long corner oor Katalaans

long corner

A free hit taken from by the opposing team's corner flag, after the defending team has hit the ball behind the back line.

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That and the dark eyes, reduced to triangles with a comma of long lashes at the corners.
Bons-vt .Literature Literature
Racagnal sat at a long table in the corner, near the windows.
amb el calendari d ' aplicació de la nova ordenació del sistemaLiterature Literature
Simmon steered me to the back corner of the long room.
Aquí és on solíem tenir l' arbre de Nadal, quan jo era un nenLiterature Literature
I foresaw a day, just around the corner, when my longing for him would cease to torment me.
Tothom fora! ràpidament!Literature Literature
The whispered voice seemed to come from one corner of the long saloon building.
Inverteix verticalmentLiterature Literature
In the other corner is a long white bundle.
Nivell de plegat automàticLiterature Literature
They spoke together quietly in a corner for a long while, and then Morten turned to Matt and me.
Contacte negatiuLiterature Literature
He went directly to the long clothes rack in the corner and put his books on the shelf above it.
Arribaran tarda al col· legi.Anem!Literature Literature
It took me a long time to stare down this dark corner of myself, and to ask it questions.
els números 40 i 70 ; a les parcel · les 3 , 5 i 7 del carrer Amadeuted2019 ted2019
Lifted the corner of the floorboard she’d loosened long ago.
Copiar el fitxer des de logokeywords. en_ US. xml kdeedu/kturtle/data/al directori que heu creat, i que reanomenareu logokeywords. codi. xml on codi serà el codi de país (el codi ISO de #-o #-lletresLiterature Literature
The line to get in was long, extending down the street and around the corner.
Ja saps com es tornen els nens quan no hi ha la mareLiterature Literature
The man in front of him had a long lead; he had already rounded the corner to Vahls gate, which skirted the park.
I no hi pots anar un altre cap de setmana?Literature Literature
Kells got out, said, “I won’t be long,” and went into the apartment house on the corner.
Se n' ha anat a Moundsville.- ¿ A veure el pare?Literature Literature
I smelled it in long slow deep inhalations, packing them tightly into every corner of my lungs.
L' eina Llunes de JúpiterLiterature Literature
The main circuit, normally raced in a clockwise direction, is 5.543 kilometres (3.444 mi) long, and is noted for its sweeping corners and wide straights.
Estableix l' estil actual a veureWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Eva said, ‘I haven’t used my brain for so long, the poor thing is huddled in a corner, waiting to be fed.’
I jo m' he quedat de capitøLiterature Literature
Lifted the corner of the f loorboard she’d lo osened long ago.
El secretari de justíciaLiterature Literature
At the last minute, Long remembered the social amenities and stopped off at a corner water store.
remarcables des del punt de vista local , però no en l ' àmbit delLiterature Literature
You know, the hotel is on a corner and each window looks down an immensely long, straight street.”
línia ja autoritzada a Renfe .Literature Literature
Park Lane is about 0.7 miles (1.1 km) long, and runs north from Hyde Park Corner to Marble Arch, along the eastern flank of Hyde Park.
Sí, crec que ja es horaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After long deliberation, I scraped away the gilt edge of all four corners of the two of spades.
Au, va, ara sí que fas broma.- Sí, però m' imagino que abans era més macaLiterature Literature
Looking back over the many tight corners you must have found yourself in during a long operational career?’
fonaments que s ' hi exposen , aquesta Comissió acorda :Literature Literature
And I got many a long year ahead of me before I resign myself to a corner.’
Cadenes trobadesLiterature Literature
I stand in the middle of the room for a long time, staring at the camera in the back-left corner.
Tots els contactesLiterature Literature
Of course he goes down to the corner sometimes to make a real personal call or a Long Distance.""
S' està assignat l' etiqueta a les imatges. Si us plau, espereuLiterature Literature
47 sinne gevind in 15 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.