mosque oor Katalaans


/mɒskz/, /mɒsk/ naamwoord
(Islam) A place of worship for Muslims, corresponding to a church or synagogue in other religions, often having at least one minaret; a masjid.

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a place of worship for Muslims
Every time, he meets with a man who does not come to the mosque to pray.
Cada vegada, es troba amb un home que no ve a la mesquita a resar.





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He had fallen effortlessly asleep now, leaning back against the wall of the Mosque.
obligatòria amb 6 unitats de primer cicle amb capacitat per a 180 llocsLiterature Literature
The new mosque was a large, low building lacking any towers or ornamentation.
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Along with the town of Dura, Kafr al-Barik became a part of the waqf ("endowment") for the Ibrahimi Mosque (Cave of the Patriarchs) in Hebron on orders from the Ayyubid ruler of Damascus, al-Mu'azzam Isa on May 2, 1215.
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The mosque was built by the late Sheikh Isa ibn Salman Al Khalifa in 1987 and was named after Ahmed Al Fateh, the founder of Bahrain.
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On the night of 4–5 September 2011, a group of presumably Israeli settlers entered the village at 3 a.m., vandalized the village's Al-Nurayn mosque and tried to set it on fire.
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Within these cities, various Ottoman Sultans financed the construction of many works of Bosnian architecture such as the country's first library in Sarajevo, madrassas, a school of Sufi philosophy, and a clock tower (Sahat Kula), bridges such as the Stari Most, the Tsar's Mosque and the Gazi Husrev-beg's Mosque.
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However, residents of Mosul, incensed with the destruction of their cultural sites, protected the mosque by forming a human chain and forming a resistance against ISIL.
Miró , que va morir a Barcelona el dia 2 de setembre de 1991 ,WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Most mosques had their minarets destroyed, tombstones with any religious symbols were overturned, people caught wearing religious symbols (e.g. crucifixes, medallions of the Quran) could be sentenced to 10 years imprisonment, and people stopped saying words such as 'mashallah' or 'inshallah' in public for fear of punishment.
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The platform prevents damage to the mosque when the Bani River floods.
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A report for the Anne Frank Foundation and the University of Leiden, accounted for a total of 174 violent incidents between 2–30 November; it said that mosques were the target of violence 47 times, and churches 13 times.
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They circled the mosque until they came to the Perdón gate where Calle de la Cárcel began.
Useu aquesta caixa combinada per a seleccionar la família de la font que voleu que usi el text reemplaçatLiterature Literature
Thirteen residents, including at least two children were killed and 18 others wounded, some seriously, when Israeli tanks fired on a mosque and two houses at the village on April 16, 2008.
Per omissió, el nombre de línies de registre que es mantenen en l' historial està limitada a # línies. Podeu configurar dita mida en el diàleg de configuracióWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The madrassa buildings were constructed of blocks of white limestone, after the manner of most of the mosques.
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A mosque, with a white dome was built over what was traditionally the tomb of Lazaruz.
Estic segura, doctor... que tinc un problema amb la vàlvula aòrticaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Rwandans built their first mosque in 1913.
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No structures from the ancient part of the mosque remain, except the portico and minaret.
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Selimiye Külliyesi, Archnet Everything about Selimiye Mosque Pictures of Selimiye Mosque Architecture of the Selimiye Mosque Photographs of the mosque by Dick Osseman
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Since 9/11, Hamburg’s mosques had become dangerous places.
Segueix- la, fillLiterature Literature
In 2011, at the beginning of widespread Arab Spring-like protests which engulfed the country, authorities destroyed 38 Shia mosques, seen by many as a direct attack on the freedom of Shia in the country to practice their rites and rituals.
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The basic plan of the building has been adopted in the building of other mosques throughout the world.
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After his meal he made his way through the goldsmiths' market to the Umayyad Mosque.
En realitat no hi ha una llei escritaLiterature Literature
The church was converted into the Central Mosque Wembley in the late 1990s.
RESOLUCIÓ de 29 de juliol de 1998 , per la qual s ' arxiva l ' expedient de declaració com a bé cultural d ' interès nacional , en la categoria de monument històric , de l ' església de Sant Pere i la Santa Creu del Cementiri Vell , a Masquefa .WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Voice of America reported seeing a video that showed the demolition of a mosque in Saurimo.
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After the Muslims took over Damascus in 635 CE, the church was shared for seventy years, but Al-Walid I converted it to the Umayyad Mosque.
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It was further noted that it had "a beautiful spring flowing through the courtyard of the mosque".
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