kilometer per second oor Katalaans

kilometer per second

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In many binary stars, the orbital motion usually causes radial velocity variations of several kilometers per second (km/s).
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In this region, the particle flux is reduced, with typical proton velocities of 250 to 450 kilometers per second.
Domicili : plaça de la Pau , 4 , la Torre de l ' Espanyol , comarca deWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"Hypervelocity" refers to velocities in the range from a few kilometers per second to some tens of kilometers per second.
Quan comptin enrere fins a zero els tres astronautes s' enlairaran amb I' Apolo # des d' AmèricaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
These narrow streams are traveling at hundreds of kilometers per second, and become shocks when they encounter relatively stationary gases.
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One star, designated S2, was calculated to orbit Sgr A* at speeds of over 5,000 kilometers per second at its closest approach.
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26 April 1998 06:52 PDT – Gravity-assisted flyby of Venus at 284 km, receiving a boost in speed of about 7 kilometers per second.
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It is made of several dust and gas clouds, which orbit and fall onto Sagittarius A* at velocities as high as 1,000 kilometers per second.
Educació primària : 12 unitats amb capacitat per a 300 ll ocsWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
At these times, a typical proton density was 10 to 20 per cubic centimeter, with most protons having velocities between 400 and 650 kilometers per second.
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These stars have a much slower rotation than normal for A and B-type stars, although some exhibit rotation velocities up to about 100 kilometers per second.
El capità Sheperd ha patit la seua pròpia pèrdua avuiWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After a star passes through the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) phase, the short planetary nebula phase of stellar evolution begins as gases blow away from the central star at speeds of a few kilometers per second.
Vist que l ' agrupació que es vol dissoldre va ser constituïdaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
They are present near the hottest stars in the nebula where the stellar wind speed is estimated to be thousands of kilometers per second and in the outer parts of the nebula where the speeds are tens of kilometers per second.
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Here is another way to think about it: Consider the stars near the perimeter of a spiral galaxy, with typical observed orbital velocities of # kilometers per second. If the galaxy consisted of only the matter that we can see, these stars would very quickly fly off from the galaxy, because their orbital speeds are four times larger than the galaxy 's escape velocity. Since galaxies are not seen to be spinning apart, there must be mass in the galaxy that we are not accounting for when we add up all the parts we can see
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Inside the probe's heat shield, the scientific instruments were protected from extreme heat and pressure during its high-speed journey into the Jovian atmosphere, entering at 47.8 kilometers (29.7 mi) per second.
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The basins of those river systems cover about eight million square kilometers, discharging nearly 50,000 cubic meters of water per second into the Arctic Ocean.
Titular : Maristes , Gns .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
EDT), the spacecraft began a critical 96-minute main engine burn to cut its velocity by 626 meters per second and permit a 0.02 x 9 million kilometer Saturn orbit.
Mou el mode de representació seleccionat una posició cap amuntWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Upper East Region is located in north Ghana and is the second smallest of 10 administrative regions in Ghana, occupying a total land surface of 8,842 square kilometers or 2.7 per cent of the total land area of Ghana.
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