long oor Katalaans


/lɑŋ/, /lɒŋ/, /lɔŋ/ adjektief, werkwoord, naamwoord, bywoord
Having much distance from one terminating point on an object or an area to another terminating point (usually applies to horizontal dimensions; see Usage Notes below).

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans


There is a long path from desire to realization.
Entre el desig i la realització s'estenia un llarg camí.


to wait, to aspire


having great duration

En 16 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

llunyà · sospirar · aspirar · molt de temps · desitjar · de durada · de llarg · anhelar · doldre · extens · excedent · sobrant · sobrer · consumir-se · posició llarga · saber greu

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


A surname. Originally a nickname for a tall man.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans

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Soortgelyke frases

long-finned sand diver
Limnichthys polyactis
Long Beach
Long Beach
long distance kick
tir de llarga distància
long-tailed shrew
musaranya cuallarga
in the long run
a la llarga · a llarg termini
long pepper
bitxo · coralet · pebre de banyeta · pebre de cirereta · pebrot coent · vitet
common long-eared bat
ratpenat orellut septentrional
Southeast Asian Long-Fingered Bat
Ratpenat de dits llargs de les Ryukyu


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And no less on Capodistria from whom he had just received a long letter.
I també en Capodistria, del qual acabava de rebre una extensa lletra.Literature Literature
I said long ago, you get you a signature and sign everything you do and keep a copy of it.
Fa molt de temps em vaig dir, tu fes una bona signatura, i firma tot el que facis i queda-te’n una còpia.Literature Literature
For a long time the water would have the bitter taste of blood.
Durant molt de temps l’aigua tindria el gust salobre de la sang.Literature Literature
Black people’s lives are affected even by events in Moscow and Peking, in the long term.
En darrer terme als negres els afecten fins i tot els esdeveniments a Moscou i Pequín.Literature Literature
By now she'd be getting a bit long in the tooth, I suppose.
Ara ja deu ser una mica massa grandeta, suposo.Literature Literature
Jerusalem has long been embedded into Jewish religious consciousness.
Durant molt de temps Jerusalem ha estat marcada per la consciència religiosa jueva.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The general has been after for this for a long time.
La General ha estat rere d'això des de fa molt de temps.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You haven't known him in a long time, Diggle.
Fa molt que no en saps res, Diggle.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In Europe people don’t understand our long American engagements; I suppose they are not as calm as we are.""
A Europa la gent no entén els llargs festeigs dels americans; suposo que no són tan tranquils com nosaltres.Literature Literature
The IDF also struck against 20 Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip, including underground rocket launchers and an ammunition warehouse stocking Iranian-made, long-range Fajr-5 missiles.
Aquesta acció va ser seguida per atacs israelians contra 20 objectius de Hamas a la Franja de Gaza, en què s'incloïen llançacoets subterranis i un magatzem de municions i míssils Fajr-5 de llarg abast de fabricació iraniana.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The original cut was about 70 minutes long, but due to a film lab fire, only 36 minutes of the film still exist.
La durada original del film era d'uns 70 minuts, però a causa d'un incendi es va destruir gran part del material, quedant-ne sols 36 minuts.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Yeah, and it didn't take you long to drop the " I hooked up in business school " bomb.
Sí, i no has trigat gaire a deixar caure la bomba " Vaig tirar-me-la a l'escola ".OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She threw her head back slightly to laugh, revealing a long, attractive throat.
Va tirar una mica el cap enrere per riure i en Ricky li va veure el coll llarg i atractiu.Literature Literature
It had been so long in forming inside me, this precious image, that I too was as unprepared as she had been.
Havia trigat tant de temps a formar-se dintre meu, aquesta preciosa imatge, que a mi em va sobtar tant com a ella.Literature Literature
He had long since finished his coffee; it was four a.m. and there wasn't a single Viennese Actionist in the house.
Feia estona que s'havia acabat el cafè, eren les quatre de la matinada i no hi havia cap accionista vienès a la sala.Literature Literature
How long does your lawyer think it will take, Uncle George?”
Quant creu que durarà tot això l’advocat, oncle George?Literature Literature
I shall be a long way away from here when daylight comes.
Jo seré molt lluny d'aquí quan surti el sol.Literature Literature
But Hagen knew it wouldn’t burn for long if results were not forthcoming.
Tot i això, en Hagen sabia que, si no aconseguien resultats aviat, el foc no trigaria a tornar-se a apagar.Literature Literature
How long do you expect to stay there?”
Quant de temps pensa quedar-s’hi?Literature Literature
The fingers were hideously long.
Els dits eren estranyament llargs.Literature Literature
Then she went on to tell him that her head was in the right place for the first time in a long time.
Després es va posar a explicar-li que tenia el cap al lloc exacte per primera vegada des de feia molt temps.Literature Literature
Tell them that you saw the true king, and that they are welcome in his realm, so long as they keep his peace.
Digueu-los que heu vist l’autèntic rei i que seran benvinguts al seu reialme sempre que preservin la pau.Literature Literature
As long as no Grievers suddenly show up, we'll be good.""
Mentre no apareguin Grius de cop i volta, no ens passarà res.Literature Literature
Inside, the gallery was a long white rectangle set into another brick building.
La galeria era un rectangle de color blanc situat a dins d’un altre edifici d’obra vista.Literature Literature
However, if the long shot is your only shot, then you have to take it.
Tot i això, si la possibilitat mínima és l’única possibilitat, llavors no hi ha més remei que aferrar-s’hi.Literature Literature
210 sinne gevind in 30 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.