quan Vitèl·lia coneix que Tit ha enviat Berenice, de qui ella estava gelosa, de retorn a Jerusalem, li diu a Sext que espere per a dur a terme els seus desitjos, esperant que l'emperador l'elegisca a ella (Vitèl·lia) com a emperadriu.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Then I took the road to the villa in the hope of talking to Clelia.
Vaig agafar aleshores el camí de la vil·la, perquè tenia ganes de parlar amb Clelia.Literature Literature
Without any real hope, I asked the host if someone might have left a message for me.
Sense cap veritable esperança, vaig preguntar a l’amo si algú havia deixat un missatge per a mi.Literature Literature
As a result, Sadanobu was brought up from a very young age with the hopes of being placed as the next shogunal heir.
Com a resultat d'això, Sadanobu va ser criat des de molt aviat amb les esperances que fos ungit com el proper hereu shogun.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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