latent oor Katalaans


/ˈleɪ.tənt/ adjektief, naamwoord
Existing or present but concealed or inactive.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans


The biometric lock was bypassed using a dimensional latent clone and high-end vocal replication generator.
El pany biomètric va ser saltat fent servir un clon latent dimensional i un generador de replicació de veu d'alta gamma.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

latent heat
calor latent
latent variable
variable latent
latent period
latència · temps de resposta
latent heat
calor latent


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
‘Drugs will only emphasise or weaken latent tendencies.
D' acord, llavors potser Una mica de malLiterature Literature
Chomsky asserts that this focus on innate and psychological doctrine as a precursor to experience and knowledge is typical of Cartesian linguistics, along with the requisite of an external stimulus for activation of the doctrine's latent function.
sense assumpteWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The man was young, the woman deeply stirred; in both a vein of coarseness was latent.
Canvia la política JavaLiterature Literature
Condensation releases latent heat which must be dissipated in order for water collection to continue.
Condicions econòmiques - Règim retributiuWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
She could not see the surge of images latent, waiting for the name to release them.
Quina és la situació, capità?Literature Literature
She would only point out the salvation that was latent in his own soul, and in the soul of every man.
haurà de comptar amb l ' informe de la Junta d ' Aigües sobre laLiterature Literature
Scholars in this intellectual camp point to the fact that even chimpanzees and bonobos have latent symbolic capacities that they rarely—if ever—use in the wild.
publicació al DOGC , de conformitat al que preveuen l ' article 110.3 de laWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
An analysis of source code efficiency and scalability provides a clear picture of the latent business risks and the harm they can cause to customer satisfaction due to response-time degradation.
RESOLUCIÓ d ' 1 de desembre de 1998 , per la qual es disposa el compliment de la Sentència núm .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
What latent power exists even in the tiny atom?
Introduïu un identificadorjw2019 jw2019
If he factored it himself, some latent principles could be affecting your system.
Per a amagar les guies, seleccioneu Vista Línies guia, això canvia la visibilitatLiterature Literature
Vector space model Generalized vector space model (Enhanced) Topic-based Vector Space Model Extended Boolean model Latent semantic indexing a.k.a. latent semantic analysis Probabilistic models treat the process of document retrieval as a probabilistic inference.
Igualment , les persones interessades poden interposar qualsevol altre recurs que considerin convenient per a la defensa del seus interessos .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Rowson also notes that Black's chances increase markedly by playing good openings, which tend to be those with flexibility and latent potential, "rather than those that give White fixed targets or that try to take the initiative prematurely."
Rebot circularWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I suppose that to accuse yourself of bad taste implies the latent presence of some sort of good taste.
Exporta com aLiterature Literature
I’m aware that some critics would take this to be an admission of latent homosexuality.
Papa, posa el pastís al fornLiterature Literature
He was also aware of the latent political power of the poor black majority and their resentment against the tiny mulatto (black and white mixed-race) elite.
Còpia de seguretat en procésWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
So far, this social success latent in the Verdurins was revealed by two facts only.
Ara, mare, un cos té dret a les seves sensacionsLiterature Literature
Some drugs, including rheumatoid arthritis drugs that work by blocking tumor necrosis factor-alpha (an inflammation-causingcytokine), raise the risk of activating a latent infection due to the importance of this cytokine in the immune defense against TB.
Llei orgànica 8 / 1985 , de 3 de juliol , regulad ora del dret aWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Because if it’s sitting in there, the sweat that forms the latents is reacting with the brass.
Fes- ho, dispara- liLiterature Literature
For instance, sensible and latent heat are lost directly to the tropical cyclone across the air-sea interface.
Açò només es posarà pitjor per tuWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Cells in which the virus is latent and inactive show few signs of infection and often function normally.
Demà serà, llavorsWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The energy released upon freezing is a latent heat, and is known as the enthalpy of fusion and is exactly the same as the energy required to melt the same amount of the solid.
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However, unlike a vaccination against disease which must only produce a latent immunity that can be roused in case of infection in order to neutralize a sudden and large dose of venom requires maintaining a high level of circulating antibody (a hyperimmunized state), through repeated venom injections (typically every 21 days).
Barcelona , en els termes que s ' especifiquen a l ' annex d ' aquestaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
had never stopped living, had maintained, during all those years of study, a latent and deceitful life.
Si us plau, pensa en els nostres fillsLiterature Literature
I have a life without latent content.
setanta-sis metres trenta-cinc decímetres quadrats .Literature Literature
With regard to hurricanes, it was hypothesized that by seeding the area around the eyewall with silver iodide, latent heat would be released.
l ' Agrupació de Defensa Vegetal Baix Mon de Bítem reuneix elsWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
124 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.