inside oor Katalaans


/`ɪn`saɪd/ adjektief, naamwoord, bywoord, pre / adposition
The interior or inner part.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans


bywoord, pre / adposition
within the interior of something, closest to the center or to a specific point of reference
You never told me there were seven people inside.
Mai vas dir que hi havia set persones dins.


interior or inner part
I know that part inside of you with no name.
Conec la part del teu interior que no té nom.



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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans

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inside rearview mirror
inside out
al revés · del revés
inside and out
per dins i per fora
Wearing the Inside Out
Wearing the Inside Out
The Sea Inside
Mar adentro
inside mirror
inside track
apadrinament · recomanació
from the inside
des de dins


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“I couldn’t sleep, so I came inside.
—Com que no podia dormir, he entrat.Literature Literature
The War It was Charlotte who had the inside scoop on why everyone was dissing me.
La guerra La font ben informada que em va explicar per què tothom passava de mi va ser la Charlotte.Literature Literature
When Astrid gets out the heat hits her like a hammer, but anything’s better than sitting inside.
La calor l’estaborneix com un martell, però qualsevol cosa és millor que continuar asseguda.Literature Literature
Reid, he's inside.
Reid, està dins.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It looks peaceful from a distance, and inside those walls, it probably is peaceful.
De lluny se’l veu un lloc de pau, i segurament dins aquelles quatre parets tot deu ser tranquil.Literature Literature
Inside was a .38 Smith & Wesson, practically an antique.
A dins hi havia un Smith & Wesson de calibre 38, una antigalla.Literature Literature
And this is the other one -- that you just take a straw, and you just put a stick inside and you make two half- cuts.
I aquesta és una altra, agafes una canya, li poses un pal a dintre, hi fas dos talls.QED QED
Everyone on the roof, except for the soldiers manning the machine guns, begin to make their way inside.
Tothom al terrat, tret de la dotació de soldats que fan anar les metralladores, comença a fer via cap a l'interior.Literature Literature
I lifted the crust with my spoon and looked inside.
Vaig aixecar-ne la crosta amb la cullera i vaig mirar a dintre.Literature Literature
The line integral around a closed path of a function that is holomorphic everywhere inside the area bounded by the closed path is always zero, which is what the Cauchy integral theorem states.
La integral al voltant d'un camí tancat d'una funció que és holomorfa en tots els punts dins de l'àrea envoltada pel camí tancat és sempre zero; aquest és el teorema de Cauchy.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
It had been so long in forming inside me, this precious image, that I too was as unprepared as she had been.
Havia trigat tant de temps a formar-se dintre meu, aquesta preciosa imatge, que a mi em va sobtar tant com a ella.Literature Literature
He goes inside and savours the smell he misses elsewhere, even though he doesn’t notice it at home.
Entra, assaboreix l’olor que normalment trobes a faltar en altres llocs, tot i que a casa ni l’aprecies.Literature Literature
A tremendous and almost unbearable excitement started boiling up inside him, and it was not easy for him to hide it.
Una excitació tremenda i gairebé insuportable va començar a bullir-li dins, i no li era fàcil amagar-la.Literature Literature
Finally, with considerable cunning, I decided to put it inside the springing of the sofa.
Finalment, després de rumiar molt, vaig decidir ficar-lo entre les molles del sofà.Literature Literature
Her voice sounded strange, as though it were coming from inside a cave, or the hollowed-out trunk of a tree.
Tenia una veu molt estranya, com si sortís de l'interior d'una gruta o del tronc buit d'un arbre.Literature Literature
The scaled woman's tongue was back inside my mouth now, going deeper.
La llengua de la dona de les escates tornava a ser dintre la meva boca ara, enfonsant-se més.Literature Literature
Inside, the gallery was a long white rectangle set into another brick building.
La galeria era un rectangle de color blanc situat a dins d’un altre edifici d’obra vista.Literature Literature
On the inside the walls protected her.
A dintre, els murs la protegien.Literature Literature
She was sent to Gijon with orders to help the rebel troops who were under siege there, inside the garrison of Simancas.
Va ser enviat a Gijón amb l'ordre d'ajudar les tropes insurrectes que allí eren sota setge, a la guarnició de Simancas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The fourth pair of legs is smaller with tweezer-like chelae at the end, allowing young coconut crabs to grip the inside of a shell or coconut husk to carry for protection; adults use this pair for walking and climbing.
El quart parell de potes és més petit, amb unes pinces a la punta que permeten als crancs joves arrapar-se a l'interior d'una closca de mol·lusc o de coco per protegir-se; els adults les utilitzen per caminar i per grimpar.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
During this time span, Meidani published a number of studies, books and articles inside and outside of Albania.
Durant aquest lapse de temps, Meidani va publicar una sèrie d'estudis, llibres i articles científics, dins i fora d'Albània.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Maria was afraid, and so they went inside to the bedroom.
Maria va tenir por i van entrar a l’alcova.Literature Literature
“The Yunkai’i have many friends inside the city.
Els yunkai’i tenen molts amics dins la ciutat.Literature Literature
You ask of any given object, “Is this inside or outside?”
Ens preguntem de qualsevol objecte: està a dins o a fora?Literature Literature
"""I want it done inside of twenty minutes,"" added Harriman."
—Vull que estigui fet d’aquí a vint minuts —va afegir en Harriman—.Literature Literature
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