in the middle of summer oor Katalaans

in the middle of summer

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How can there be ice in the middle of summer?
La seu del Col · legi de Doctors i Llicenciats en CiènciesLiterature Literature
ANOTHER FINE MESS The sounds began in the middle of summer in the middle of the night.
sector Llevat , comprès entre la riera de Sant Climent , el barri TorreLiterature Literature
In the middle of summer, she receives a letter.
Fitxer de scriptLiterature Literature
"""You can't expect the hotel to be fully booked except right in the middle of summer."
Una rosa, missenyora?Literature Literature
A down jacket, he thought, in the middle of summer?
Pel rei Salomó, amo dels genis.És un jurament que no es pot trencar Et portaràs bé?Literature Literature
Even in the middle of summer, though it was so hot my face would sweat.
& Elimina pàginaLiterature Literature
The microwave. ··· In the middle of summer, my father calls.
no és a la llibreta d' adrecesLiterature Literature
Even on a Sunday in the middle of summer, the cars were just creeping along.
Què vols dir, " pixar no "?Literature Literature
I arrived in the middle of summer.
Adreça TCP/IPLiterature Literature
Once, in the middle of summer, she spoke of Katherine.
El calendari % # s' ha importat amb èxitLiterature Literature
He calculated how much horsepower it would generate given the water flow in the middle of summer.
Selecciona la regió de la imatgeLiterature Literature
There was always a little chill in the air in the early morning, even in the middle of summer.
Doncs, un tracte és un tracteLiterature Literature
At this time of year, in the middle of summer, the nights are so light they allow you no rest.
Sabotejador!Literature Literature
The novel is set in Granada, Spain at the end of the Middle Ages — beginning in the summer of 1491.
S' ha acabat la consultaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Shame that the Augusts have given him work right now, in the middle of the summer... but he couldn’t say no.
Ara és hora de fer que les vores de la selecció estiguin una mica borroses. Això es pot fer aplicant Ploma a la seleccióLiterature Literature
It was the brightest and yellowest he ever saw, much brighter than in the valley in the middle of the summer.
Tarragona , 27 de maig de 1998Literature Literature
The waters of the English Channel and Dover Straits are cold, even in the middle of summer, and clothing issued to RAF aircrew did little to insulate them against these freezing conditions.
pantalla completaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It was identified in the seventeenth century, and is located in the middle of the Summer Triangle (an asterism consisting of the bright stars Deneb, Vega, and Altair).
Part de text que voleu reemplaçarWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the middle of a sweltering summer, in a “romantic” hotel without air-conditioning.
La caixa de a sota és el camp Acció. Aquí és a on podreu definir una acció a executar quan s' hagi acomplert el temps. El botó Configura esdeveniments... farà aparèixer l' arranjament de notificació del & kde; per a & kteatime;. La caixa de selecció Esdeveniment de a sota habilita l' esdeveniment seleccionat a l' arranjament de notificació de & kde;. Si es selecciona Emergent, apareixerà una caixa de missatge alertant-vos que el té ja és a punt. La tercera caixa de selecció pot contenir qualsevol comandament vàlid del sistema. Probablement la voldreu deixar en blancLiterature Literature
In the middle of the summer Moses the raven suddenly reappeared on the farm, after an absence of several years.
Aquest home em preocupaLiterature Literature
Dresses that were neutral, plain, very light in color, white, like summer in the middle of winter.
No entenc per què s' ho ha d' agafar d' aquesta manera, la Flor.Tampocn' hi ha per tant. És ben béLiterature Literature
The lowest water levels occur in winter in the upper valley, and in summer in the middle and lower part of the river.
Barcelona , 13 de juliol de 1998WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the middle of the summer the heat can become a problem, though some of the ski stations on the route open their lifts for summer walkers, providing opportunities for hikers to avoid some ascents and descents.
Les forces armades respecten la ConstitucióWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It faced south, so perhaps the house got a bit of sunlight in the middle of the day in the summer.
Sí.- Estàs molt macaLiterature Literature
He was now intending to stay there, in the Hotel Central, until the middle of summer.
S' està llegint la sessió %Literature Literature
34 sinne gevind in 19 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.