independent variable oor Katalaans

independent variable

(algebra) In an equation, any variable whose value is not dependent on any other in the equation.

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variable independent

independent variable

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


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Intuitively, an inverse function is obtained from g by interchanging the roles of the dependent and independent variables.
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In other words, he established that culture does not depend on any independent variables.
Això implica una expressió regular que no ha de coincidir (Aquesta part no coincideix amb cap caràcter). Només podeu usar-ho al final d' una expressió regularWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The independent variable of a cepstral graph is called the quefrency.
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It consists of interchanging the dependent and independent variables in the equation to achieve linearity.
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Others define dx as an independent variable, and define du by du = dx⋅f′(x).
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It could not handle too many independent variables.
La pestanya Vores funciona de la mateixa manera que la pestanya del mateix nom quan es formata un paràgraf. Per a informació més específica feu clic aquíLiterature Literature
The independent variable (X-axis) is time and the dependent variable (Y-axis) is temperature.
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These are efficient at evaluating the effects and possible interactions of several factors (independent variables).
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It is still commonly used when the equation y = f(x) is viewed as a functional relationship between dependent and independent variables.
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Higher order differentials in several variables also become more complicated when the independent variables are themselves allowed to depend on other variables.
A sota es mostra una representació en miniatura del document mateix. Un rectangle vermell indica la porció que està visibe actualment. Clicant a qualsevol part de la representació, es mou la vista cap a aquesta àrea. El rectangle també es pot arrossegarWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Starting in 1927, Bush constructed a differential analyzer, an analog computer that could solve differential equations with as many as 18 independent variables.
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Because they tend to correlate, three independent variables can be used to calculate the Carlson Index: chlorophyll pigments, total phosphorus and Secchi depth.
D' aquesta manera podreu afegir un complet menú o un dels submenús del botó & kicon;. Per exemple, si teniu instal· lat el & koffice; i desitgeu una drecera a totes les seves aplicacions, sense tenir que navegar pel & kmenu;, llavores en comptes d' escollir una aplicació, feu clic a sobre de l' entrada del menú Afegeix. Ara ja tindreu accés instantani a totes les aplicacions del & koffice;, sense tenir que posar una icona al plafó per a cadascunaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It is particularly common when the equation y = f(x) is regarded as a functional relationship between dependent and independent variables y and x.
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If y = f(x) is a dependent variable, then often the subscript x is attached to the D to clarify the independent variable x.
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In calculus, the differential represents the principal part of the change in a function y = f(x) with respect to changes in the independent variable.
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Usually the test result is the dependent variable, the measured response based on the particular conditions of the test or the level of the independent variable.
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Starting in 1927, Bush constructed a differential analyzer, an analog computer with some digital components that could solve differential equations with as many as 18 independent variables.
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Some tests, however, may involve changing the independent variable to determine the level at which a certain response occurs: in this case, the test result is the independent variable.
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Functions with independent variables corresponding to each of the degrees of freedom are often used to model these systems, and multivariable calculus provides tools for characterizing the system dynamics.
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Another method of specifying spectral width is a special case of root-mean-square deviation where the independent variable is wavelength, λ, and f (λ) is a suitable radiometric quantity.
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The log-likelihood is easier to maximize, especially for the multiplied likelihoods for independent random variables.
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In the theory of special functions in mathematics, the Horn functions (named for Jakob Horn) are the 34 distinct convergent hypergeometric series of order two (i.e. having two independent variables), enumerated by Horn (1931) (corrected by Borngässer (1933)).
Quan el papa Francesc va pronunciar ahir al matí, d avant una plaça de Sant Pere atapeïda de fidels i pelegrins, la fórmula llatina de canonització que inscrivia Joan XXIII i Joan Pau II "ac Sanctorum Catalogo" de l'Esgl ésia catòlica, el seu predecessor, Benet XVI, seguia amb placidesa la cerimònia des de l sector dels cardenals, a l'esquerra de l'altar si es mira des de la plaça.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Redundancy analysis (RDA) is similar to canonical correlation analysis but allows the user to derive a specified number of synthetic variables from one set of (independent) variables that explain as much variance as possible in another (independent) set.
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Kopelman, Weber, & Messick (2002), in a review of the experimental research on cooperation in commons dilemmas, identify nine classes of independent variables that influence cooperation in commons dilemmas: social motives, gender, payoff structure, uncertainty, power and status, group size, communication, causes, and frames.
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In probability theory, the probability distribution of the sum of two independent random variables is the convolution of their individual distributions.
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