imprison oor Katalaans


(transitive) To put in or as if in prison; confine.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans


to put in or as if in prison; confine
You' re gonna round us up and imprison us forever?
Ens vas a envoltar i empresonar per sempre?


In fact, a judge issued a release order for him, but he was kept imprisoned.
Un jutge, de fet, va emetre la sentència d'alliberament de l'home i, no obstant això, ell va continuar encarcerat.
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How did my sweet sister persuade the king to imprison his dear friend Ned?
Com ha persuadit la meva germaneta al rei perquè engarjoli el seu estimat amic Ned?
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captivitat · empresonament · encarcerament
life imprisonment
presó perpètua
captivitat · empresonament · encarcerament


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In 2008, Formosa Plastics successfully sued Dingel for fraud, with the 82-year-old Dingel being sentenced to 20 years imprisonment.
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The majority were imprisoned but fifteen of the prisoners (including most of the leaders) were executed as traitors to Britain.
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Kidnap her lover, imprison him behind stone walls.
Disseny de taules de base de dadesLiterature Literature
When he arrives, Mario discovers that Bowser has invaded the castle and imprisoned the princess and her servants within it using the power of the castle's 120 Power Stars.
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There are also arrests, imprisonments, disappearances, executions.
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King Baelor imprisoned his own sisters, whose only crime was being beautiful.
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He died in Madrid in 1978 at the age of 99, after having been imprisoned sixteen times and sentenced to death twice, being buried in the civil cemetery of Madrid.
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Had Dumbledore's sister suffered the same fate in reverse: imprisoned for her lack of magic?
DesenvolupadorLiterature Literature
And people are, in fact, imprisoned within their own bodies, but they do have a mind.
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Ghassan Najjar, an engineer who was imprisoned in 1980, reportedly went on two hunger strikes, one to protest conditions in the prison.
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He was a member of Scientists for Sakharov, Orlov, and Shcharansky, three physicists of the former Soviet Union imprisoned for their political beliefs.
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I wasn’t imprisoned but I was located.
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When the Germans invaded France in 1940, Feuchtwanger was captured and again imprisoned at Les Milles.
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Section 145 provides that any person who attempts to commit any of the offenses specified in Section 144 is guilty of a felony and is liable to imprisonment for a term of seven years.
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Most mosques had their minarets destroyed, tombstones with any religious symbols were overturned, people caught wearing religious symbols (e.g. crucifixes, medallions of the Quran) could be sentenced to 10 years imprisonment, and people stopped saying words such as 'mashallah' or 'inshallah' in public for fear of punishment.
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The act of drawing or creating a H7 symbol in German-occupied Norway was punishable by imprisonment.
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Reports of torture, imprisonment of dissidents, and the murder of prominent critics have been made by human rights groups.
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Angelini celebrated the marriage of the daughter of Paolo Cirino Pomicino, another DC politician involved in the bribery scandals; the marriage was attended, amongst others, by Andreotti, Gianni De Michelis (also put on trial in the Tangentopoli scandal) and minister Francesco De Lorenzo, who was condemned to 5 years imprisonment for bribery in the management of Italy's Public Health sector.
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Other methods such as threats and imprisonment seem to have proven more effective.
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Despite her attempts to obtain what she believed was a fair trial, Gwan-sun received a guilty verdict on counts of sedition and security law violations and was sentenced to five years imprisonment at Seodaemun Prison.
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The Council then urgently called upon the government of South Africa to release all persons imprisoned as a result of apartheid and called upon all states to strictly observe the arms embargo.
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Where he had been imprisoned, I would fly: that was his dream.
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The code states that "Whoever has carnal intercourse with a person of the same sex shall be punished, where the act does not constitute a more serious crime, with imprisonment from three months to three years.
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Because of their unwavering determination to remain neutral, they were imprisoned, beaten, and maimed.
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She was arrested after an incident of rocks being thrown at an MP's car, imprisoned in Walton gaol for 14 days 'hard labour' and force-fed 8 times.
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