long for oor Katalaans

long for

(transitive) To have a desire for; to yearn for; to crave for

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This distorted recollection can cause us to long for the good old days.
Aquest record distorsionat pot fer que enyorem els vells temps.





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“But really, you know,” burst out Torrismund, “what I long for is to possess, not be possessed.”
Déu sabria el què?Literature Literature
What was he longing for, when he saw that distant shore and wanted it?
No era jo...Ets tu!Literature Literature
While he longed for insider status, I sensed that he wasn’t prepared to seek it.
S' està registrantLiterature Literature
After hoping so long for this moment, I was suddenly overwhelmed by an odd feeling of nostalgia.
Els militars tornen a les seves casernesLiterature Literature
I doubt she was long for this world.
Tots els víkings són els meus enemicsOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She did not have to wait long for a train.
Construeix una recta perpendicular a través d' aquest puntLiterature Literature
The yards were small on our street, so it wouldn’t take long for them all to be searched.
EDICTE de 25 de juny de 1998 , sobre resolucions del conseller de Política Territorial i Obres Públiques referents als municipis de Saldes , Gandesa i Balsareny .Literature Literature
He discovered that, having achieved his longed-for freedom, he now had no idea how to enjoy it.
És una propietat booleana que indica si el sagnat amb espais està habilitat per al document. D' aquesta manera els nivells del document es sagnen amb espais, en cas contrari s' usaran les tabulacionsLiterature Literature
“I never thought I’d find myself actually longing for those characters from SDS.”
Pedaços i mésLiterature Literature
She will need opiates before long, for the pain.
S' esperava un especificador de classe baseOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
After a stretch of particularly bad days, he begins to long for some companionship.
Un desastre de seguretat nacionalLiterature Literature
For a moment, Liesel longed for the reappearance of Arthur Berg.
Construcció d ’ un habitatge unifamiliar aïllat , al polígon 77 , parcel · la 164 , d ’ Ampost a .Literature Literature
He was scared, and for the first time in about a decade he longed for a cigarette.
Si us cal ajuda, si us plau mireu al lloc web del & kde; per a actualitzacions, o envieu la vostra pregunta a la llista de correu de & kdeLiterature Literature
After seeing Emma again, Johan had a longing for fresh air.
de CatalunyaLiterature Literature
Volodya longed for such information to pass to his boss, Major Lemitov.
Fitxers d' àudioLiterature Literature
Suicide and Song In Afghanistan a woman’s longing for love is taboo.
El sisè sentit de Kilink mai falla, ambaixadorLiterature Literature
The sadness on the face of the thirty-odd monks perhaps reflected a longing for those happier days.
Pots passarLiterature Literature
I feel a strange pang in my chest, longing for a soul mate like Taz.
--2 Publicar aquest acord al Diari Oficial de la Generalitat deLiterature Literature
It seemed to him that the longed-for moment had arrived, Lila was about to say yes.
T' agrada molt?NoLiterature Literature
I sought there long for Thrain son of Thror after he was lost.
Doncs no se' n parli mésLiterature Literature
She was longing for somebody to come in with a tray of food and drink.
Navegar pel mar em fa sentir viuLiterature Literature
I was filled with such a longingfor the sweet taste of her lips, her softness.
d ' educació especial , en funció de les necessitatsLiterature Literature
She had longed for sex, sunlight, junk food, the smell of the sea and the buzz of bars.
Oficial de la Generalitat de Catalunya a l ' efecte de la seva executivitatLiterature Literature
I started to feel moved by his simplicity, his naive longing for happiness.
RESOLUCIÓ de 13 de juliol de 1998 , per la qual s ' atorga a l ' empresa Renfe l ' autorització administrativa per efectuar la transmissió de la titularitat de la línia de transport d ' energia elèctrica a 132 kV , d ' alimentació de la subestació Llançà , a favor de l ' empresa ENHER , SA .Literature Literature
I long for the sufferings that make me ready and willing to die.""
La meitat inferior de la caixa de diàleg us permet designar paraules específiques (poden correspondre a terminologia especialitzada, noms propis, & etc;) que haurien de ser ignorades pel programa de correcció ortogràficaLiterature Literature
7979 sinne gevind in 213 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.