kitchen table oor Katalaans

kitchen table

a table in the kitchen

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They found Cob at the kitchen table stuffing grits and eggs into his mouth.
Com està vostè?Literature Literature
I put on the kitchen table the letters I had written and I left.
Drecera de teclatLiterature Literature
Daphne prepared tea while Fleurette sat comfortably at the kitchen table.
Que el bombinLiterature Literature
She waited until she got home to inspect the other pictures, spreading them out on her kitchen table.
efectes a partir de la fi del curs 199 6-97 .Literature Literature
‘How many times is I got to tell you to take them big feets off the kitchen table!’
d ' altresd ' iguals o similars característiques a partir del gener deLiterature Literature
We went inside where he sat at the kitchen table, pulling papers from his portfolio.
Quan es va tancar la porta, em vaig sentir l’ última persona de la TerraLiterature Literature
Harry was sitting at the kitchen table when she returned.
Sempre el mateix somniLiterature Literature
He looked around him, bent down to look under the kitchen table, then stood.
incorpori les prescripcionssegüents :Literature Literature
‘Well, I was in a hurry,’ she said, glancing at his laptop, open on the kitchen table.
No sabia que la sang era tan llefiscosaLiterature Literature
At the kitchen table sat a woman in her sixties.
específiques del seu alumnat .Literature Literature
The bad boyfriend had been strangled while sitting at the kitchen table.
Són de plena aplicació al personal comprès dintre de l ’ àmbit d ’ aquest Conveni , les normes contingudes en la legislació vigent sobre incompatibilitats del personal .Literature Literature
"""In that case,"" Richard said, ""the key is on the kitchen table."""
CONFLICTE positiu de competència número 19 53 / 88 , plantejat pel Consell Executiu de la Generalitat de Catalunya en relació amb el Reial decret 833 / 1988 , de 20 de juliol .Literature Literature
she says, looking at me, then toward the kitchen table.
Què és això d' un pilot?Literature Literature
“This is nice,” Grandmam said when they all sat around the old kitchen table.
Vist que l ' agrupació que es vol dissoldre va ser constituïdaLiterature Literature
We papered her kitchen table with letters in progress.
Ara que hi penso, hi ha un exercici que t' aniria béLiterature Literature
That evening he sat at his kitchen table and made detailed financial calculations.
delegació territorial del Departament d ' Ensenyament pel titular delLiterature Literature
He tried wiring up the tape recorder on the kitchen table but the flex was too short.
Selecciona tots els caràcters des del començament de la secció fins al començament de la líniaLiterature Literature
A good debating point had always been relished around his kitchen table.
acorda :Literature Literature
The old geological map was on the kitchen table.
Només volia veure si es tira cap d' aquestes coses del nadó CAGÓN com quan érem petits, ja sapsLiterature Literature
I made a drink and sat at the kitchen table to listen.
És clar, Srta.PrismLiterature Literature
At your desks and kitchen tables.
No s' han trobat adjunts a desarLiterature Literature
Patrik sat there at the kitchen table, feeling like an idiot.
Arranja el marge inferior de la pàgina d' informeLiterature Literature
From the kitchen table, well, in this case the dining table, you can look out at the river.”
¿ On està Ruby?Literature Literature
Spread out on the kitchen table, it could be the parts of a school or a church.
Llívia .Literature Literature
While they puttered around the kitchen, Helen sat with Leonard McDunn at the kitchen table.
RESOLUCIÓ de 31 de juliol de 1998 , per la qual es dóna publicitat a l ' Acord del Govern de 30 de juliol de 1998 , de declaració d ' urgent ocupació per l ' Ajuntament d ' Igualada de béns i drets afectats per a l ' execució d ' obres del carrer del Rec .Literature Literature
568 sinne gevind in 24 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.