juggle oor Katalaans


/ˈdʒʌɡəl/ werkwoord, naamwoord
To manipulate objects, such as balls, clubs, beanbags, rings, etc. in an artful or artistic manner. Juggling may also include assorted other circus skills such as the diabolo, devil sticks, hat, and cigar box manipulation as well.

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And to give you enough time to juggle all five, you must throw them very high.
Mira, per què no anem al cinema, en lloc del jardí de flors?No savia cap altra manera d' alliberar- lo, Sr SpockLiterature Literature
At home, one of her siblings was in the back yard doing something like juggling with screwdrivers of different sizes.
El meu diàlegLiterature Literature
The juggling explains the three glasses, which Todhunter was teaching himself to throw up and catch in rotation.
Casimira de la Cruz Duce , que va morir aLiterature Literature
By the end of a week Barber was teaching him how to juggle both the red and the blue from the same hand.
el que disposa aquest Acord i el trametrà per a la sevaLiterature Literature
The chief Indian laid his hand humbly on his breast, and said a second time that the juggling was over.
Bé, Rebecca, sé que podràs sentir- te claustrofòbica...... però necessites romandre quietaLiterature Literature
“Can I not juggle four balls?”
Mostra l' exposició de la càmera i la sensibilitatLiterature Literature
“It must be hard,” I said, “to juggle so many faces, so many lies.
Quan he vist que no hi havia cap senyora Manville a l' hotel... hi he escrit " destinatari desconegut " i l' he retornatLiterature Literature
Julia was juggling two steaming bowls of pasta and had an enormous pepper mill tucked beneath her arm.
Carpeta inicialLiterature Literature
In the French legend, however, a juggler juggles before the statue of the Virgin Mary, and the statue, according to which version of the legend one reads, either smiles at him or throws him a rose (or both, as in the 1984 television film, The Juggler of Notre Dame).
TadjikNameWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Yet he couldn’t forbear to ask a personal request: Please, Mam, help me to juggle five balls.
No ho sé, estic buscant un metgeLiterature Literature
Soon I was doing the mental equivalent of palming cards and juggling knives.
Legal US (petitLiterature Literature
Between 1917 and 1924, Alcock, with Charles Harford Lloyd, juggled the post of Director of the Madrigal Society, to assist the ageing Sir Frederick Bridge, who had been appointed to the role in 1888.
La guia de usuari no pretén substituir als manuals de les aplicacions. Hauríeu de recórrer als manuals per obtenir ajuda al configurar un determinat programa i poder respondre a les preguntes no cobertes en aquest llibre. Si la resposta està fora de l' abast d' aquest llibre, li indicarem a on preciseu anar per obtenir més ajudaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They both began to juggle two balls.
Generalitat-mossos d ' esquadra ( oficina de denúncies ) , el qual figuraLiterature Literature
The snowman wakes and begins juggling with the snow.
El mode IDEAl és el mode MDI per defecte, i us pot ser familiar d' altres aplicacions del & kde;. En aquest mode, es mostra una única finestra filla maximitzada cada cop a la finestra principal del & kexi;. Una barra de pestanyes, que té una pestanya per a cada finestra filla, permet de visualitzar altres finestres filles simplement clicant a la pestanya corresponentWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The professor began to juggle gravely with the terms pure science and applied science.
Sap que ara és dolent, i que no hi pot fer resLiterature Literature
That night at their campfire Charbonneau kept urging him to juggle, but he refused.
I què passa si m' obre per la meitat per examinar- me?Literature Literature
They worked on team juggling, which he enjoyed from the start and quickly came to perform exceedingly well.
l ' empresa ENHER , SA .Literature Literature
This was not simply a preference but, particularly at the beginning of his career, a practical consideration as he juggled writing with work.
Respecto molt les vostres aptitudsWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
King Olaf Tryggvason was hailed as a master of both mountain climbing and oar-jumping, and was said to have excelled in the art of knife juggling as well.
Qui serà el primer?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As a final extension, since 0.999... = 1 (in the reals) and ...999 = −1 (in the 10-adics), then by "blind faith and unabashed juggling of symbols" one may add the two equations and arrive at ...999.999... = 0.
Imprimeix la geometriaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
And these are exactly the systems required to juggle the different data in our head.
Per a més informació mireu la documentació en les fonts. La trobareu en $ KDEDIR/include/thumbcreator. h o en la carpeta font kdebase/kioslave/thumbnailLiterature Literature
From the start, juggling five balls felt wrong.
( Federació d ' Ensenyament ) , contra les resolucions expressades en elLiterature Literature
He juggled a red ball and a yellow ball.
¿ No te la amaneixes?Literature Literature
My lovely Billy had never seen the world he tried to juggle in his fingers.
Minimitza el nombre de passos en signar correus, usa els valors predeterminats, excepte que es detectin problemesLiterature Literature
Wat began his entertainment in the same manner as Barber, with juggling.
¿ Em compraràs un gelat?Literature Literature
90 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.