latent heat oor Katalaans

latent heat

(physics) the heat that is released or absorbed accompanying a change of state or of phase

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calor latent

heat that is released or absorbed accompanying a change of state or of phase
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Condensation releases latent heat which must be dissipated in order for water collection to continue.
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For instance, sensible and latent heat are lost directly to the tropical cyclone across the air-sea interface.
Assessora , el Govern , en data 30 de juliol de 1998 , adopta l ' acordWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
1758 Joseph Black formulates the concept of latent heat to explain the thermochemistry of phase changes.
Contra l ’ acord anterior , que exhaureix la via administrativa , es pot interposar , amb la comunicació prèvia al conseller de Política Territorial i Obres Públiques , recurs contenciós administratiu davant la Sala Contenciosa Administrativa del Tribunal Superior de Justícia de Catalunya , en el termini màxim de dos mesos a comptar des del dia de la publicació d ’ aquest Edicte al Diari Oficial de la Generalitat de Catalunya , sens perjudici que es pugui interposar qualsevol altre recurs que s ’ estimi procedent .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Stefan number (St or Ste) is defined as the ratio of sensible heat to latent heat.
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The thermal energy required for a phase transition is called latent heat.
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According to the revised theory, by seeding the towers, latent heat would be released.
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This erosion shield would be made from beryllium due to its lightness and high latent heat of vaporisation.
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Latent heat polynyas are regions of high ice production and therefore are possible sites of dense water production in both polar regions.
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With regard to hurricanes, it was hypothesized that by seeding the area around the eyewall with silver iodide, latent heat would be released.
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In a second compressor stage, the water is completely converted to a gas form, offering some intercooling via its latent heat of vaporization.
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The most important properties are the surface reflectance (albedo), the ability to transfer heat (thermal diffusivity), and the ability to change state (latent heat).
La selecció de personal laboral temporal i eventual es realitzarà d ’ acord amb els c riteris objectius atenent les circumstàncies personals , professionals i la idoneïtat en relació amb el lloc de treball a proveir .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The energy released upon freezing is a latent heat, and is known as the enthalpy of fusion and is exactly the same as the energy required to melt the same amount of the solid.
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Also, they invigorate precipitation in mix-phase clouds because once the suppressed smaller cloud droplets are lifted above freezing level, more latent heat content would be released due to the freezing of cloud drops.
RESOLUCIÓ de 23 de juny de 1998 , per la qual es fa públic l ' Acord del Govern de 9 de juny de 1998 , sobre declaració d ' urgent ocupació dels béns i els drets afectats pel projecte constructiu dels col · lectors en alta del municipi de Bigues i Riells .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The fundamental concepts of heat capacity and latent heat, which were necessary for the development of thermodynamics, were developed by Professor Joseph Black at the University of Glasgow, where James Watt was employed as an instrument maker.
Tots els estils de marc definits actualment són llistats en la llista de l' esquerra. L' estil de marc actualment seleccionat està ressaltat, i el nom de l' estil de marc actualment seleccionat serà llistat en la caixa de text anomenada Nom. (En aquest exemple, l' estil de marc actualment seleccionat és Gris clarWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
While snow and ice act to insulate the surface from large energy losses in winter, they also act to retard warming in the spring and summer because of the large amount of energy required to melt ice (the latent heat of fusion, 3.34 x 105 J/kg at 0 °C).
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