indifferently oor Katalaans


In an indifferent manner.

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with supreme indifference
amb molta indiferència
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apatia · desinterès · impassibilitat · indiferència · meninfotisme
imparcial · indiferent · mediocre · menfotista · passable · regular
apatia · desinterès · impassibilitat · indiferència · meninfotisme
apatia · desinterès · impassibilitat · indiferència · meninfotisme


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"""It just means Luna,"" she said, rather indifferently, ""to distinguish me from the immigrants."
Manual de & kwordLiterature Literature
That indifference, more awful than tears, cries, and reproaches, seemed to defy time and consolation.
Aquesta llicència no pot ser acumulable al període de vacances .Literature Literature
The queen indifferently reached for one of the fruits that were arranged in a basket beside her throne for her.
Barra d' eines flotantLiterature Literature
In the same time Zelanti, also began to incline to give their support to Ganganelli, looking upon him as indifferent or even favourable to the Jesuits.
És massa lluny de casaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She always replied to every question with equal calm, pride and indifferent gaiety.
Feu clic sobre el primer fitxer amb el & BER;. Manteniu premuda la tecla & Ctrl; i feu clic sobre l' últim fitxer. & kget; hauria de tenir un aspecte similar a aquestLiterature Literature
If anyone else tried to say hello or pat him, he turned his head away indifferently.
Es podrà optar per la compensació en temps de desca ns d ’ acord amb la següent escala :Literature Literature
Jane's smile faded, and she shrugged indifferently, never looking at Alice.
Pinces de tub d' assaigLiterature Literature
Masters leaned back from the table, indifferent, no longer concerned with what he had said.
Envia un missatge a Obi- Wan... però també ens n' envia un a nosaltres, els espectadors... perquè ens mira directament a nosaltresLiterature Literature
The man’s stolid indifference bothered him more than anything else.
Àrea d ' objectes oberts de base de dadesLiterature Literature
Asexuals also differ in their feelings toward performing sex acts: some are indifferent and may have sex for the benefit of a romantic partner; others are more strongly averse to the idea, though they do not typically dislike people for having sex.
jurídic de les administracions públiques i del procedimentWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Antonin received this homage with the indifference of satiety, and without the slightest emotion.
La meitat inferior de la caixa de diàleg us permet designar paraules específiques (poden correspondre a terminologia especialitzada, noms propis, & etc;) quehaurien de ser ignorades pel programa de correcció ortogràficaLiterature Literature
“She’s a strange woman, apparently indifferent to everything that surrounds her.
Estàs rientLiterature Literature
Such indifference to the misfortunes of the nation had something petty and bourgeois about it.
Monitor Gamma Aquesta és una eina per a canviar la correcció gamma del monitor. Empreu els quatre cursors per a definir la correcció gamma, bé com un únic valor, o bé per separat en els components vermell, verd i blau. Potser us caldrà corregir els paràmetres de brillantor i contrast del monitor per a obtenir bons resultats. Les imatges de prova us ajudaran a trobar els paràmetres apropiats. Podeu desar-los per a tot el sistema al XF#Config (cal l' accés a root per això) o al vostres propis paràmetres de KDE. En sistemes multimonitor podeu corregir els valors gamma de cada pantalla per separatLiterature Literature
This indifference bothered Lucy very much.
Bitàcola de connexió per a %WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He watched with his usual indifference as we lugged the old bed out and the new bed in.
d ' aplicació de la nova ordenació del sistema educatiu aLiterature Literature
His indifference began to make me nervous.
Atès el que disposen els articles 103 i concordants de la LleiLiterature Literature
When I think that Napoleon is at Saint-Helena, everything on earth is a matter of indifference to me.
AmortitzacióLiterature Literature
as the complete indifference of other people.
amb el calendari d ' aplicació de la nova ordenació del sistemaLiterature Literature
Since the product being sold is a commodity, the point of indifference to buying is given by p1+cx=p2+cy.
Modificació puntual de les Normes subsidiàries de planejament deWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the innocence of children there's some power that repels the Specters of Indifference.
interessats podem interposar recurs ordinari , davant el Comissionat per aLiterature Literature
This indifference must be broken up at any cost.
Escala de magnitudLiterature Literature
He stammered something about indifference to wealth, but I brushed all that aside.
Ah, Sr TouristLiterature Literature
“If you had said in an indifferent voice, 'Oh, quite nice,' eh bien, do you know I should have been better pleased.”
Cerca en la seva casa contaminants, escombraries, medicamentsLiterature Literature
"At this hour of night, his life seemed so remote to him, he was so solitary and indifferent to everything and to himself as well, that Mersault felt he had at last attained what he was seeking, that the peace which filled him now was born of that patient self-abandonment he had pursued and achieved with the help of this warm world so willing to deny him without anger."
Doncs no se' n parli mésWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Many readers consider the worlds of China Miéville and other weird fiction writers to be heterotopias insofar as they are worlds of radical difference transparent or of indifference to their inhabitants.
usar taules de dades de & kwordWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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