kitchen oor Katalaans


/ˈkɪtʃən/, /ˈkɪtʃɪn/ naamwoord
A room or area for preparing food.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans


My apartment has a living room, a bedroom, a kitchen and a bathroom.
El meu apartament té una sala d'estar, un dormitori, una cuina i un bany.

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Horatio Herbert Kitchener
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kitchen appliance
electrodomèstic de cuina
Herbert Kitchener
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First Earl Kitchener of Khartoum
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kitchen equipment
aparells de cuina · electrodomèstics
Kitchener's Island
Illa Kitchener
kitchen utensil
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Hell's Kitchen
Hell’s Kitchen
kitchen sage


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Her curtain of hair falls as she leans out, looking down toward the kitchen.
La cortina de cabells de la Codi li cau en guaitar per la porta, mirant cap a la cuina.Literature Literature
They crawl off into the kitchen and Troy gets his finger caught in the heat vent.
Tots dos s’escapen i gategen fins a la cuina, i en Troy s’enganxa un dit al ventilador d’aire calent.Literature Literature
Ivy takes the dishes into the kitchen then comes back and curls up with her head in my lap.
L’Ivy porta els plats a la cuina i després torna i s’arrauleix amb el cap a la meva falda.Literature Literature
The only light in the kitchen was the faded gray that came in through the window covered with raindrops.
No hi havia més llum a la cuina que el gris esmorteït que entrava pel vidre de la finestra cobert de gotes de pluja.Literature Literature
The little boy, grown quite fearless, haunts the kitchen, begging sugar from the maids.
El nen, que s'ha tornat força valent, volta sovint per la cuina pidolant sucre a les cambreres.Literature Literature
The kitchen grew dark, but neither of us got up to turn on the lights.
La cuina es va enfosquir, però cap de les dues no es va aixecar per encendre els llums.Literature Literature
I and that Kenneth guy stayed in the kitchen.
Jo i aquest Kenneth ens vàrem quedar a la cuina.Literature Literature
Then at six o’clock she heard Bill go to the kitchen and fix his breakfast.
Després, a les sis del matí, va sentir que Bill entrava a la cuina a fer-se l’esmorzar.Literature Literature
Remembering his request, I had procured some chickpeas the day before in the kitchen, and I offered them to him.
Recordant la seva comanda, el dia abans jo havia agafat cigrons de la cuina, i li’n vaig oferir.Literature Literature
‘Breakfast is served in five minutes,’ said Mellberg as he went out to the kitchen whistling.
—L'esmorzar estarà servit d'aquí a cinc minuts —va dir en Mellberg mentre anava xiulant cap a la cuina.Literature Literature
When they reached the kitchen, Martin realized that the hotel owners might not know what had happened.
Quan van entrar a la cuina, en Martin es va adonar que els propietaris encara no sabien el que havia succeït.Literature Literature
Scott’s making coffee in the kitchen.
L’Scott és a la cuina fent cafè.Literature Literature
I didn’t say anything until I had finished sweeping the living-room and kitchen, opening all the windows and doors.
No vaig dir res fins que no vaig haver acabat d’escombrar l’escala i la cuina i obert totes les portes i les finestres.Literature Literature
Fräulein Benjamenta has spoken a few words with me, in the kitchen.
La senyoreta Benjamenta ha conversat una mica amb mi a la cuina.Literature Literature
You mean I can keep my kitchen?
Vol dir que em cedirà la cuina?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But when Eddie went downstairs to the telephone in the kitchen, he glanced at the kitchen clock.
Però quan Eddie va baixar a la cuina per telefonar, va donar un cop d’ull al rellotge de paret.Literature Literature
I went into the kitchen to wash the dishes, and she slept on through the whole racket, snoring like a baby.
Vaig entrar a la cuina per rentar els plats, i ella va continuar dormint malgrat el soroll, roncant com una criatura.Literature Literature
They sat round in the kitchen drinking his health and loudly praising him.
Van seure a la cuina i van beure a la seva salut i el van lloar en veu alta.Literature Literature
So far the only messages from her have been pictures of the amazing things she whips up in the kitchen.
De moment els únics missatges que m’envia són fotos de les coses al·lucinants que fa a la cuina.Literature Literature
She watched Oswald and Sonia coming and going in the kitchen .
Veia com l’Osvaldo i la Sonia anaven i venien de la cuina.Literature Literature
The percolator had fallen silent, and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the kitchen.
La cafetera va deixar de fer soroll i l'aroma del cafè acabat de fer va omplir la cuina.Literature Literature
Charlie, alone in the kitchen early in the morning.
En Charlie, sol a la cuina de bon matí.Literature Literature
Lila observed him from the kitchen, from there she could see him and his friend framed by the door to the stairs.
La Lila l’observava des de la cuina, des d’on el controlava a ell i al seu amiguet enquadrats per la porta de l’escala.Literature Literature
'He come down in the kitchen two-three weeks ago with a few shirts he wanted me to rinch out for him.
Fa dues o tres setmanes va baixar a la cuina amb unes camises que volia que li rentés.Literature Literature
Bittori got up to go to the kitchen for the paella.
La Bittori es va aixecar per anar a la cuina a buscar la paella.Literature Literature
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