master oor Katalaans


/ˈmæs.tɚ/, /ˈmɑːs.tə/, /mɑstə(r)/ adjektief, werkwoord, naamwoord
Someone who has control over something or someone.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans


naamwoord, adjektiefmanlike
expert at something
That interpreter is a master of five languages.
Aquest intèrpret és un mestre de cinc idiomes.


I will allow you to sign a contract with your former master.
Permetré que firmis un contracte amb el teu antic amo.
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A shape on a stencil that you use repeatedly to create drawings.

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naamwoord, eienaam
Prefix to a boy's name.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Katalaans

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Hamburg Masters
Masters d’Hamburg
Miami Masters
Masters de Miami
Madrid Masters
Masters de Madrid
Candidate Master
Mestre Internacional
old master
Vells Mestres
Canada Masters
Masters del Canadà
Master Peter's Puppet Show
El Retablo de Maese Pedro
master’s degree
ballet master
mestre de dansa


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"He said, ""Master, I know all of this."
Mestre —va dir—, tot això ja ho sé.Literature Literature
I have no master.
No en tinc cap de mestre.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He also has a master's degree in Leadership and Strategic Communications from Seton Hall University in New Jersey.
També té un màster en Lideratge i Comunicacions Estratègiques a la Seton Hall University a Nova Jersey.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"Just as I felt my sperm coming, I heard a voice from behind the door say: ""Are you already asleep, Master Roger?"
Just quan sentia venir l’esperma, una veu darrera la porta digué: —Ja dormiu, senyoret Roger?Literature Literature
"""You forget the best, dear master, the heavenly appearance of love."
—I encara us oblideu de lo millor, mestre estimat: de la celestial aparició de l’amor.Literature Literature
The line between hardware and software no longer exists as many software-based color correctors (e.g. Pablo , Mistika, SCRATCH, Autodesk Lustre, Nucoda Film Master and Filmlight Baselight) use multi processor workstations and a GPU (graphics processing unit) as a means of hardware acceleration.
La línia entre hardware i software s'està difuminant, ja que cada cop més programes basats en software (Pablo, SGO Mistika, Autodesk Lustre, Nucoda Film Master, Filmlight Baselight, etc.) utilitzen multiprocessadors i la GPU com a mitjà per accelerar el hardware.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
‘Tell your master that the skins are fine.
Digues-li al mestre que el cuir és bo.Literature Literature
Don't you wonder why they won't make you a Jedi master?
No t'estranya que no t'hagin volgut fer mestre jedi?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She’d deny it, and so would my master.
Ho negaria, i el meu amo també.Literature Literature
She served as master of ceremonies for a gala featuring Plácido Domingo in concert with the New Orleans Opera, conducted by Robert Lyall.
Oficia com a Mestre de Cerimònies per a un gala de Plácido Domingo en concert amb l'Òpera de Nova Orleans, conduït per Robert Lyall.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After his first steps in the chess club of Vitinia, where he was born, he was trained by the Cuban-Italian GM Lexy Ortega, who followed his career until the age of 16, when he became an International Master.
Després de les seves primeres passes al club d'escacs de Vitinia, fou entrenat pel GM italo-cubà Lexy Ortega, amb qui va treballar fins als 16 anys, quan va esdevenir Mestre Internacional.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
'Put away that bow, Master Elf!'
Deixeu estar l’arc, mestre elf!Literature Literature
My dogs aren’t afraid of getting their feet wet, but their master isn’t as hardy as they are.”
Les meves gosses no tenen por de mullar-se les potes, però el seu amo no és tan dur com elles.Literature Literature
Well, not only does a servant look to his master for food and protection but the servant needs constantly to watch his master to discern his wishes and then to carry them out.
Un servent no mira cap al seu amo únicament per rebre menjar i protecció, sinó també per saber què espera el seu amo d’ell, i actuar en conseqüència.jw2019 jw2019
In 1780 he removed to Edinburgh, where, on the death of Alexander Runciman in 1786, he was appointed director and master of the Academy of Arts.
El 1780 es va traslladar a Edimburg on, amb la mort d'Alexander Runciman el 1786, va ser nomenat director i mestre de l'Acadèmia d'Arts.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Kruskal left Antioch College to attend Harvard University, receiving bachelor's and master's degrees in mathematics in 1940 and 1941.
Kruskal va deixar Antioch College per assistir a la Universitat Harvard, rebent el grau i el mestratge en matemàtiques els anys 1940 i 1941 respectivament.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He has a master's degree in business administration.
Té un grau d'universitari en administració d'empreses.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“Yes, Master,” Eragon and Saphira said at the same time, he with his tongue and she with her thoughts.
—Sí, Mestre —van dir Eragon i Saphira alhora, ell amb la llengua i ella amb el pensament.Literature Literature
Zeppo got up and walked towards his master as far as the rope allowed.
El Zeppo es va aixecar i es va acostar a l’amo fins allà on l’hi permetia la corda.Literature Literature
Heinz is now master in the house, as he says good-humouredly.
heinz és ara el senyor de la casa, com diu de bon humor.Literature Literature
Some otherwise master-level programs were unable to win in positions where even intermediate human players can force a win.
Amb diferents programes d'alt nivell van ser incapaços de vèncer en posicions que qualsevol humà de nivell intermedi seria capaç de guanyar.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The real identity of puppet masters may or may not be known ahead of time.
La identitat real del puppet masters pot o no desvetllar-se més endavant.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
My master points out that men don't need nipples.
El meu amo diu que els homes no necessiten mugrons.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Roy earned an undergraduate degree in nursing from Mount St. Mary's College in 1963, followed by a master's degree in nursing from University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in 1966.
Mary's College en 1963, seguit per un màster en infermeria per la Universitat de Califòrnia a Los Angeles (UCLA) al 1966.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"""This Dostoyevsky is a great master of rhetoric,"" commented Toussenel."
—Aquest Dostoievski és un gran mestre de retòrica —comentava Toussenel—.Literature Literature
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